Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza na obszarach wiejskich jako dodatkowe źródło dochodu rodzin rolniczych

Piotr Bórawski

Bórawski, Piotr; ORCID: 0000-0002-6616-7140
Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza na obszarach wiejskich jako dodatkowe źródło dochodu rodzin rolniczych
Non-agricultural activity on rural areas as additional source of income of rural families
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 75, s. 15-22


The objective of the paper was to recognize non-agricultural activity of rural families as additional source of income. Particular attention was paid to legal and aoraganizational forms of enterprises, turnover changes and financial support forms. In the paper the possibilities of income increase within enterprise was established. Own survey proved positive changes in the development of nonagricultural activity on rural areas. Most of the farms’ owners used loans and credits as main financial source