Zachowania konsumentów na rynku nowoczesnych centrów handlowych

Edyta Kwiatkowska, Ganna Levytska

Kwiatkowska, Edyta
Levytska, Ganna
Zachowania konsumentów na rynku nowoczesnych centrów handlowych
Consumer Behaviour in Modern Shopping Malls Market
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2008, vol., nr 71, s. 147-156


This study focuses on characteristics of behaviour of polish consumers in shopping malls in Warsaw. Malls have become more than just a particular type of retail outlet, but they are also places providing recreation and community facilities for satisfying many needs and preferences. According to own observations and statistical data, the authors state, that more and more people visit shopping malls with many goals and objectives, not just shopping. The survey also identifyes goals of visiting of modern shopping malls, factors which influence on visiting shopping malls and visiting eating and drinking places in shopping malls.