361. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Wicki L. Changes in land use for production of energy crops in Poland
Autor | Ludwik Wicki |
Tytuł | Changes in land use for production of energy crops in Poland |
Title | Zmiany powierzchni produkcji roślin energetycznych w Polsce |
Słowa kluczowe | bioenergia, bioetanol, biodiesel, biogaz, konkurencja żywność – energia |
Key words | bioenergy, bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, food–energy competition |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania jest ocena, czy w Polsce produkcja nowoczesnych biopaliw wytwarzanych z surowców rolniczych konkuruje z produkcją żywności. W pracy wykorzystano dane gromadzone przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny i Agencję Rynku Rolnego (ARR). Wykorzystano dane dotyczące powierzchni gruntów ornych w Polsce, plonów wybranych roślin, pogłowia zwierząt oraz dane o ilości i strukturze produkcji energii oraz o wielkości produkcji biogazu rolniczego, bioetanolu i biodiesla. Dane dotyczące ilości surowców zużywanych w produkcji biogazu rolniczego pozyskano z ARR. Analizą objęto lata 2005-2016. Produkcja bioenergii w oparciu o surowce pochodzenia rolniczego silnie wzrastała w analizowanym okresie, z 5 TJ w 2005 roku to 42 TJ w 2016 roku. Około 92% energii wytwarzanej z surowców rolniczych stanowi bioetanol i biodiesel, które są produkowane z surowców pierwszej generacji. Produkcja ta konkuruje więc z produkcją żywności. Biogaz stanowi tylko 8% energii produkowanej z surowców rolniczych. W produkcji biogazu surowce drugiej generacji, czyli odpady stanowiły aż 75% wsadu. Udział powierzchni gruntów ornych przeznaczanych do produkcji surowców do wytwarzania biopaliw wynosił 5,6% w 2016 roku. W 2005 roku było to 1,5%. Oznacza to, że w Polsce produkcja bioenergii z surowców rolniczych konkuruje z produkcją żywności i pasz, a dalszy jej wzrost nie jest pożądany. Niemniej, przy spadku rozmiarów produkcji zwierzęcej jest to szansa na zagospodarowanie nadwyżek ziemi i produkcji. W przyszłości powinny być podejmowane działania mające na celu zwiększenie wykorzystania surowców drugiej generacji w produkcji bioenergii, a zużycie surowców pierwszej generacji powinno być, w miarę możliwości, ograniczane. |
Abstract | The goal of the article is to evaluate whether production of modern biofuels in Poland competes with food production. CSO and AMA data have been used in the analysis. The data in question refers to the area of arable land in Poland, yields and livestock as well as renewable energy production structure and quantity and production of biodiesel, bioethanol and agricultural biogas. Data concerning quantity of raw materials used for production of the agricultural biogas have been accessed from AMA . Data for 2005-2016 have been collected. Production of bioenergy based on agricultural raw materials has significantly increased. From 2005 to 2016, it increased from 5 to 42 TJ . Approximately 92% of bioenergy from agricultural sources are bioethanol and biodiesel produced from the first generation of raw materials, the production of which is in direct competition with food production. The share of biogas was 8% only. Waste constituted 75% in the raw materials used to produce biogas. The area of production of energy crops has reached 5.6% of arable land in 2016 from 1.5% in 2005. It means that in Poland production of bioenergy from agricultural sources competes with food and feed production and its further increase is not desirable. Actions focused on the increased use of the second generation raw materials for energy production and decreased use of food raw materials should be taken. |
Cytowanie | Wicki L. (2017) Changes in land use for production of energy crops in Poland.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 37-47 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s37.pdf |
362. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Baran J. Stopień globalizacji branż polskiego przemysłu spożywczego a ich wyniki ekonomiczne
Autor | Joanna Baran |
Tytuł | Stopień globalizacji branż polskiego przemysłu spożywczego a ich wyniki ekonomiczne |
Słowa kluczowe | przemysł spożywczy, globalizacja, produktywność, metoda Malmquist Productivity Index |
Key words | food industry, globalization, productivity, Malmquist Productivity Index |
Abstrakt | Głównym celem artykułu było określenie, czy istnieje zależność między stopniem globalizacji branż polskiego przemysłu spożywczego a ich wydajnością pracy, technicznym uzbrojeniem pracy i produktywnością. W pierwszym etapie badań podzielono 16 branż przemysłu spożywczego na 3 grupy: o bardzo wysokim stopniu globalizacji (grupa 1), wysokim (grupa 2) oraz niskim (grupa 3). Podziału dokonano na podstawie udziałów korporacji transnarodowych w wartości przychodów ze sprzedaży w poszczególnych branżach przemysłu spożywczego. Następnie porównano wyodrębnione grupy, wykorzystując tradycyjne wskaźniki (wydajności pracy, produktywności środków trwałych), a także wielowymiarowe wskaźniki produktywności bazujące na metodzie Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI ). Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że branże o bardzo wysokim i wysokim poziomie globalizacji charakteryzowały się zdecydowanie wyższą wydajnością pracy i wyższymi wynagrodzeniami dla pracowników. Branże te odnotowały ponadto niższą niż branże o niskim poziomie globalizacji produktywność środków trwałych oraz podobną produktywność całkowitą, mierzoną metodą MPI. |
Abstract | The main aim of this paper was to determine if there is any correlation between the degree of globalization of individual sectors of the Polish food industry and their productivity. In the first stage of the research, 16 sectors of the food industry were divided into 3 groups: with a very high degree (Group 1), high degree (Group 2) and low degree (Group 3) of globalization. This division was based on the share of trans-national corporations in the value of sales revenues in individual branches of the food industry. Then, the author compared the groups with the use of traditional factors (labour productivity, assets productivity) and multi-dimensional productivity index - Malmquist Productivity Index. The research indicates that the sectors with very high and high degrees of globalization report definitely higher labour productivity and wages and salaries, with a slightly higher MPI measured productivity but lower fixed asset productivity. |
Cytowanie | Baran J. (2017) Stopień globalizacji branż polskiego przemysłu spożywczego a ich wyniki ekonomiczne.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 75-85 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s75.pdf |
363. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Pokojski Z. Dystrybucja produktów dla rolnictwa w Polsce – w poszukiwaniu nowych źródeł przewagi konkurencyjnej
Autor | Zenon Pokojski |
Tytuł | Dystrybucja produktów dla rolnictwa w Polsce – w poszukiwaniu nowych źródeł przewagi konkurencyjnej |
Title | Distribution of products for agriculture in Poland – in search of new sources of competitive advantage |
Słowa kluczowe | kanał dystrybucji, dystrybutor, rolniczy łańcuch wartości |
Key words | distribution channel, distributor, agricultural value chain |
Abstrakt | Do 2004 r. dystrybucję produktów dla rolnictwa w Polsce uważano za stosunkowo słabo rozwiniętą na tle innych krajów Europy. Wskazywano dużą liczbę małych przedsiębiorstw prowadzących dystrybucję, których strategie opierały się głównie na konkurencji cenowej. Jednak ta sytuacja po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej zaczęła się szybko zmieniać. Liczba podmiotów zaczęła się zmniejszać, a dystrybutorzy zaczęli przejmować funkcje hurtowników oraz detalistów. Model biznesowy dystrybucji w Polsce wciąż ewoluuje, dostosowując się do dynamiki zmian oczekiwań klientów. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie zmian w dystrybucji jako ogniwa rolniczego łańcucha wartości. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury, danych z raportów SM GP i Ibris za lata 2014 i 2015 oraz obserwacji uczestniczącej autora jako wiceprezesa zarządu GA Puławy nadzorującego omawiany obszar przedstawiono nowe aspekty w działalności dystrybutorów takie jak usługi doradztwa rolnego i organizację finansowania działalności gospodarczej rolników. |
Abstract | The distribution of agricultural products in Poland is considered to be relatively weak compared to other European countries. There is a huge number of small players whose strategies are based primarily on price competition. This situation, however, after Poland’s accession to the European Union began to change rapidly. The number of players began to decrease, distributors have overtaken the roles of wholesalers and retailers. The distribution model in Poland is still evolving, adjusting the offer to dynamic changes to meet the expectations of customers. Individual elements of the agricultural value chain seek new opportunities to create and capture the highest margins in the portfolio of companies that participate in the production and delivery of a product to a farmer. The goal of this study is to present changes in distribution as a link in the agricultural value chain. The author will more broadly present new phenomena in this market, such as agricultural advisory services and the organization of financing the economic activity of farmers. The publication is the result of a research study based on data from TNS Polska and Ibris conducted in 2015 and observations as Vice President of GA Puławy responsible for this area. |
Cytowanie | Pokojski Z. (2017) Dystrybucja produktów dla rolnictwa w Polsce – w poszukiwaniu nowych źródeł przewagi konkurencyjnej.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 86-98 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s86.pdf |
364. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Kołoszycz E. Ekonomiczne i organizacyjne zmiany w gospodarstwach mlecznych należących do Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Producentów Mleka
Autor | Ewa Kołoszycz |
Tytuł | Ekonomiczne i organizacyjne zmiany w gospodarstwach mlecznych należących do Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Producentów Mleka |
Title | Economic and organizational changes in dairy farms members of the European Dairy Farmers |
Słowa kluczowe | zarządzanie stadem, koszty produkcji mleka, próg rentowności |
Key words | herd management, milk production costs, breakeven point |
Abstrakt | W opracowaniu scharakteryzowano zmiany, które zaszły w gospodarstwach wyspecjalizowanych w produkcji mleka w okresie przed reformą rynku mleka w Europie i po niej. Do badań wybrano 124 gospodarstwa należące do Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Producentów Mleka (EDF ), które w latach 2012-2016 uczestniczyły w analizach kosztów produkcji mleka. Wyniki badań wskazują, że we wszystkich grupach analizowanych gospodarstw nastąpił wyraźny wzrost produkcji, wynikający zarówno ze wzrostu wielości stad krów, jak i z poprawy wydajności mlecznej. Zaobserwowano wzrost intensywności wykorzystania ziemi i pracy, a także pogorszenie produktywności kapitału zaangażowanego w produkcję mleka. Największe różnice między grupami w ponoszonych kosztach produkcji mleka były w kosztach alternatywnych i amortyzacji. Niekorzystna sytuacja cenowa na rynku w 2016 r. sprawiła, że całkowite koszty produkcji mleka były niższe od cen mleka zaledwie w 12% analizowanych gospodarstwach. |
Abstract | The paper aims to discussion of the changes that have been made in farms specialised in milk production in the period before and after changes the dairy market in Europe. To research is based on the selected 124 farm belonging to the European Dairy Farmers (EDF), which in period 2012-2016 participated in the analysis of the cost of milk production. There were examined changes in the organization of production, used resources, and the economic effects on farms. The results indicate that all groups of farms have increased their milk production, resulting from the growth of both the multiplicity of cow herds as well as with the improvement of milk yield. It has been observed an increase in the intensity of land use and labor, and has worsened the productivity of capital involved in dairy production. The biggest differences between the groups in the incurred costs in milk production were in the opportunity cost and depreciation. Unfavorable price situation on the market in 2016 resulted in the situation that, the total cost of milk production were lower than the prices of milk only by 12% in the analysed farms. |
Cytowanie | Kołoszycz E. (2017) Ekonomiczne i organizacyjne zmiany w gospodarstwach mlecznych należących do Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Producentów Mleka.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 99-111 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s99.pdf |
365. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Skarżyńska A. Produkcja wołowiny w Polsce oraz czynniki determinujące jej opłacalność
Autor | Aldona Skarżyńska |
Tytuł | Produkcja wołowiny w Polsce oraz czynniki determinujące jej opłacalność |
Słowa kluczowe | żywiec wołowy, koszty, opłacalność produkcji, zużycie pasz |
Key words | beef cattle, costs, profitability of production, feed consumption |
Abstrakt | Celem badań była ocena wyników ekonomicznych produkcji żywca wołowego oraz identyfikacja głównych czynników determinujących jej opłacalność. Wyniki produkcji żywca analizowano w trzech grupach gospodarstw, wydzielonych według kwartyli nadwyżki bezpośredniej, tj. w gospodarstwach najlepszych, średnich i najsłabszych. Analizie poddano średnie trzyletnie. Głównym czynnikiem różnicującym efekty ekonomiczne produkcji żywca wołowego były poniesione koszty, wpływ ceny sprzedaży był mniejszy. Decydujący wpływ miały koszty bezpośrednie, które w kolejnych grupach gospodarstw sukcesywnie rosły: w średnich gospodarstwach były wyższe niż w najlepszych o 40,2%, a w najsłabszych – o 82,0%. Wysokość kosztów bezpośrednich była determinowana głównie przez koszt wymiany stada, wpływ miał także koszt pasz. Produkcja żywca wołowego ekonomicznie efektywna była tylko w gospodarstwach najlepszych, wskaźnik opłacalności wynosił 111,9%, natomiast w średnich i najsłabszych koszty produkcji zostały pokryte częściowo, odpowiednio w 88,8 i 72,4%. |
Abstract | The main objective of the study was to evaluate the economic performance and efficiency of bovine animals production and identify the main determinants of such production profitability. The results of the study were analyzed in three groups of farms divided by quartiles of gross margin, i.e. in the best, middle and weakest. The results were analyzed as average in three years. The main factor differentiating the economic effects from the production of beef cattle was the costs incurred, the impact of the sale price was lower. The decisive impact was direct costs, which in successive groups of farms increased, with regard to the best of farms in the medium ones were higher by 40.2% and the weakest ones – by 82.0%. The level of direct costs was determined mainly by the exchange cost of the herd and also by the cost of feed. Beef cattle production was economically effectiveness only in the best farms, the profitability index was 111.9%, while in the medium and weakest group of farms at 88.8 and 72.4% respectively. |
Cytowanie | Skarżyńska A. (2017) Produkcja wołowiny w Polsce oraz czynniki determinujące jej opłacalność.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 112-124 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s112.pdf |
366. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Kusz D., Molenda P., Tereszkiewicz K. Ocena warunków przewozu i dobrostanu tuczników w transporcie lokalnym
Autor | Dariusz Kusz, Piotr Molenda, Krzysztof Tereszkiewicz |
Tytuł | Ocena warunków przewozu i dobrostanu tuczników w transporcie lokalnym |
Słowa kluczowe | transport tuczników, warunki przewozu, dobrostan, odległość transportu, skala produkcji, straty ekonomiczne |
Key words | fatteners transportation, transport conditions, welfare, distance transport, production scale, economical losses, scales of production |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania była ocena warunków transportu i dobrostanu tuczników oraz oszacowanie ekonomicznych strat transportowych w zależności od odległości transportu i wielkości rocznej skali produkcji tuczników. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2014-2015 metodą ankiety bezpośredniej. Materiał badawczy stanowiły dane opisujące 120 operacji transportowych, w których trakcie do uboju przewieziono łącznie 4300 tuczników. Z badań własnych wynika, że zwierzęta były przewożone zarówno pojazdami specjalistycznymi, jak i adaptowanymi środkami transportowymi, głównie agregatami rolniczymi. Pojazdy specjalistyczne częściej wykorzystywano w transporcie na większe odległości i z gospodarstw o większej rocznej skali produkcji tuczników. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały liczne przypadki przekroczenia dopuszczalnych norm obsady tuczników w czasie transportu, głównie w transportach realizowanych od największych producentów. Najwyższe straty ekonomiczne wynikające z obniżenia dobrostanu tuczników w przeliczeniu na jedno transportowane zwierzę odnotowano w przewozach na najdłuższym dystansie oraz z gospodarstw o największej skali produkcji. |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to evaluate the conditions of transport and the welfare of fatteners as well as to assess transport losses depending on the distance of transport and the annual production scale of fatteners. The material comprised data describing 120 transport operations during which 4300 fatteners were transported for slaughter. The study shows that animals were transported both by means of specialized vehicles as well as by adapted means of transport, mainly agricultural aggregates. Specialized vehicles were more often used in long-distance transport and from farms with a larger annual production scale. The research showed numerous cases of exceeding admissible norms of the number of fatteners during transport, mainly in the transport carried out by the largest producers. The study proved that the percentage of tired and injured animals rose as the distance of transport increased. The greatest economical losses resulting from the decrease in the welfare of the fatteners per one transported animal was observed in transport at the longest distance and from farms with the largest production scale. |
Cytowanie | Kusz D., Molenda P., Tereszkiewicz K. (2017) Ocena warunków przewozu i dobrostanu tuczników w transporcie lokalnym.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 139-150 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s139.pdf |
367. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Jaroszewska J., Pietrzykowski R. Convergence of the Labour Productivity in European Union Agriculture
Autor | Joanna Jaroszewska, Robert Pietrzykowski |
Tytuł | Convergence of the Labour Productivity in European Union Agriculture |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | labour productivity, convergence, UE |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The objective of the paper is to examine the changes in the level of diversification of the labour productivity in the European Union countries in the years 1998-2015, and then to determine whether there is any convergence of the labour productivity among these countries. The labour productivity has been calculated as a relation of the gross value added at constant prices per one full-time employee. The study used the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) and the Agricultural Labour Input (ALI). The study covered the European Union countries, broken down by the countries of the „old” EU (EU-15) and the countries admitted to the EU after 2004. In order to determine the changes occurring in these countries, sigma-convergence (σ) and beta-convergence (β) have been used. The study shows that after 2011 there was a process of convergence among the EU countries in terms of the labour productivity in agriculture. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Jaroszewska J., Pietrzykowski R. (2017) Convergence of the Labour Productivity in European Union Agriculture.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 120-129 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s120.pdf |
368. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Koszela G., Ochnio L. Changes in Consumer Food Preferences in EU Countries from 2001-2013
Autor | Grzegorz Koszela, Luiza Ochnio |
Tytuł | Changes in Consumer Food Preferences in EU Countries from 2001-2013 |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | dissimilarity of structures, synthetic rate, ranking, multidimensional data analysis, grade data analysis, consumer food preferences, EU |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | This paper attempts to rank EU countries according to changes in consumer food preferences between 2001 and 2013. The size of these changes was determined using a synthetic rate created for this purpose. This rate was intended to accommodate changes in consumption levels in 9 product groups per capita. It turns out that we may use the greatest possible measure of the structure’s dissimilarity as an analogy to the Gini coefficient, to express this rate. Using the “ar” measure to compare structures of food consumption in two separate three-year time periods for each country, scientists may rank and group the countries according to the value of changes in consumer food preferences. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Koszela G., Ochnio L. (2017) Changes in Consumer Food Preferences in EU Countries from 2001-2013.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 161-171 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s161.pdf |
369. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Kozioł-Kaczorek D. The Plant Production in Norway
Autor | Dorota Kozioł-Kaczorek |
Tytuł | The Plant Production in Norway |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | plant production, climate conditions, topography, subsidies, agriculture in Norway |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | A problem of the Norwegian agricultural policy, a description of the current types of subsidies for plant production and ongoing changes in the plant production in the years 2001 – 2016 is presented in this paper. There are also short information about topography of Norway and climate conditions. The main aim of the publication is to characterize changes in the plant production in the considered period. There is not too many publications about the Norwegian agriculture and plant production. The data from Statistiska Sentralbyrå (Statistics Norway) were used in the quantitative analysis. The results indicate the slight changes in the plant production in Norwegian agriculture i.e. decrease of number of holdings with plant, decrease of area of crops and size of yields. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kozioł-Kaczorek D. (2017) The Plant Production in Norway.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 172-181 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s172.pdf |
370. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Graszewicz M., Łapińska J., Zdunek-Rosa E. Poland's Competitive Position in Trade in Agri-Food Products with the United Kingdom – Selected Aspects
Autor | Maurycy Graszewicz, Justyna Łapińska, Ewa Zdunek-Rosa |
Tytuł | Poland's Competitive Position in Trade in Agri-Food Products with the United Kingdom – Selected Aspects |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | competitive position, agri-food products, foreign trade |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Thirteen years have passed since Poland's accession to the European Union. This is a period long enough to make some generalisations over the accession results. This paper focuses on assessing the competitive position of Poland in trade in agri-food products with one of its most important trading partners – the United Kingdom. For this purpose, quantitative indexes of competitive positioning were used, in particular, the trade coverage ratio as well as the revealed comparative advantage indexes – RCAi and LFIi. The conducted analyses show that Poland's competitive position in agri-food trade with the United Kingdom improved markedly over the period considered. The dynamic growth in trade, especially in exports, a significant increase in the trade balance surplus, and generally favourable comparative advantage indexes for Poland show that the period of EU membership has been well utilised by Polish food producers. Polish food is increasingly eagerly bought by demanding British consumers. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Graszewicz M., Łapińska J., Zdunek-Rosa E. (2017) Poland's Competitive Position in Trade in Agri-Food Products with the United Kingdom – Selected Aspects.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 199-209 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s199.pdf |
371. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Parlińska A., Parlińska M. The Crop Insurance Systems in Poland Towards the EU
Autor | Agnieszka Parlińska, Maria Parlińska |
Tytuł | The Crop Insurance Systems in Poland Towards the EU |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | crop insurance, subsidies, risk |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The increasing number of unfavorable conditions of agricultural production causes the farmers to suffer severe losses in their activity. At the same time, the increase in the profitability of agricultural production, the support of numerous European Union funds, led to increased interest in insurance as an instrument supporting agricultural risk management. Hence, both the agricultural industry and the insurance industry see the need to create an effective agricultural and livestock insurance system. The paper examines the changes and scope of crop insurance in Poland towards the European Countries. There were presented issues connecting to policies, regulation and state aid rules, crop insurance level in EU countries and characteristic of the crop insurance market – case study Poland. There was used descriptive and comparative methods, as well as the selected statistical method. The analysis was performed in the years 2005-2016. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Parlińska A., Parlińska M. (2017) The Crop Insurance Systems in Poland Towards the EU.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 228-235 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s228.pdf |
372. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Pawlak K. Importance and Comparative Advantages of the EU and US Agri-food Sector in World Trade in 1995-2015
Autor | Karolina Pawlak |
Tytuł | Importance and Comparative Advantages of the EU and US Agri-food Sector in World Trade in 1995-2015 |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | international competitiveness, comparative advantages, export specialisation, agri-food products, world trade, the EU, the US |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of the paper was to examine the evolution of the importance and comparative advantages of the EU and US agri-food sector in world trade in 1995-2015. The research is based on data from UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) resources. The following indicators were used in the comparative advantage analysis: Balassa’s Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Vollrath’s Revealed Competitiveness (RC), the Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), and the Lafay’s Trade Balance Index (TBI). In 1995-2015, the EU countries and the US were the largest players of world trade in agri-food products. The EU countries held comparative advantages in the global market as regards exports of products of animal origin whereas the exports of cereals, preparations of cereals, oilseeds and oleaginous fruits and meat products were the source of revealed comparative advantages for the US. Both the EU countries and the US reached high comparative advantages in trade in those assortment groups which corresponded to their highest shares in global exports and generated a high, consistently increasing positive trade balance. Therefore, their comparative advantages were the source of their favourable export specialisation profile, which is consistent with the classical comparative costs principle. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Pawlak K. (2017) Importance and Comparative Advantages of the EU and US Agri-food Sector in World Trade in 1995-2015 .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 236-248 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s236.pdf |
373. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Pera J. Linear and Non-linear Relationships Between Shares of the Agri-food Industries of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Risk Aspect
Autor | Jacek Pera |
Tytuł | Linear and Non-linear Relationships Between Shares of the Agri-food Industries of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Risk Aspect |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | shares, risk, causal linear relationship, non- causal linear relationship, agri-food industry |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Despite a wide range of research on the agricultural market conducted so far, relatively little attention has been devoted to a comprehensive analysis of linear and non-linear causality in relation to the entire agri-food sector in Poland, in the context of risk. The objective of this study is therefore to analyze the linear and non-linear relationships between shares of WSE's agri-food industry sectors in terms of risk. The study covered three sectors of agri-food sector currently existing on the WSE (29 listed companies): Foods (21 listed companies), Agricultural Production and Fisheries (5 listed companies) and Food and Foodstuffs and fast-trafficking foodstuffs (3 listed companies). The existence of linear relationships was verified using the test procedure proposed by Hong, Liu, Wang and Łęt, while non-linear relationships were verified using the Diks-Panchenko, Orzeszko and Osińska tests’s. The study was carried out on the basis of data from companies of the agri-food industry listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the period from 1 May 2010 to 1 May 2017. The chosen research methodology was dictated by the correlation with investment risk on the WSE. The strongest and most enduring dependencies have been found in the agricultural and fisheries sectors. In the foodstuff sector and the fast-marketable sector, the risk of investment in the listed companies was temporary. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Pera J. (2017) Linear and Non-linear Relationships Between Shares of the Agri-food Industries of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Risk Aspect.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 249-262 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s249.pdf |
374. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Rytko A. The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries
Autor | Anna Rytko |
Tytuł | The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economic growth, export diversification, export competitiveness, comparative advantage |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The themes of the impact of foreign trade on economic growth has been repeatedly assumed by investigators and were most often related to various aspects: the openness of the economies, economic prosperity, competitiveness and diversification of export. The objective of the research was the evaluation of changes in economic development and the development of foreign trade in Poland comparing them with the EU and some EU countries. Particular attention was given to the issue of diversification and competitiveness of exports by putting the hypothesis that the greater product diversification of Polish export, the greater its competitiveness, which leads to economic growth. The work uses the following test methods: descriptive methods, statistical methods, the indexing methods of which Indicator of the Absolute Deviations and Revealed Comparative Advantages were calculated. Export diversification can lead to speeding up the pace of economic growth. By analyzing in detail the situations in Poland can conclude that it is advisable to diversify of the export structure. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Rytko A. (2017) The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 271-279 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s271.pdf |
375. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Kłobukowski F., Skotnicka M., Śmiechowska M. Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland
Autor | Filip Kłobukowski, Magdalena Skotnicka, Maria Śmiechowska |
Tytuł | Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | functional food, highly satiating food, obesity, Poland |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The high level of competition between food products on the market has encouraged the development of various types of functional foods. Consumer demands and requirements for both medicinal and healthy products has caused food manufacturers to widen their product offerings. The objective of this study was to present the legal status of functional food production and sales, as well as analyse the possibilities of developing customized foods, in particular, highly satiating foods. In this time of obesity epidemic, the use of specifically designed food products which suppress hunger and give the feeling of satiety could be an effective tool in preventing obesity and controlling body mass. There is an optimistic prognoses that this type of food will be introduced on the Polish market. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kłobukowski F., Skotnicka M., Śmiechowska M. (2017) Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 280-291 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s280.pdf |
376. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Smoluk-Sikorska J. Distribution of Organic Food in Poland
Autor | Joanna Smoluk-Sikorska |
Tytuł | Distribution of Organic Food in Poland |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | organic food, distribution, retail, product range, supply sources, price level, Poland |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Distribution of organic food in Poland has a number of weaknesses resulting from low and irregular supply as well as dispersion of producers and intermediaries. The paper presents the outcomes of research carried out in 2012 in three types of retail outlets offering organic food, i.e. specialist shops, groceries and retail networks. The investigation was conducted in the form of in-depth interviews using a standardised questionnaire. As the research shows, only in specialist stores does the product range satisfy consumer needs, whereas in the other outlets it is limited generally to processed products. Wholesalers, organic farms and brokers are the main providers of the surveyed retail outlets; nevertheless, specialist shops use the services of more providers than the other types of outlets. Low supply of organic food results in high retail prices. Specialist shops and groceries apply margins up to 40% on average, while retail networks have margins up to 20%. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Smoluk-Sikorska J. (2017) Distribution of Organic Food in Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 292-301 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s292.pdf |
377. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Orlykovskyi M., Wicki L., Zaburanna L. Agriculture in Poland and Ukraine – Potential and Dynamics of Changes in Production
Autor | Mykola Orlykovskyi, Ludwik Wicki, Lesia Zaburanna |
Tytuł | Agriculture in Poland and Ukraine – Potential and Dynamics of Changes in Production |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | productivity gap, agriculture efficiency, production factors, agriculture development |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article attempts to compare the importance of agriculture and the dynamics of its development in Ukraine and Poland. The most important constraints on the development of Ukrainian agriculture were identified, including the unregulated land market, lack of coherent support programs for agriculture and rural areas, poorly developed infrastructure of the agricultural environment and lack of capital for development. It was found that agriculture in Ukraine is characterized by a high growth rate of productivity and production. The observed output gap in relation to agriculture in Poland is about 10 years. The agricultural sector in Ukraine has about 10% share in generating GDP and as much as 40% share in exports. Such high importance can be maintained even in the conditions of economic development, as there are large reserves in the development of agribusiness. The most important development factors include the introduction of a coherent program for the development of the agribusiness sector, including production of goods with high added value and increasing the availability of capital for the development of agriculture. A great opportunity is the development of trade in the conditions of affiliation with the EU. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Orlykovskyi M., Wicki L., Zaburanna L. (2017) Agriculture in Poland and Ukraine – Potential and Dynamics of Changes in Production.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 326-338 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s326.pdf |
378. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Zaremba Ł. Vegetables Price Volatility in Poland – Onion and Carrot Case
Autor | Łukasz Zaremba |
Tytuł | Vegetables Price Volatility in Poland – Onion and Carrot Case |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | price volatility, seasonal fluctuations, standard deviation, producer export price, onion, carrot |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | There are the producers who takes the weakest position on the agricultural market. Their activity is especially exposed to the risk factors. Price volatility which stays behind the price risk is one of the most important threats for producers’ incomes. Economic stability is a base for investment and development. That is why the price volatility is worth to having a look at. There are two species examined in this paper: onion and carrot. Both have a significant share in Polish vegetable production. Onion crops are mostly exported but carrot is being sold on the domestic market. Apart from the sales market there was no significant difference in analyzed period between farm-gate price volatility for both species. The measured volatility was getting lower in consecutive years of analyzed period; only in years of unfavorable weather conditions there were some growth. The analyze was conducted with usage of descriptive statistic on the logarithmic rates of return. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Zaremba Ł. (2017) Vegetables Price Volatility in Poland – Onion and Carrot Case.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 339-345 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s339.pdf |
379. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2017 |
Larina Y. Innovation and marketing strategies of enterprises on the innovative food products market
Autor | Yaroslava Larina |
Tytuł | Innovation and marketing strategies of enterprises on the innovative food products market |
Title | Innovation and marketing strategies of enterprises on the innovative food products market |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | innovation, innovative product, innovative food product, innovative strategy, FMCG sector |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | The purpose of the present paper is to identify the particular use of marketing strategies for innovative products and to define the features thereof. Innovative food products can be defined as those made of unconventional materials, with the use of the latest technologies and new methods of processing and storage, and/or innovative tools of marketing promotion. In the paper I show that innovative strategy is a leading functional strategy of high-tech enterprises. It involves producing a comprehensive set of measures for improving technological aspects of the production process, changes in the company’s organisational structure, and the implementation of modern management technologies. The strategy requires companies to act consistently, which allows them to position themselves in the market. A change in strategy is a response to changing external conditions. Innovative food products belong to the FMCG market, which is characterised by tough competition and oversupply. Forming effective strategies, creating successful brands and profitable business activity in this market requires an approach tailored to this market. Strategies of leading brands in the FMCG sector include seeking out prospects in emerging markets, acquiring leaders in profitable and attractive segments and forming alliances with competitors. |
Cytowanie | Larina Y. |
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Pełny tekst | AMME_2017_n1_s33.pdf |
380. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2017 |
Bober B., Olkiewicz M. Managing the safety of clinical nutrition as an important element of comprehensive health satisfaction
Autor | Benedykt Bober, Marcin Olkiewicz |
Tytuł | Managing the safety of clinical nutrition as an important element of comprehensive health satisfaction |
Title | Managing the safety of clinical nutrition as an important element of comprehensive health satisfaction |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | quality, management, clinical nutrition, food safety |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | The health of society treated as a set of potential consumers requires effective action and a multidisciplinary approach. For the paper, a survey (a proprietary questionnaire) was used to determine the impact of quality and the factors determining it. Excessiveconsumption of high-energy food is the cause of diet-related diseases, aggravating both household budgets and the healthcare system. Healthy eating habits and the elements of food production safety should be monitored by a food security system. Such a system should be based on permanent control of nutritional, health-related characteristics and the presence of harmful substances to minimise the risk of disease. The process of improving threat detection systems is based on scientific risk analysis, the results of which form the basis for comprehensive risk management in clinical nutrition. Understanding patients’ opinions about the importance of quality nutrition in public hospitals may be among the determinants for improved multidirectional activities and increase the effectiveness of safe clinical nutrition. This aspect plays an important role in health education. |
Cytowanie | Bober B., Olkiewicz M. |
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Pełny tekst | AMME_2017_n1_s69.pdf |