Motives for undertaking rural tourism activity and its economic and social benefits– comparison of Polish and Ukrainian theoretical perspective

Piotr Gabryjończyk1, Iryna Kudinova2
1 Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 2 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Gabryjończyk, Piotr; ORCID: 0000-0002-8815-9723 (Warsaw University of Life Sciences)
Kudinova, Iryna (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)
Motives for undertaking rural tourism activity and its economic and social benefits– comparison of Polish and Ukrainian theoretical perspective
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019, vol., nr 12, s. 33-42

Słowa kluczowe

rural tourism rural territories motives economic and social benefits


The paper presents a comparison of the Polish and Ukrainian theoretical approaches to the motives for undertaking tourism activity in rural areas and its economic and social benefits. Based on the review of the Polish and Ukrainian literature of the subject, it presents the reasons for development of tourism in rural areas presented in both countries, the perceived profits associated with it, as well as the tasks of local administration expected in supporting it. A model of the overall impact of tourism (including rural tourism) on economic development was also presented for both countries. Finally conclusions were presented, regarding similarities and differences in approach to the above issues in both countries, as well as the resulting opportunities for cooperation.


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