Organizacja i wyniki produkcyjno-ekonomiczne gospodarstw mlecznych z następcami

Sławomir Juszczyk
Instytut Agrobiznesu, Akademia świętokrzyska w Kielcach w Kielcach
Juszczyk, Sławomir; ORCID: 0000-0003-3790-6247 (Instytut Agrobiznesu, Akademia świętokrzyska w Kielcach w Kielcach)
Organizacja i wyniki produkcyjno-ekonomiczne gospodarstw mlecznych z następcami
The Organisation and Economical and Production Results in Milk Farms with Successors
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2004, vol., nr 54, s. 43-50


The author suggests putting new index- - specialist identification successors. It is a quotient of number or participation of farms with the successors in the given specialization to number or participation farms with successors all in all - in the percentage expression. The research took place in the specialist milk farms of Central Macroregion in the years 1997-2001. The relationship between quantity of direct surplus from milk production in the farm and the index of specialist identification successors in milk production were observed in 2000. The bigger was this surplus, the bigger was the share of successors interested in continuation of milk production after talking over the farm. Moreover it was also observed, that the index of specialist identification successors increased with the increase of the number of cows in the farm. In the period 1997-2001 in the examined milk farms the quantity of the index of specialist identification successors was changing from 72.0% in the year 2001to79.2% in 2000.


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