Bogusław Ślusarczyk1, Karol Sołek2
1 Faculty of Economics, University of Rzeszów, 2 Accountancy Department, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy
Ślusarczyk, Bogusław; ORCID: 0000-0003-0567-8470 (Faculty of Economics, University of Rzeszów)
Sołek, Karol; ORCID: 0000-0002-1675-2085 (Accountancy Department, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy)
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019, vol., nr 3, s. 131-138

Słowa kluczowe

entrepreneurship rural areas enterprise Podkarapckie province development

JEL Classification



The study is devoted to the diagnosis of entrepreneurship development in rural areas.The aim of the work is to analyze and evaluate the dynamics and directions ofentrepreneurship development in rural areas of the Podkarpackie province as well as toidentify changes and trends as well to present the strengths and weaknesses of rural areas inthe studied area. On the basis of the conducted research, it can be concluded that the numberof business entities in rural areas is systematically growing, and forecasts indicate furtherdevelopment. Assessment of directions and dynamics of entrepreneurship development basedon the number of entities by selected NACE sections in 2009-2017 showed no significantvariation in trends in all counties the trends are similar. The largest growth dynamics relat tocommunication and information services on, the real estate market as well as rental servicesfor buildings, machines or devices, job market mediation, tourist services, detective orsecurity services, maintenance of cleanliness and order, development of green areas, andoffice administration. In turn, industries such as agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing,wholesale and retail trade, vehicle repairs, financial and insurance activities werecharacterized by a reverse tendency - a systematic decline in the number of business entitiesoccurred. The remaining sections of PKD maintained a stable, unchanging level.


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