Aktywna strategia finansowania warunkiem realności strategii przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach niepewności

Romuald Hanisz

Hanisz, Romuald
Aktywna strategia finansowania warunkiem realności strategii przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach niepewności
The active fi nancial strategy as a provision for enterprises plausibility of established strategy in uncertain conditions
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 76, s. 5-15


The article focuses on financial strategy of Polish enterprises. In times of general economic insecurity and more difficult access to bank credits and loans, the strategy of obtaining the funds by enterprises should be more active. It ought to be based on a bigger range of financial sources offered by Polish and international finance markets. The emission of commercial paper is not so fully used as a source of financing