Rozwój turystyki zagranicznej w wybranych krajach UE

Alicja Stolarska
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Stolarska, Alicja; ORCID: 0000-0002-9546-8292 (Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie)
Rozwój turystyki zagranicznej w wybranych krajach UE
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2016, vol., nr 116, s. 67-79

Key words

foreign tourism Europe tourism development


The paper presents the characteristics of the level and development of international tourism after 2005, in selected EU countries. Data from Eurostat, UNWTO, WTTC and the CSO were analysed, as well as the publications of Central Statistical Office and the Institute of Tourism. For the analysis concerning Poland also individual data from the household budget rate survey CSO were used. The research described the differences in the rate of tourism development between the countries, followed by their determinants. The article presents the most popular touristic European countries, as well as regions in Poland chosen by foreign tourists, taking into account changes in agritourist objects. Opportunities for development of tourism in the eastern region of Poland were indicated. The research revealed that the preferences of Poles differ from those of other Europeans, as a result not only of different distance from particular countries, but also economic, political, and migration situation. The analysis and synthesis method were used and the results were presented in descriptive and graphical form.