Przekształcenia w polskiej bankowości spółdzielczej według opinii zarządzających bankami spółdzielczymi

Agnieszka Kot-Zacharuk

Kot-Zacharuk, Agnieszka
Przekształcenia w polskiej bankowości spółdzielczej według opinii zarządzających bankami spółdzielczymi
Transformations in polish cooperative banking in opinions cooperative banks manager
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2011, vol., nr 88, s. 267-278


The paper presents the opinions of presidents of cooperative banks on the Polish cooperative banking transformation. Tests using a questionnaire interview was conducted in 2009. Act on Cooperative Banks and BGZ SA of 1994 helped to halt the bankruptcy process and the improvement of cooperative banks. At the same time had a negative impact on their development, because of the need for operation only in the municipality of residence of the bank and the lack of free choice of association. Polish accession to the EU increased interest in cooperative banks, the Polish agriculture support programs and increasing the share of credit. Simultaneously, the Polish cooperative banking interact appropriately selected products and services, as well as friendly and competent staff.