Makroekonomiczne uwarunkowania wsparcia sektora rolnego w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej

Andrzej Czyżewski

Czyżewski, Andrzej; ORCID: 0000-0002-6233-6824
Makroekonomiczne uwarunkowania wsparcia sektora rolnego w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej
Macroeconomic determinants of support for agriculture in Poland and the European Union
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2007, vol.2(17), nr 2, s. 46-56

Słowa kluczowe

polityka rolna makroekonomiczne determinanty

Key words

agriculture policy macroeconomic determinants


Omawiane są makroekonomiczne determinanty polityki rolnej w Polsce i jej ewolucja. Przytoczone jest także jej porównanie z analogiczną polityką Unii Europejskiej. Oceny dokonywane są przy użyciu wskaźników stosowanych przez OECD


The article presents some considerations about the support for agriculture in the UE-15 and Poland and the role of its macroeconomic conditions. Stimuli applied by fiscal policy are of the great importance for creating a target model for transformation. The article consists of two parts. In the first part the most important indicators according to OECD’s methodology, through prism of a created agricultural model are analyzed. A selection of macroeconomic determinants and assumptions of a pendulum model are presented. In the second part the transition of macroeconomic determinants and the evaluation of economic policy of support for agriculture in selected countries are described. The level and divergence of support is being observed. Some changes in the structure of support are3 noticed. At last the transition in macroeconomic conditions is characterized. From 1990 to 2005 a domination of stabilization option in the economic policy, slowing down of economic growth and raising unemployment rate prevailed. In the EU the economic policy managed to isolate the support for agriculture from the macroeconomic conditions, especially from the budget deficit, the interest rate and the unemployment rate but in Poland it did not