Wykorzystanie analizy wskaźnikowej w ocenie zdolności kredytowej przedsiębiorstwa – szanse i zagrożenia

Aleksandra Wójcicka, Tomasz Wójtowicz

Wójcicka, Aleksandra
Wójtowicz, Tomasz
Wykorzystanie analizy wskaźnikowej w ocenie zdolności kredytowej przedsiębiorstwa – szanse i zagrożenia
The ratio analysis in borrowing power of enterprises assessment – opportunities and menaces
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 78, s. 69-80


Facing a global financial crisis the traditional financial analysis encounters entirely new challenges. Credit risk models used by banks require a dynamic analysis supplement. A cash fl ow is the base for such analysis which is performed more often than once a year, preferably quarterly. It will allow monitoring the financial standing of a company better not only before but also after giving a credit. In turn, the implementation of a working capital integrated management system in a company applying for a credit will limit its credit needs and improve the index analysis results both in static and dynamic approach