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1. |
Zawojska A. Liberalizm, neoliberalizm, wolność ekonomiczna i polityczna a rozwój gospodarczy kraju
Autor | Aldona Zawojska, |
Tytuł | Liberalizm, neoliberalizm, wolność ekonomiczna i polityczna a rozwój gospodarczy kraju |
Title | Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Economic and Political Freedom and Country’s Economic Development |
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Abstract | The objective of this paper is to show that economic and political freedom is recognized as one of key determinants of the country’s economic growth. In its theoretical part, the definition, origins, and main ideas of neoliberalism were presented. Next section deals with the concept of economic freedom and its link with economic growth and development. Economic freedom indexes from both the Fraser Institute and the Heritage Foundation databases, as well as political freedom index from the Polity IV database were applied to assess the relationship between rate of economic growth and GDP per capita in Poland over the period 1990–2005. The results indicate that greater economic and political freedom contributes to higher GDP per capita values. However, opposite to political freedom, economic freedom did not serve as stimulus to higher rate of economic growth. |
Cytowanie | Zawojska A. (2006) Liberalizm, neoliberalizm, wolność ekonomiczna i polityczna a rozwój gospodarczy kraju.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 5-23 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s5.pdf |
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5-23 | |
2. |
Nabiałczyk M., Wasilewski M. Metoda konsolidacji a standing finansowy grupy kapitałowej
Autor | Mariola Nabiałczyk, Mirosław Wasilewski, |
Tytuł | Metoda konsolidacji a standing finansowy grupy kapitałowej |
Title | Method of Consolidation and Financial Standing of Capital Group |
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Abstract | In the paper relationship between method of consolidation of the Żywiec Group balance and its financial assessment in the scope of ratios of profitability, liquidity and efficiency was presented. Connections of mutual claims and liabilities in capital group were various as regards sums of settlement as well as terms of maturity. There were significant differences of value of property statement between consolidated breweries, where there were small differences of structure. Breweries differ as regards strategy of financing an activity. The complete method of consolidation doesn’t change financial assessment of the Żywiec Group, where there were significant changes as regards capital structure. Proportional method of consolidation cause similar links of property and capital relationships to complete method of consolidation. Used method of consolidation has insignificant impact on the level of profitability ratios of capital and assets. The liquidity of Żywiec Group, regardless the method of consolidation, was unchanged. The use of proportional method of consolidation caused improvement of efficiency ratios |
Cytowanie | Nabiałczyk M., Wasilewski M. (2006) Metoda konsolidacji a standing finansowy grupy kapitałowej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 25-39 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s25.pdf |
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25-39 | |
3. |
Siudek T. Badanie regionalnego zróżnicowania sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej banków spółdzielczych w Polsce z wykorzystaniem metod taksonomicznych
Autor | Tomasz Siudek, |
Tytuł | Badanie regionalnego zróżnicowania sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej banków spółdzielczych w Polsce z wykorzystaniem metod taksonomicznych |
Title | An Investigation of Regional Diversity in Economic and Financial Situation of the Cooperative Banks in Poland Using Taxonometric Analysis |
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Abstract | Using cluster analysis and factor analysis, three regions of Poland presenting different characteristics of financial standing of cooperative banks were selected, namely: the southern, the western and the central-eastern. According to the efficiency ratio levels, the leading best banks were located in the western region, according to financial liquidity – in the southern region, and in respect to solvency and capital adequacy – in the central-eastern region respectively. The difference in the dynamics of banks’ assets between selected regions was not statistically significant |
Cytowanie | Siudek T. (2006) Badanie regionalnego zróżnicowania sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej banków spółdzielczych w Polsce z wykorzystaniem metod taksonomicznych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 41-53 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s41.pdf |
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41-53 | |
4. |
Podstawka M., Sługocka D. Ubezpieczenia grupowe w systemie ubezpieczeń Społecznych (na przykładzie Towarzystwa Ubezpieczeń SIGNAL IDUNA Życie Polska S.A.)
Autor | Marian Podstawka, Daria Sługocka, |
Tytuł | Ubezpieczenia grupowe w systemie ubezpieczeń Społecznych (na przykładzie Towarzystwa Ubezpieczeń SIGNAL IDUNA Życie Polska S.A.) |
Title | Group Insurance in the Social Insurance System (on the Basis of the Insurance Company SIGNAL IDUNA Live Poland) |
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Abstract | In the paper results of the assessment of the activity of the Insurance Company SIGNAL IDUNA Live was presented. The research concern insured people. Assumed criteria are: age, sex and branch of employment. The analysis was preceded by short characteristic of the group insurance |
Cytowanie | Podstawka M., Sługocka D. (2006) Ubezpieczenia grupowe w systemie ubezpieczeń Społecznych (na przykładzie Towarzystwa Ubezpieczeń SIGNAL IDUNA Życie Polska S.A.).Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 55-61 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s55.pdf |
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55-61 | |
5. |
Raczkowska M. Minimum socjalne i minimum egzystencji – wzorce warunków bytu ludności żyjącej w sferze ubóstwa
Autor | Małgorzata Raczkowska, |
Tytuł | Minimum socjalne i minimum egzystencji – wzorce warunków bytu ludności żyjącej w sferze ubóstwa |
Title | Social Funds System and Professional Activation of Polish Population |
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Abstract | The article presents attempt to answer the questions: – if the social assistance has at disposal proper methods and instruments that provide professional and social activation of people, – if construction and conditions of recieving grants promotes professional activation of unemployed and poor people. |
Cytowanie | Raczkowska M. (2006) Minimum socjalne i minimum egzystencji – wzorce warunków bytu ludności żyjącej w sferze ubóstwa.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 63-73 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s63.pdf |
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63-73 | |
6. |
Ziętara W. Dzierżawa jako czynnik przemian w strukturze gospodarstw
Autor | Wojciech Ziętara, |
Tytuł | Dzierżawa jako czynnik przemian w strukturze gospodarstw |
Title | Leasing as a Factor of Changes in Farm Structure |
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Abstract | The characteristic feature of the recent times is the high rate of change in an economical environment of agricultural enterprises. That significant process is mainly expressed by high rate of wages growth in non-agricultural sectors and increase of agricultural input prices, while there is observed the simultaneous stagnation, even decrease of agricultural produce prices. That facts influence therefore decrease of unit profitability of agricultural production and farm income diminishment. The main and even the only way for the farmers adjustment to the new reality is an increase of economical labor efficiency, which they can achieve through growth of farm size due to leasing of agricultural land. Hence the leasing practices have recently become the main way of farm size development |
Cytowanie | Ziętara W. (2006) Dzierżawa jako czynnik przemian w strukturze gospodarstw.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 75-88 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s75.pdf |
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75-88 | |
7. |
Krzyżanowska K. Ocena poprawności stosowania zasad dobrych praktyk rolniczych w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych
Autor | Krystyna Krzyżanowska, |
Tytuł | Ocena poprawności stosowania zasad dobrych praktyk rolniczych w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych |
Title | An Assessment of Correctness of Using Good Agriculture Practice in Agroturism Farms |
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Abstract | In this article an attempt of assessing the correctness of using good agriculture practice in studied agroturism farms was made. Problems of organization of vegetable production, methods of raising soil fertility and organization of animal production were brought closer. Additionally, links between agriculture production and agroturism in studied farms was showed |
Cytowanie | Krzyżanowska K. (2006) Ocena poprawności stosowania zasad dobrych praktyk rolniczych w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 89-103 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s89.pdf |
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89-103 | |
8. |
Drabik E., Lewczuk A. Aukcja koni arabskich „Pride of Poland” jako typowy przykład aukcji angielskiej
Autor | Ewa Drabik, Agnieszka Lewczuk, |
Tytuł | Aukcja koni arabskich „Pride of Poland” jako typowy przykład aukcji angielskiej |
Title | Arabian Horse Auction “Pride of Poland” as a Typical Example of English Auction |
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Abstract | Auction is one of the oldest ways of exchanging goods and money. It has become very common over the past few years, especially as far as the nonstandard goods such as works of art, antics, thoroughbred horses, real estates or mineral raw materials are concerned. The best known form of auction is the English auction (bidding). It consists in overbidding other buyers’ offers up to the moment where there is nobody else willing to offer more. The bidding is won by a buyer who has offered the biggest amount of money. Arabian horse auction “Pride of Poland” is a typical English auction. Our aim is to show the model of English auction and to describe rules for “Pride of Poland” auction |
Cytowanie | Drabik E., Lewczuk A. (2006) Aukcja koni arabskich „Pride of Poland” jako typowy przykład aukcji angielskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 105-115 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s105.pdf |
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105-115 | |
9. |
Krawczyk E. Zastosowanie modelu ryzyka Value at Risk (VaR) opartego na metodzie Monte Carlo do rynku nieruchomości
Autor | Ewa Krawczyk, |
Tytuł | Zastosowanie modelu ryzyka Value at Risk (VaR) opartego na metodzie Monte Carlo do rynku nieruchomości |
Title | Using Value at Risk (VaR) Model Based on Monte Carlo Method on Property Market |
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Abstract | Value at Risk – the method emerged several years ago that measures potential loss at a given confidence level. The method is undergoing continous improvment, finding new use in financial institutions. Investment briefcase management is inseparably connected with risk mamagement – process succured today with risk models. Presented attempt of enforcing specialized tool for measuring defined risk for separeted risk on property market analysis gives following remarks: 1. In the situation of considerable growth of investition on property market, which is financed mainly from bank infestations, there is need to make out risk models which describes market segment behaviour and let to limit possible loss. The loss caused by overoptimistic predictions and wrong costeffectiveness calculation. 2. Well-known and used at financial market risk models are great tools to connect both segments of market – financial and objective – and for empiric verification including investment projects. 3. VaR model may be used for the needs of defined risk of separeted investment project, which is characterized by indicator of profitability (NP), but obtained results should be treatened with limited confidence |
Cytowanie | Krawczyk E. (2006) Zastosowanie modelu ryzyka Value at Risk (VaR) opartego na metodzie Monte Carlo do rynku nieruchomości.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 117-133 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s117.pdf |
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117-133 | |
10. |
Pizło W. Marketing internetowy w British American Tobacco Polska
Autor | Wojciech Pizło, |
Tytuł | Marketing internetowy w British American Tobacco Polska |
Title | Internet Marketing in British American Tobacco Polska |
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Abstract | The paper presents the use of the Internet marketing actions in enterprise British American Tobacco Polska. In the paper the organization of virtual marketing in the ram of corporate mission and strategy and take development of Internet marketing was shown. In the end of paper the relationship between classical marketing and Internet marketing and using Internet marketing in the future was presented |
Cytowanie | Pizło W. (2006) Marketing internetowy w British American Tobacco Polska.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 58: 135-146 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2006_n58_s135.pdf |
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135-146 | |