Badanie zdolności kredytowej gospodarstwa drobiarskiego na przykładzie wybranego banku spółdzielczego

Katarzyna Utnik-Banaś

Utnik-Banaś, Katarzyna; ORCID: 0000-0002-5008-9301
Badanie zdolności kredytowej gospodarstwa drobiarskiego na przykładzie wybranego banku spółdzielczego
Analysis of credit rating of poultry farm on the example of selected cooperative bank
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 85, s. 127-134


An assessment of creditworthy of poultry trade company was carried out according to methodology used in cooperative bank in which analyzed company was taken loan. Data are connected with a loan period i.e. 2006–2022. The purpose of creditworthy assessment is risk estimation which take the bank providing the loan. Creditworthy may be evaluated on the basic or full range. An assessment of creditworthy is procedural action compatible with bank instructions. Firstly the chosen indices are analyzed and then they are compared with indices for particular trade or previous years. Indices of profitability, efficiency, indebtedness and debt service were calculated. Situation of considerable farm according to bank was satisfactory so decision about the loan was positive.