The role of the SEA in planning and programming processes

Carlo Bartolini, Sarah Vanin

Bartolini, Carlo
Vanin, Sarah
The role of the SEA in planning and programming processes
Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 2007, vol.1(16), nr , s. 7-15

Key words

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) evaluation plans and programmes


The current paper aims to outline the potential and most important aspects of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process (directive 2001/42/EC). First of all, the analysis considers the importance of evaluation instruments in decision-making processes and moves on to environmental assessment, focusing on the peculiarities of Strategic Environmental Assessment. Although SEA is an innovative instrument in favouring and promoting a democratic approach to the government and development of the territory, it nonetheless presents a series of problems. The latter regard aspects such as: its integration into planning and programming activities, its role within these processes, the methodologies applied, stakeholder involvement, the quality of the assessment process and the how the suggestions are perceived and acknowledged.