Analiza słabych i mocnych stron wybranych gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka w latach 2005–2007

Jacek Prochorowicz, Agata Wójcik

Prochorowicz, Jacek
Wójcik, Agata
Analiza słabych i mocnych stron wybranych gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka w latach 2005–2007
Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of selected farms specialized in dairy production in the years 2005–2007
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 75, s. 185-196


The study assesses the small Polish farms specialized in dairy production compared to all of Polish farms associated to the European Dairy Farmers. EDF model was used for the calculation. That model is used to compare economic performance of farms involved in the studies compiled for the EDF. The survey covered the number of dairy farms with less than 50 cows in the period 2005–2007. On the basis of EDF data of seven Polish dairy farms analysis of the strengths and weaknesses was made. The analysis of strengths and weaknesses points to the competitive position of small Polish farms specialized in dairy production due to lower production costs and higher income attributable to those activities, recalculated per 100 kg of ECM, rather than average cost and revenue generated by all the Polish farms associated in EDF