Szanse i bariery rozwoju produkcji mleka w Małopolsce w opinii rolników

Marta Czekaj, Łukasz Satoła

Czekaj, Marta
Satoła, Łukasz
Szanse i bariery rozwoju produkcji mleka w Małopolsce w opinii rolników
The farmers’ opinions about possibilities and barriers of milk production in Malopolska region
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 84, s. 63-75


The article presents the results of researches based on interviews among farm with milk production about possibilities and barriers of this production in Malopolska region. Detailed analyzing were the barriers and opportunities, including: barriers of location and economic. The study shows also deficiencies that hinder the most milk production, and the opportunities that may be used by farmers to production. The article contains information about the changes that the respondents intended to introduce on their farms in the coming years. The findings were presented to the division of farms into groups depending on the number of dairy cows in the herd.