Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW w Warszawie

Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture 2007 1(16)

ISSN: 2081-6960 eISSN: 2544-0659
Lp. Autor / Tytuł Strony Pobierz
Full text
1. Bartolini C., Vanin S. The role of the SEA in planning and programming processes 7-15pdf
2. Bukowski M. The small hydroelectric power stations as an element of the multifunctional development of rural areas 16-25pdf
3. Cassin M., Zolin M. Productive needs and demand for protection: the complex issue of vulnerable areas 26-33pdf
4. Golovkov V., Primschitz D. Depreciation constituent of the investment system in the Republic of Belarus1 34-37pdf
5. Halicka E., Rejman K. Fruit and vegetable promotion programs in the European Union 38-45pdf
6. Kowalska I. Financing of distance learning in rural areas by the European Social Fund 46-52pdf
7. Manteuffel-Szoege H. Comparing development sustainability in Belarus, Poland and Ukraine with special respect to rural areas 53-62pdf
8. Pestis M., Pestis P., Rudenko D., Rudenko A. Problems of Meat Products Trading Between Poland and Belarus 63-68pdf
9. Siudek T. Impact of agricultural development on economic and financial situation of cooperative banks in Poland 69-79pdf
10. Dufková J., Šťastná M., Toman F. How to improve landscape sustainability? 80-87pdf
11. Sytchevnik A. The innovation resources of enterprises in the dairy sector in Belarus 88-95pdf
12. Tachytskaya K. Unemployment and its problems in the Grodno Region 96-100pdf