Rozwój jako element strategii gospodarstwa kwiaciarskiego

Marta Domagalska-Grędys

Domagalska-Grędys, Marta
Rozwój jako element strategii gospodarstwa kwiaciarskiego
The development as party of strategy fl oriculture farm
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 75, s. 23-38


Creating is a feature of human as well as development for economic activities. In the article refers to the development of floriculture farm in the context of their strategy on the market. The history of the farm owners provide the basis for a qualitative evaluation and diagnosis cycle of life Cammeron`s and Quinn was used to assess quantitatively. The effect of both methods was an indication of the current phase of farm life to achieve the objective of holding examinations of the prospective diagnosis with the use of farm life-cycle model organization