Zmiany poziomu i struktury aktywów finansowych polskich gospodarstw domowych

Michał Szponarowicz

Szponarowicz, Michał
Zmiany poziomu i struktury aktywów finansowych polskich gospodarstw domowych
Changes in the Level and Structure of Polish Households’ Financial Assets
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2008, vol., nr 72, s. 181-197


The aim of this article is to analyse changes in the level and structure of households’ financial assets in Poland. The discourse involves selected economical factors, which condition the method of household investments. Crucial determinants influencing the increase of financial assets worth include the establishment of Open Pension Funds as new entities on the financial market. In addition the growth of Investment Funds sector influenced the increased activity of households in investments. Those changes facilitated households with an easier access to financial tools. Changes which took place in the structure and level of Polish people’s savings were, among other factors, the effect of the general growth of Polish economy. Major role in the development of financial assets’ structure was played by non-economical factors: demographic and psychological. The latter factors exhibit high level of influence during dynamic fluctuations (both increase and decrease) of market index value. Such a situation occurred during the discussed period of time