Influence of the state support on the efficiency of dairy farms in Byelorussia

Nellia Degtyarevich, Losif Degtyarevich, Anna Sychtevnik

Degtyarevich, Nellia
Degtyarevich, Losif
Sychtevnik, Anna
Influence of the state support on the efficiency of dairy farms in Byelorussia
Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 2009, vol.6(21), nr , s. 69-73

Key words

efficiency reconstruction business-plan


The president of Byelorussia undertook in 2008 certain measures of state support for the agricultural enterprises, in particular for organizing dairy farms. These measures concerned conditions of crediting the enterprises and they influenced the final efficiency of investment projects. A case study with calculation of an economic efficiency of organizing a dairy farm in Grodno region is analysed