Globalizacja i integracja europejska – szansa, czy mit dla polskiego agrobiznesu

Krzysztof Firlej

Firlej, Krzysztof
Globalizacja i integracja europejska – szansa, czy mit dla polskiego agrobiznesu
Globalization and European integration– an opportunity or myth of the Polish agribusiness
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 84, s. 23-32


This article presents the problem of evolution of agri-business sector and its ability to function in the era of globalization and European integration. Describing the successive stages of development of Polish food the author wonders how they influenced the international cooperation of Polish enterprises and the opportunities arising from their positioning in the global economy. Special regard was given to privatization of enterprises in transition, subjected to the transformation and included in agri – food industry in the EU structures. The author argues that the mere inclusion of our country to the countries of market economy was a move to allow to join the globalized economic structures and legitimated active participation in international economic cooperation. It is considered that six years of operation in the EU structures changed our country both economically and politically. The EU membership has changed the structure of the economy and has continued transformation of privatization and modernization of most companies. Subsequent market-oriented transformation of corporate behavior forced the agribusiness sector and the high positioning of our economy to the international arena. Operation in the EU structures has opened a great opportunity for the Polish agri-business, for all its divisions, and only from wealth in the form of human and physical capital depends its development on a global scale