Jagoda Zmyślona1, Arkadiusz Sadowski2
1, 2 Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Poznań University of Life Sciences
Zmyślona, Jagoda; ORCID: 0000-0001-6386-7857 (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Poznań University of Life Sciences)
Sadowski, Arkadiusz; ORCID: 0000-0002-8236-1007 (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Poznań University of Life Sciences)
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019, vol., nr 3, s. 145-152

Słowa kluczowe

overinvestment polish agriculture fadn

JEL Classification

B21 B41 D29 Q19


The purpose of this paper was to assess the level of overinvestment in Polish farms grouped by economicsize. As the volume of investments clearly continues to grow, the authors noticed the need to address thatproblem. Using FADN data, they developed their own method for measuring overinvestment, and identifiedits size and extent. Indeed, overinvestment proves to be widespread in Polish agriculture. The reasons probablyinclude inadequate subsidies allocated under European Union aid schemes, and improper farm managementpractices. In the future, this could give rise to dysfunctions, ultimately resulting in farm bankruptcies.


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