Przygotowanie audytu systemu HACCP na przykładzie wybranej restauracji

Agnieszka Rola-Jarzębowska

Rola-Jarzębowska, Agnieszka
Przygotowanie audytu systemu HACCP na przykładzie wybranej restauracji
Preparation of the audit of the HACCP system in case study restaurant
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 84, s. 111-121


The article describes the phase of the audit of the HACCP system, together with Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Hygiene Practice, as well as highlighted the importance of verification of systems to ensure food safety for the quality of the health-produced food products in restaurants. Presenting the phase of preparation for internal audit of the HACCP system for restaurants, identifying the areas to which the auditor should read and consider before proceeding to the verification process, on-site catering. The proper preparation of the audit allows for quick and efficient conduct of the process, and above all to prevent the omission of material misstatement.