Relacje pomiędzy kulturą organizacyjną a wiedzą

Jan Wołoszyn

Wołoszyn, Jan
Relacje pomiędzy kulturą organizacyjną a wiedzą
Relationships between Organizational Culture and Knowledge
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 73, s. 39-49


The aim of the study is to show relationships and connections between organizational culture and the process of knowledge management. To shed light on the issue, aspects and manifestations of organizational culture were presented. They were presented as key elements of definition, and they were linked with rich set of conceptions reflecting it. The knowledge was presented as a key resource of all the organizations and formulated in the essential and functional dimension. The most important features of organizational culture, which significantly influences the process of knowledge management were separated and analysed.