Evaluation of Human Capital in Selected EU Countries Using Cluster Analysis

Maria Parlińska1, Piotr Pomichowski2
1, 2 Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Parlińska, Maria; ORCID: 0000-0003-3323-7779 (Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie)
Pomichowski, Piotr; ORCID: 0000-0001-6466-332X (Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie)
Evaluation of Human Capital in Selected EU Countries Using Cluster Analysis
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2016, vol.16(31), nr 4, s. 253-259

Key words

human capital cluster analysis k-medoid method


The study evaluates the quality of human capital on the basis of the Eurostat data. There was also prepared a short bibliography review of the previous research which indicates various definitions of the term human capital. To evaluate its quality in selected EU countries. There was used cluster analysis – the k-medoid method. The analysis was performed for three periods: 2008, 2011 and 2014. The selected states were divided into 4 clusters, and Norway constitute a single-element group. In the other cases, it may be stated that the quality of capital may be determined through the joint economic past or historical traditions.