Płynność finansowa gospodarstw rolniczych położonych w województwie lubelskim

Agnieszka Gałecka, Mirosław Wasilewski

Gałecka, Agnieszka; ORCID: 0000-0002-7603-8086
Wasilewski, Mirosław; ORCID: 0000-0001-6791-5713
Płynność finansowa gospodarstw rolniczych położonych w województwie lubelskim
The financial liquidity of agriculture farms situated in Lubelskie voivodeship
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 82, s. 267-279


The elaboration presents the level of financial liquidity in agriculture farms depending on cropland area, agriculture type and European Size Unit. The researched farms has rained current, quick and cash financial liquidity ratios on similar level. The highest level of financial liquidity noticed in “field crops” and “mixed” agriculture type, while the lowest in “rother grazing livestock” type of farms. Low liquidity level recorded rather in bigger farms in the aspect of their economic power, whereas higher ratio described on the contrary small and medium farms. The highest financial liquidity ratio was an attribute of farms with small cropland area, and was a result of limited range of short-term credit utilization. The most efficient way of managing on the financial liquidity level by farmers ascertained in the largest area farms. In this group the liquidity was the lowest, however this level reflected appropriate relation between current assets and liabilities components.