Sposoby ograniczania indywidualnego ryzyka bankowego – analiza wybranych aspektów

Bożena Sowa
Wydział Ekonomii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Sowa, Bożena (Wydział Ekonomii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
Sposoby ograniczania indywidualnego ryzyka bankowego – analiza wybranych aspektów
Forms of Individual Banking Risk Reduction – Analysis of Selected Aspects
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2012, vol., nr 96, s. 209-219


Commercial banks, the activity of which is based on economic criteria, are an important element of a financial system. Functioning of these entities as institutions of public trust, is associated with the occurrence of different risk forms, among which credit risk considered as one of the major threats for current and future bank’s activity, is primary. Despite of continuous changes present within banking sector, consisting in improving the techniques and methods of risk recognition and evaluation, there is a need to distinguish the manners for reducing the individual banking risk. It cannot be eliminated, but only influenced on its level due to efficient policies being a reflection of the solutions applied. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to analyze the ways of reducing the individual banking risk (taking into considerations the credit risk) and to recognize all factors having some impact on its level.