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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2022 |
Podstawka M. Inflacja a koszty produkcji wybranych produktów rolniczych w 2022 roku
Autor | Marian Podstawka |
Tytuł | Inflacja a koszty produkcji wybranych produktów rolniczych w 2022 roku |
Słowa kluczowe | produkcja rolna, inflacja, cena, prognoza |
Key words | agricultural production, inflation, price, forecast |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania było przedstawienie działań podejmowanych, w ostatnich latach, przez państwowe władze publiczne wpływających na inflację w Polsce. Na tym tle dokonano oceny wzrostu cen na rolnicze kupowane środki produkcji, które skorelowano ze strukturą kosztów i na tej podstawie oszacowany został wzrost kosztów produkcji podstawowych produktów rolniczych w 2022 roku. Następnie ten prognozowany wzrost kosztów produkcji odniesiono do szacowanych przychodów. Pozwoliło to ustalić ich wzrost, który umożliwiałby utrzymanie dotychczasowego poziomu dochodów rolniczych. Działania ratunkowe rządu wywołane przez COVID-19 miały trzy główne źródła finansowania:• wydatki budżetu państwa i budżetu środków europejskich – 23,2 mld zł,• Fundusz Przeciwdziałania COVID-19 – 92,7 mld zł,• tarcze finansowe Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju – 63,5 mld zł,O ile działania interwencyjne rządu, w warunkach kryzysu, należy ocenić pozytywnie, to ich sposoby realizacji krytycznie. Wsparcie finansowe w ramach tarcz otrzymały firmy, które wykazywały spadek obrotów spowodowany pandemią koronawirusa. W efekcie wspierano te firmy, które być może celowo tworzyły warunki do otrzymania wsparcia. Firmy dobrze prosperujące w warunkach COVID-19 takiego wsparcia były natomiast pozbawione.We wszystkich analizowanych rodzajach działalności produkcji rolniczej roślinnej w 2022 roku nastąpi wzrost kosztów ich wytwarzania o około 50-60% Wyjątkiem będzie produkcja żyta, gdzie wzrost kosztów będzie jeszcze wyższy. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is to present measures taken in recent years by state public authoritiesthat affect inflation in Poland. An assessment was made of the growth in prices for purchasedagricultural inputs, which was correlated with cost structures, and on this basis an increase in theproduction costs of basic agricultural products in 2022 was estimated. This projected increase inproduction costs was then related to estimated income. This made it possible to determine theirgrowth, which would allow the current level of agricultural income to be maintained. Thegovernment rescue measures triggered by COVID-19 had three main sources of funding:expenditure of the state budget and the budget of European funds - PLN 23.2 billion, COVID-19Counteracting Fund - PLN 92.7 billion, and financial shields of the Polish Development Fund -PLN 63.5 billion,While the government's intervention activities, under the conditions of the crisis, should beassessed positively, their methods of implementation should be assessed critically. Financialsupport under the shields was given to companies that showed a decline in turnover caused by thecoronavirus pandemic. As a result, those companies that may have deliberately created theconditions to receive support were supported. In all analyzed types of agricultural crop productionactivities in 2022, there will be an increase in the cost of their production by about 50-60%. Theexception will be the production of rye, where the cost increase will be even higher. |
Cytowanie | Podstawka M. (2022) Inflacja a koszty produkcji wybranych produktów rolniczych w 2022 roku.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 27(76): 89-98 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2022_n76_s89.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Daniłowska A., Duisenbekova A. Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region
Autor | Alina Daniłowska, Aigerim Duisenbekova |
Tytuł | Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region |
Title | Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region |
Słowa kluczowe | sustainability, agriculture, agri-food policy, food security |
Key words | sustainability, agriculture, agri-food policy, food security |
Abstrakt | The article assesses the food security of one region of Kazakhstan - the East Kazakhstan region. In the analyses, criteria such as the level of the region’s food independence, the degree of satisfaction of the population’s physiological needs in basic food, and the level of economic availability of food were applied. The research has shown that the food security in the East Kazakhstan region was at an acceptable level. However, some threats to food security were identified, including: a high level of income differentiation among the households of the East Kazakhstan region, an increase in the price index for food products, and a significant proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum. The results of the evaluation can be useful for creating agri-food policy measures that will ensure, maintain and improve the level of food security at both a regional and national level. |
Abstract | The article assesses the food security of one region of Kazakhstan - the East Kazakhstan region. In the analyses, criteria such as the level of the region’s food independence, the degree of satisfaction of the population’s physiological needs in basic food, and the level of economic availability of food were applied. The research has shown that the food security in the East Kazakhstan region was at an acceptable level. However, some threats to food security were identified, including: a high level of income differentiation among the households of the East Kazakhstan region, an increase in the price index for food products, and a significant proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum. The results of the evaluation can be useful for creating agri-food policy measures that will ensure, maintain and improve the level of food security at both a regional and national level. |
Cytowanie | Daniłowska A., Duisenbekova A. (2021) Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 3: 4-13 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n3_s4.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Laskowska E., Stefański K. Determinanty zróżnicowania regionalnego cen gruntów rolnych w Polsce
Autor | Elwira Laskowska, Kamil Stefański |
Tytuł | Determinanty zróżnicowania regionalnego cen gruntów rolnych w Polsce |
Title | Determinants of Regional Differentiation of Agricultural Land Prices in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | cena gruntów rolnych, zróżnicowanie regionalne, Polska |
Key words | price of agricultural land, regional differentiation, Poland |
Abstrakt | Celem badań zaprezentowanych w niniejszym artykule była próba wyjaśnienia regionalnego zróżnicowania cen gruntów ornych w Polsce w 2018 roku w aspekcie uwarunkowań przyrodniczo-ekonomicznych, wynikających zarówno z czynników charakteryzujących wielkość, strukturę i jakość gruntów, jak również poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego i potencjału rolniczego poszczególnych województw. W badaniach zastosowano analizę jakościową i ilościową danych statystycznych GUS. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy potwierdziły zróżnicowanie regionalne uwarunkowań przyrodniczo-ekonomicznych oraz poziomu cen i czynszów dzierżawnych na rynku gruntów rolnych w Polsce. Wśród zmiennych wyjaśniających zróżnicowanie cen gruntów znalazły się wskaźniki charakteryzujące jakość zasobu gruntów rolnych, ich dochodowość oraz potencjał rolniczy danego regionu. |
Abstract | The aim of the research presented in this article was an attempt to explain the regional differentiation of arable land prices in 2018 in terms of natural and economic conditions, resulting both from factors characterizing the size, structure and quality of land, as well as the level of economic development and agricultural potential of individual voivodeships. The research used qualitative and quantitative analysis of Polish Statistical Office data. The results of the analysis carried out confirmed the regional differentiation of natural and economic conditions as well as the level of prices and rents on the agricultural land market in Poland. The variables explaining the differentiation in land prices include indicators characterizing the quality of the agricultural land resource, its profitability and the agricultural potential of a given region. |
Cytowanie | Laskowska E., Stefański K. (2021) Determinanty zróżnicowania regionalnego cen gruntów rolnych w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 3: 41-54 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n3_s41.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2021 |
Weremczuk A., Wielechowski M., Wrzesińska-Kowal J. Developments and convergence of real housing pricesin Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic:focus on voivodeship capitals
Autor | Arkadiusz Weremczuk, Michał Wielechowski, Joanna Wrzesińska-Kowal |
Tytuł | Developments and convergence of real housing pricesin Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic:focus on voivodeship capitals |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | real estate market, housing prices, regional price convergence in housing market, COVID-19, voivodeship capitals, Poland |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The paper aims to present and assess the changes in real housing prices in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyse transaction prices of residential premises in a multi-family housing (apartments) in the primary and secondary markets within 16 administrative capitals of voivodeships. We use quarterly data on House Prices Database collected by the National Bank of Poland and data on quarterly price indices of consumer goods and services from Statistics Poland. The research period covers the period 2018-2021, with distinction into COVID-19- and pre-COVID-19 periods. We observe the highest housing prices in Warszawa, Gdańsk, Kraków, and Wrocław, while the lowest in Zielona Góra and Kielce. Surprisingly, the growth rate in real housing prices in the pandemic sub-period is lower than in corresponding pre-COVID-19 period. In the COVID-19 sub-period, we observe the most significant increases in real estate prices in Zielona Góra and Szczecin in the primary market, and Kraków, Lublin, and Łódź in the secondary market. Additionally, we reveal the existence of regional price convergence in the housing market in analysed cities, both in primary and secondary markets. However, we do not observe a common price convergence, but only convergence clubs (city-groups) where the housing prices tend to converge in the COVID-19 sub-period. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Weremczuk A., Wielechowski M., Wrzesińska-Kowal J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2021_n16_s111.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2021 |
Autor | Rolan Albornoz, Stanislava Kontsevaya, Svetlana Kontsevaya, Luboš Smutka |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | land assets, economic efficiency, ecological efficiency, criteria, methods, soil quality |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Paper devoted estimation of the efficiency of agricultural land in the Russian Federation. Land is the main production factor in agriculture, hence it is important to know the effective usage of land. Land efficiency could be evaluated in different ways. In this paper, it was suggested to use as factors – feed units received from 1 ha arable land, amount of growing production in fair price in 1 ha, gross and net profit per 1 ha. Also, methodology suggested calculating potential yield and the potential cost of arable land, using a score of soil quality. The paper aims to suggest a methodology of economic efficiency. Case study base on agricultural company Kolos, Russia. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Albornoz R., Kontsevaya S., Kontsevaya S., Smutka L. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2021_n5_s56.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Hussayn J., Obi-Egbedi O., Oluwatayo I. Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017)
Autor | Jamiu Hussayn, Ogheneruemu Obi-Egbedi, Isaac Oluwatayo |
Tytuł | Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017) |
Title | Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017) |
Słowa kluczowe | cocoa, competitiveness, market share, trade liberalization policy and vector error correction model |
Key words | cocoa, competitiveness, market share, trade liberalization policy and vector error correction model |
Abstrakt | The cocoa sector in Nigeria has experienced decline in production, yield, exports coupled with its inability to attain global standards and targets and, gradual loss of competitiveness at the world market. Trade liberalization was government’s panacea to the sector’s problem although, cocoa competitiveness remains an issue since liberalization. Therefore, the relationship between trade liberalization policy and competitiveness of Nigeria’s cocoa exports was examined in this study using data for the period 1961-2017. Cocoa market share was used to measure competitiveness while analytical tools employed were: ADF test, Johansen co-integration test and the vector error correction model (VECM). Market share, quantity of cocoa export and inflation rate were stationary at original level while others, at first difference. The co-integration test showed seven co-integrating equations. Trade liberalization policy was found to be an important driver of competitiveness. In addition, area harvested, production quantity and export quantity positively influenced competitiveness while world price of cocoa, interest rate on agricultural loans, exchange rate and trade liberalization influenced negatively. Therefore, appropriate trade policy formulation and implementation is recommended while, specific attention should be paid to monetary policies and cocoa production by the government. |
Abstract | The cocoa sector in Nigeria has experienced decline in production, yield, exports coupled with its inability to attain global standards and targets and, gradual loss of competitiveness at the world market. Trade liberalization was government’s panacea to the sector’s problem although, cocoa competitiveness remains an issue since liberalization. Therefore, the relationship between trade liberalization policy and competitiveness of Nigeria’s cocoa exports was examined in this study using data for the period 1961-2017. Cocoa market share was used to measure competitiveness while analytical tools employed were: ADF test, Johansen co-integration test and the vector error correction model (VECM). Market share, quantity of cocoa export and inflation rate were stationary at original level while others, at first difference. The co-integration test showed seven co-integrating equations. Trade liberalization policy was found to be an important driver of competitiveness. In addition, area harvested, production quantity and export quantity positively influenced competitiveness while world price of cocoa, interest rate on agricultural loans, exchange rate and trade liberalization influenced negatively. Therefore, appropriate trade policy formulation and implementation is recommended while, specific attention should be paid to monetary policies and cocoa production by the government. |
Cytowanie | Hussayn J., Obi-Egbedi O., Oluwatayo I. (2021) Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017).Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 1: 4-15 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n1_s4.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Babuchowska K. Wpływ zniesienia kwot mlecznych na funkcjonowanie gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka
Autor | Karolina Babuchowska |
Tytuł | Wpływ zniesienia kwot mlecznych na funkcjonowanie gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka |
Title | Impact of the Abolition of Milk Quotas on the Functioning of Dairy Farms |
Słowa kluczowe | produkcja mleka, gospodarstwa rolne, zniesienie kwot mlecznych |
Key words | dairy production, farms, the abolition of milk quotas |
Abstrakt | Rynek mleka od początku integracji europejskiej należał do najbardziej uregulowanych. Jednym w kluczowych instrumentów, które miały zapewnić jego stabilizację były wprowadzone w 1984 r. kwoty mleczne. Dążąc do większej liberalizacji rynku mleka UE zdecydowała o zniesieniu od 1 kwietnia 2015 r. limitów produkcji. Fakt ten znacząco zmienił warunki funkcjonowania gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka. Celem artykułu była próba ukazania jak zniesienie limitowania produkcji mleka wpłynęło na funkcjonowanie polskich gospodarstw mleczarskich. Podstawowym źródeł informacji były wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 1047 właścicieli gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka. Informacje te uzupełniono danymi Agencji Rynku Rolnego, Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego oraz Eurostat. W opinii ponad połowy respondentów na skutek likwidacji w 2015 r. kwot mlecznych pogorszyła się sytuacja ich gospodarstwa. Wynikało to przede wszystkim z niskich cen mleka, które wpłynęły na obniżenie opłacalności produkcji. Z tego względu aż 62% badanych było zdania, że na rynku mleka powinien być większy stopień interwencji. |
Abstract | The milk market was one of the most regulated since the beginning of European integration. One of the key instruments to stabilize this market was milk quota. It was introduced in 1984. Aiming at greater milk market liberalization, the EU decided to lift limits of the production from 1 April 2015. This fact significantly changed the operating conditions of dairy farms. The aim of the article was to show how the implementation (along with Poland's accession to the EU), and then the abolition of milk production, affected the situation of Polish dairy farms. The primary sources of information were the results of a survey in 1047 dairy farm owners operating throughout the country. This information was supplemented by Agriculture Market Agency and Milk Market Observatory data. In the opinion of more than half of the respondents, as a result of the abolition of milk quotas in 2015, the situation of their farms worsted. This fact was primarily due to the low prices of raw milk, which was driven by lower efficiency of production. As a result, 62% of the respondents believed that there should be a greater degree of intervention on the milk market. |
Cytowanie | Babuchowska K. (2020) Wpływ zniesienia kwot mlecznych na funkcjonowanie gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 5-14 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s5.pdf |
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Ekonomika i Organizacja Logistyki, 2020 |
Klepacki B., Mindewicz P. The volatility of price offers of passenger airlines on the example of the Warsaw – Brussels route
Autor | Bogdan Klepacki, Paulina Mindewicz |
Tytuł | The volatility of price offers of passenger airlines on the example of the Warsaw – Brussels route |
Title | Zmienność ofert cenowych przewoźników pasażerskich na przykładzie trasy Warszawa – Bruksela |
Słowa kluczowe | air communication, ticket prices, pricing policy |
Key words | komunikacja lotnicza, ceny biletów, polityka cenowa |
Abstrakt | In the study, the authors dealt with the price offer of four air carriers on the Warsaw – Brussels route. There were two traditional carriers (LOT Polish Airlines and Lufthansa) and two low-cost carriers (Ryanair and Wizz Air). The analysis considered changes in the ticket prices for a flight on a specific day over six months. A diversified pricing policy was found. Low-cost carriers and Lufthansa changed prices frequently but to a small extent. On the other hand, the cost of a ticket on Polish airlines was gradually increasing, the fastest in the last month before the flight. To minimize the ticket price at PLL LOT, a reservation had to be made at least three months before the flight. The lowest price of a Lufthansa and Ryanair ticket occurred a month before departure. On the other hand, at Wizz Air, the final price was lower than that offered at the beginning of the study. |
Abstract | W opracowaniu autorzy podjęli problematykę oferty cenowej czterech przewoźników lotniczych na trasie Warszawa – Bruksela. Było to dwóch przewoźników tradycyjnych (PLL LOT i Lufthansa) oraz dwóch niskokosztowych (Ryanair i Wizz Air). W analizie uwzględniono zmiany cen biletu na lot konkretnego dnia w półrocznym okresie. Stwierdzono zróżnicowaną politykę cenową. Przewoźnicy niskokosztowi oraz Lufthansa zmieniali cenę często, ale w niewielkim zakresie. Z kolei koszt biletu w polskich liniach stopniowo rósł, najszybciej w ostatnim miesiącu przed lotem. W minimalizacji ceny biletu w PLL LOT należało dokonać rezerwacji minimum trzy miesiące przed lotem. Najniższa cena biletu Lufthansy oraz Ryanair wystąpiła na miesiąc przed wyjazdem. Z kolei w Wizz Air cena ostateczna była niższa od zaoferowanej na początku badania. |
Cytowanie | Klepacki B., Mindewicz P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOL_2020_T5_n3_s93.pdf |
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Pozycja konkurencyjna jabłek i zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego na rynkach zagranicznych, 2020 |
Kraciński P., Wicki L. Pozycja konkurencyjna jabłek i zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego na rynkach zagranicznych
Autor | Paweł Kraciński, Ludwik Wicki |
Tytuł | Pozycja konkurencyjna jabłek i zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego na rynkach zagranicznych |
Title | Competitive position of apples and concentrated apple juice on foreign markets |
Słowa kluczowe | eksport jabłek, eksport zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego, pozycja konkurencyjna |
Key words | apple export, export of concentrated apple juice, competitive position |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania była ocena pozycji konkurencyjnej polskich jabłek i zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego (ZSJ) na rynkach zagranicznych. W pracy zidenty-fikowano tendencje na rynku jabłek i ZSJ w Polsce i na świecie. Dokonano także oceny potencjału konkurencyjnego polskiego sadownictwa. Określono pozycję konku-rencyjną polskiego eksportu jabłek i ZSJ oraz czynniki wpływające na pozycję konkurencyjną eksportu tych produktów na rynku światowym. Analizą objęto okres 2005-2017. Stwierdzono, że Polska należała do czołówki największych eksporterów jabłek i ZSJ na świecie, a w badanym okresie pozycja konkurencyjna Polski na rynku zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego rosła. Rosła także pozycja konkurencyjna Polski na rynku jabłek, ale tylko do wprowadzenia w 2014 roku rosyjskiego embargo na ich import z Polski. Pozycja konkurencyjna polskich jabłek na rynku światowym w latach 2005-2017 zależała od cen tych owoców, wielkości zbiorów, ale także kursu walu-towego (PLN/USD) oraz wolumenu importu jabłek w Rosji, a na rynku ZSJ od cen eksportowych i kursu walutowego (PLN/EUR). |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to assess the competitive position of Polish apples and apple juice concentrate (CAJ) on foreign markets. The study identifies trends in the apple market and CAJ in Poland and in the world. The competitive potential of Polish horticulture was also assessed. The competitive position of Polish exports of apples and CAJ was determined as well as factors influencing the competitive position of exports of these products on the world market. The analysis covered the period 2005-2017. It was found that Poland was one of the leading exporters of apples and CAJ in the world, and in the analyzed period, Poland's competitive position on the apple juice concentrated market was growing. Poland's competitive position on the apple market also increased, but only until the Russian embargo on apple imports from Poland was introduced in 2014. The competitive position of Polish apples on the world market in 2005-2017 depended on the prices of these fruits, the size of the harvest, but also the exchange rate (PLN / USD) and the volume of apple imports in Russia, and on the CAJ market on export prices and the exchange rate (PLN / EUR). |
Cytowanie | Kraciński P., Wicki L. (2020) Pozycja konkurencyjna jabłek i zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego na rynkach zagranicznych. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | MONO_2020_pkracinski_pozycja_konkurencyjna_jablek.pdf |
10. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Mroczek R. Rynek mięsa w Polsce w dobie koronawirusa SARS-Cov-2
Autor | Robert Mroczek |
Tytuł | Rynek mięsa w Polsce w dobie koronawirusa SARS-Cov-2 |
Title | The Meat Market in Poland in the Era of the SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus |
Słowa kluczowe | rynek, handel, eksport, import, przemysł mięsny, produkcja, konsumpcja, ceny |
Key words | market, trade, export, import, meet industry, production, consumption, prices |
Abstrakt | Celem niniejszego opracowania była ocena wpływu wirusa SARS-CoV-2 na rynek mięsa w Polsce. Rynek mięsa jest ważną częścią polskiej gospodarki. Produkcja żywca rzeźnego (wieprzowego, wołowego oraz drobiowego) stanowi ponad 1/3 produkcji towarowej rolniczej, a przemysł mięsny (mięsa czerwonego i drobiowego) jest największym działem przetwórstwa spożywczego. Pandemia COVID-19, która dotarła także do Polski nie zachwiała w znaczący sposób tym rynkiem. Oznaką wprowadzonych obostrzeń w życiu społecznym i gospodarczym był krótkotrwały zmasowany wykup żywności o przedłużonym terminie przydatności do spożycia. Lockdown zmienił nieco nawyki żywieniowe oraz zakupowe Polaków. W I połowie 2020 roku eksport mięsa wołowego oraz drobiowego zmniejszył się o 3-5%, a o 28% spadł eksport mięsa wieprzowego w porównaniu z I połową 2019 roku. Rynek mięsa borykał się w dalszym ciągu z afrykańskim pomorem świń (ASF) oraz dodatkowo ptasią grypą. Najbardziej poszkodowaną częścią rynku został segment HoReCa. |
Abstract | The aim of this study was to assess the impact of SARS-CoV-2 virus on the meat market in Poland. The meat market is an important part of the Polish economy. Production of slaughter animals (pork, beef and poultry) accounts for over 1/3 of agricultural commodity production, and the meat industry (red meat and poultry) is the largest branch of food processing. The COVID-19 pandemic, which also reached Poland, did not significantly shake this market. A sign of the introduced restrictions in social and economic life was a short-term massive purchase of food with an extended shelf life. Lockdown slightly changed the eating and shopping habits of Poles. In the first half of 2020, exports of beef and poultry decreased by 3-5%, and exports of pork decreased by 28% compared to the first half of 2019. The meat market continued to struggle with African Swine Fever (ASF) and, in addition, with bird flu. The HoReCa segment was the most affected part of the market. |
Cytowanie | Mroczek R. (2020) Rynek mięsa w Polsce w dobie koronawirusa SARS-Cov-2.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 3: 53-65 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n3_s53.pdf |
11. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Katarzyna Czech, Michał Wielechowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | agricultural commodities, stock market, COVID-19, structural breaks |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The paper aims to identify the COVID-19-driven structural break in agricultural commodity prices time series. We assume the official outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., 11 March 2020, as the breaking point. We use data on the S&P GSCI Agriculture and Livestock Index and the S&P 500 from Refinitiv Datastream. The structural break is identified based on the Chow test. We prove the existence of structural break in both the S&P 500 and the S&P GSCI Agriculture and Livestock Index triggered by the official outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, to assess the causality between the analysed series, we apply the Granger causality test. We reveal a unidirectional causal relationship from the stock market to the agricultural commodity market. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Czech K., Wielechowski M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s37.pdf |
12. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Kuts T., Makarchuk O. Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets
Autor | Tetyana Kuts, Oksana Makarchuk |
Tytuł | Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets |
Title | Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets |
Słowa kluczowe | market integration, Ukraine, European Union, United States, sunflower oil market |
Key words | market integration, Ukraine, European Union, United States, sunflower oil market |
Abstrakt | This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US. |
Abstract | This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US. |
Cytowanie | Kuts T., Makarchuk O. (2020) Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 3: 4-15 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n3_s4.pdf |
13. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Hubeni Y., Krupa O., Krupa V., Raiter N. Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market
Autor | Yuriy Hubeni, Oksana Krupa, Volodymyr Krupa, Nataliia Raiter |
Tytuł | Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market |
Title | Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market |
Słowa kluczowe | globalization, HoReCa, wholesale trade, wholesale market of agricultural production, wholesale purchase, customers’ market behavior |
Key words | globalization, HoReCa, wholesale trade, wholesale market of agricultural production, wholesale purchase, customers’ market behavior |
Abstrakt | The article is devoted to the research of local determinants of HoReCa sphere subject economic behavior in the wholesale markets of agricultural production under hospitality sphere globalization in Ukraine. The authors generalized the key provisions of consumer market behavior theories and its formation factors in HoReCa sphere. The peculiarities of agricultural wholesale market functioning are defined and the competitive surrounding of wholesale food market in western region of Ukraine is characterized. Main principles of business organization in HoReCa sphere are studied; the impact of globalization and foreign economic activity vectors on this sphere internationalization is outlined. The results of research project made by the authors are given, which was aimed at examining motives and peculiarities of HoReCa customers market behavior when wholesale purchasing agricultural production for their own business. The research was conducted on the basis of “Shuvar” market of agricultural production Ltd. - the largest in Western Ukraine wholesale agricultural market. It consists of several specialized food halls, including HoReCa centre. The structure of HoReCa establishments, that are “Shuvar” wholesale market clients, is analyzed. The factors influencing their managers’ decisions, concerning purchase assortment, its frequency, the most convenient time of goods delivery, are investigated. The evaluation of significance degree of certain products purchase, including price, products homogeneity, their constant availability, exclusiveness, is received. HoReCa sphere subjects’ wishes were studied, concerning purchase information support in the wholesale market, for service quality improvement. |
Abstract | The article is devoted to the research of local determinants of HoReCa sphere subject economic behavior in the wholesale markets of agricultural production under hospitality sphere globalization in Ukraine. The authors generalized the key provisions of consumer market behavior theories and its formation factors in HoReCa sphere. The peculiarities of agricultural wholesale market functioning are defined and the competitive surrounding of wholesale food market in western region of Ukraine is characterized. Main principles of business organization in HoReCa sphere are studied; the impact of globalization and foreign economic activity vectors on this sphere internationalization is outlined. The results of research project made by the authors are given, which was aimed at examining motives and peculiarities of HoReCa customers market behavior when wholesale purchasing agricultural production for their own business. The research was conducted on the basis of “Shuvar” market of agricultural production Ltd. - the largest in Western Ukraine wholesale agricultural market. It consists of several specialized food halls, including HoReCa centre. The structure of HoReCa establishments, that are “Shuvar” wholesale market clients, is analyzed. The factors influencing their managers’ decisions, concerning purchase assortment, its frequency, the most convenient time of goods delivery, are investigated. The evaluation of significance degree of certain products purchase, including price, products homogeneity, their constant availability, exclusiveness, is received. HoReCa sphere subjects’ wishes were studied, concerning purchase information support in the wholesale market, for service quality improvement. |
Cytowanie | Hubeni Y., Krupa O., Krupa V., Raiter N. (2020) Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 25-39 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s25.pdf |
14. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Gabryjończyk P., Zawadka J. The importance and popularityof tourism among disabled people in Poland
Autor | Piotr Gabryjończyk, Jan Zawadka |
Tytuł | The importance and popularityof tourism among disabled people in Poland |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | tourism, tourist activity, people with disabilities, disabled people |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of the study is to show the importance and popularity of tourism (includingtourism behavior, expectations and preferences) among people with disabilities. The study wasconducted at the beginning of 2018 on a sample of 434 disabled people with an appropriatemedical certificate using a survey technique. Domestic trips, especially short-term ones, werethe most popular. The respondents most often made one or two trips a year, the purposeof which was mainly leisure and sightseeing. The determinant of the selection of a specificoffer was mainly the price. Coastal and mountain destinations were the most popular, and therespondents most often spent time walking and socializing. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Gabryjończyk P., Zawadka J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n13_s151.pdf |
15. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Twardowska A. Wyrównywanie się cen gruntów rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Anna Twardowska |
Tytuł | Wyrównywanie się cen gruntów rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Equalization of Agricultural Land Prices in the European Union Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | beta-konwergencja, ceny ziemi rolnej, Unia Europejska |
Key words | beta-convergence, agricultural land prices, European Union |
Abstrakt | W artykule poruszono problematykę związaną z kształtowaniem się cen ziemi rolniczej w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Poddano weryfikacji hipotezę dotyczącą występowania beta-konwergencji absolutnej cen ziemi rolnej wśród 20 wybranych państw UE. Badania przeprowadzono dla lat 2006 – 2017 z wykorzystaniem modeli absolutnej konwergencji typu beta opartych na danych przestrzennych. Uzyskane wyniki badań potwierdzają występowanie tzw. efektu doganiania na rynku cen ziemi rolnej w Unii Europejskiej. Tym samym w krajach, w których początkowo stwierdzono niższy poziom cen ziemi rolnej następuje szybszy wzrost cen, niż w krajach o początkowo wyższym ich poziomie. |
Abstract | The paper deals with issues related to the development of agricultural land prices in the countries of the European Union. The hypothesis regarding absolute beta-convergence of agricultural land prices among 20 selected EU countries was verified. The research was carried out for the years 2006 - 2017 using absolute beta convergence models based on spatial data. Obtained test results confirm the occurrence of so-called the effect of catching up on the agricultural land market in the European Union. Thus, in countries where initially a lower level of agricultural land prices were found, there is a faster increase in prices than in countries with initially higher levels. |
Cytowanie | Twardowska A. (2020) Wyrównywanie się cen gruntów rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 67-77 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s67.pdf |
16. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Ceylan N. Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey
Autor | Nazli Ceylan |
Tytuł | Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey |
Title | Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey |
Słowa kluczowe | policy analysis matrix, wheat production, Turkey |
Key words | policy analysis matrix, wheat production, Turkey |
Abstrakt | Turkey plays a significant role in global wheat trade, importing wheat grain and exporting processed wheat products such as pasta, flour and biscuits. Wheat growing areas in Turkey have shown a decrease of about 10% over the last decade. Although an increase in yields keeps the production amount in balance, policies toward the wheat sector have reached a more critical point due to an increasing population and growing demand on the wheat flour sector. In this study, the profitability and sustainability of the sector were analyzed by using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) approach, and by examining the effects of the policies that have been applied on the wheat market recently. According to the PAM results, domestic wheat prices are higher than world prices due to existing policies and the wheat sector is not competitive without support. |
Abstract | Turkey plays a significant role in global wheat trade, importing wheat grain and exporting processed wheat products such as pasta, flour and biscuits. Wheat growing areas in Turkey have shown a decrease of about 10% over the last decade. Although an increase in yields keeps the production amount in balance, policies toward the wheat sector have reached a more critical point due to an increasing population and growing demand on the wheat flour sector. In this study, the profitability and sustainability of the sector were analyzed by using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) approach, and by examining the effects of the policies that have been applied on the wheat market recently. According to the PAM results, domestic wheat prices are higher than world prices due to existing policies and the wheat sector is not competitive without support. |
Cytowanie | Ceylan N. (2020) Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 4-11 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s4.pdf |
17. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Autor | Piotr Mielus |
Title | Wpływ panelistów na kształtowanie się stawki WIBOR – podejście hybrydowe |
Słowa kluczowe | financial benchmarks, money market, hybrid method |
Key words | wskaźniki finansowe, rynek pieniężny, metoda hybrydowa |
Abstrakt | The reform of financial benchmarks is one of the key elements of stability and trust in the financial market. In the money market, it is difficult to implement reforms because of the disappearance of the interbank deposit market, which was a reference market for IBOR-type rates. A solution is a hybrid method which combines declarations of panelists and prices of eligible transactions. Based on historic time series, the article analyses the impact of individual banks on the published index and presents the way the hybrid method can be used for WIBOR 3M. On the grounds of empirical data, the impact of particular banks was found to be moderate and the hybrid method proved to generate an interest rate series of a similar level, but of greater variance. The key problem is a limited impact of real-transaction prices on the published rate due to a low share of concluded deals and divergence of their prices from quotes generated by so called expert judgment in the analysed period. |
Abstract | Reforma wskaźników finansowych jest jednym z kluczowych elementów stabilności i zaufania na rynku finansowym. Na rynku pieniężnym, wdrożenie reformy jest trudne ze względu na zanik międzybankowego rynku depozytowego, który stanowił rynek referencyjny dla stawek typu IBOR. Rozwiązaniem jest metoda hybrydowa stanowiąca połączenie deklaracji panelistów oraz cen zawartych transakcji spełniających wyznaczone kryteria. Artykuł, na podstawie historycznych szeregów czasowych, analizuje wpływ poszczególnych banków na kształtowanie się publikowanego indeksu oraz prezentuje aplikację metody hybrydowej dla wskaźnika WIBOR 3M. Na podstawie danych empirycznych ustalono, że wpływ poszczególnych banków jest umiarkowany, a metoda hybrydowa generuje szereg stóp procentowych o podobnym poziomie stawki, ale o wyższej wariancji. Problemem jest niski udział cen transakcyjnych w procesie kształtowania stawki, ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę zawartych transakcji oraz rozbieżność ich cen z ocenami eksperckimi składanymi w okresie analizowanej próby. |
Cytowanie | Mielus P. (2020) IMPACT OF PANELISTS ON WIBOR RATES – HYBRID APPROACH.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 123-133 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s123.pdf |
18. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Jurij Klapkiv |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | food security, pandemic, poverty, reduction of profitability, strategic development goals, global environment, food security indicators, consumer price index |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The following research methods are used to achieve this goal: theoretical synthesis, analysis, abstract and logical - to reveal the relationship of the global food crisis in the context of achieving food security goals; interpretation and comparison - to determine the prospects for improving food security; tabular and graphical - for a visual representation of food security in the world. It has been established that food security is an objective necessity for human development. Its provision is a guarantee of regular access of the population to high-quality food necessary for leading an active and healthy life. Taking into account the analysed indicators of food security, reserves have been identified for improving the growth of food security in the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine and the world. A cumulative interrelated analysis of pandemic and post-pandemic poverty growth, declining profitability, and price differentiation in food security has been conducted. The assessment of divergent changes in the food sector of Ukraine and other countries is carried out taking into account the challenges of the environmental environment. The results of the study on food security can be used in the management of the economy and the agro-industrial sector as one of the goals of sustainable development. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Klapkiv J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s61.pdf |
19. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Hamulczuk M., Makarchuk O., Sica E. Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidencefrom the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets
Autor | Mariusz Hamulczuk, Oksana Makarchuk, Edgardo Sica |
Tytuł | Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidencefrom the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets |
Title | Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidencefrom the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets |
Słowa kluczowe | price behavior, horizontal market integration, Ukraine, European Union, rapeseed market |
Key words | price behavior, horizontal market integration, Ukraine, European Union, rapeseed market |
Abstrakt | This paper aims to provide preliminary evidence about the existence of horizontal integration between the rapeseed markets in Ukraine (UA) and the European Union (EU). To this end, both a trade analysis and a price analysis were carried out. In particular, the trade analysis was performed using yearly trade flows between the UA and EU, whereas price co-movement was assessed by means of linear vector error correction model (VECM) applied to weekly prices for rapeseed from 2008 to 2018. Our findings provide evidence of strong integration between the UA and EU markets in terms of the trade of rapeseeds, rape cake, and rape oil, as well as high horizontal rapeseed price transmission between the two economies. |
Abstract | This paper aims to provide preliminary evidence about the existence of horizontal integration between the rapeseed markets in Ukraine (UA) and the European Union (EU). To this end, both a trade analysis and a price analysis were carried out. In particular, the trade analysis was performed using yearly trade flows between the UA and EU, whereas price co-movement was assessed by means of linear vector error correction model (VECM) applied to weekly prices for rapeseed from 2008 to 2018. Our findings provide evidence of strong integration between the UA and EU markets in terms of the trade of rapeseeds, rape cake, and rape oil, as well as high horizontal rapeseed price transmission between the two economies. |
Cytowanie | Hamulczuk M., Makarchuk O., Sica E. (2019) Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidencefrom the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 1: 47-58 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n1_s47.pdf |
20. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2019 |
Dudziński M., Wasilewska E. Application of conjoint analysis in the study of the wine consumers’ preferences
Autor | Marcin Dudziński, Ewa Wasilewska |
Tytuł | Application of conjoint analysis in the study of the wine consumers’ preferences |
Title | Zastosowanie conjoint analysis w badaniu preferencji konsumentów wina |
Słowa kluczowe | preferences analysis, consumer, conjoint analysis, wine |
Key words | analiza preferencji, konsument, conjoint analysis, wino |
Abstrakt | In our paper, the results concerning the research devoted to wine consumers’ preferences, obtained with the use of method called the conjoint analysis, are presented. The basis for measurements of such the preferences is the utility function that enables to assign numerical characteristics to each of available variates. The conjoint analysis is a survey-based multivariate statistical technique where respondent has different objects at the disposal, each of which is determined by the chosen set of relevant attributes, taking the given values (levels), in order to give some information about the total preferences regarding these objects. The objective of our work is to gain the knowledge about the wine consumers’ preferences and, in particular, to establish what factors are vital for them when purchasing wine. We conduct a questionnaire survey based on a sample consisting of 248 randomly chosen respondents, declaring wine consumption. The collected sample has been divided into the female and male groups, as well as into the three age categories (18–35 years, 36–55 years and 56 years or more). In our study, we have stated that the price of wine is the most decisive factor when it comes to selection of the preferred sort of wine. The wine dryness and its color turn out to be the second and the third most significant factors regarding this choice, while the sort of wine and the number of awarded prizes or accolades are the least important factors for buying the specific kind of wine. |
Abstract | W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań preferencji konsumentów wina przy wykorzystaniu metody conjoint analysis, czyli addytywnego pomiaru łącznego. Podstawę pomiaru preferencji stanowi tu funkcja użyteczności, która umożliwia przypisanie charakterystyki liczbowej każdemu z dostępnych wariantów będących przedmiotem wyboru. Conjoint analysis jest jedną z metod wielowymiarowej analizy statystycznej. Opiera się ona na prezentacji respondentom zbioru obiektów (profilów produktów lub usług) opisanych wybranymi atrybutami, z których każdy przyjmuje określone wartości (poziomy), w celu uzyskania informacji o całkowitych preferencjach odnośnie tych obiektów. Celem opracowania było rozpoznanie preferencji konsumentów wina, w szczególności określenie, jakimi kryteriami kierują się oni, podejmując decyzję o zakupie wina. Przeprowadzono badania ankietowe przy wykorzystaniu kwestionariusza ankiety wśród 248 wybranych w sposób przypadkowy osób deklarujących spożywanie wina, w podziale na kobiety i mężczyzn oraz trzy grupy wiekowe (18–35 lat, 36–55 lat oraz 56 lat lub więcej). W wyniku analizy stwierdzono, że czynnikiem decydującym o wyborze wina jest dla konsumentów przede wszystkim cena. W dalszej kolejności konsumenci uwzględniają wytrawność wina i jego barwę. Najmniej ważnymi czynnikami okazały się rodzaj wina (spokojne, musujące) oraz to, czy wino było laureatem nagród lub wyróżnień. |
Cytowanie | Dudziński M., Wasilewska E. (2019) Application of conjoint analysis in the study of the wine consumers’ preferences.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 126: 53-68 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2019_n126_s53.pdf |