Struktura majątkowa i finansowanie działalności w gospodarstwach rolniczych o zróżnicowanych powiązaniach z otoczeniem

Barbara Gołębiewska

Gołębiewska, Barbara; ORCID: 0000-0003-4073-5274
Struktura majątkowa i finansowanie działalności w gospodarstwach rolniczych o zróżnicowanych powiązaniach z otoczeniem
The evaluation of assets’ and capital structure diversifi cation in family farms depending on the level of their correlation with the environment
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 81, s. 241-250


The paper presents an evaluation of assets’ and capital structure diversification in family farms depending on the level of their correlation with the environment. It is stated, that the assets’ structure of the farms under research changed together with the changes in their correlation with the environment. Farms with the strongest contacts with the environment were characterized by the higher ratio of fixed assets than the units with the lower index of correlation. In the external sources of finance of the farms medium and long-term liabilities prevailed. In farms with the strongest correlation with the environment the most rapid growth of short-term liabilities occurred, more than 100% during four years. In these farms the lower ratio of owned capital to fixed assets was noted. The ratio of short-term capital to current assets was higher. In general the low level of use of external sources of finance in farms was determined.