Środowiskowe koszty i korzyści w przedsiębiorstwach agrobiznesu

Tadeusz Liziński, Anna Wróblewska

Liziński, Tadeusz
Wróblewska, Anna
Środowiskowe koszty i korzyści w przedsiębiorstwach agrobiznesu
Environmental costs and benefi ts in agrobusiness enterprises
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 75, s. 105-119


Nitrogen balance indicated surplus in range 50–170 kg N/year in researched 5 farms in Żuławy Vistula Delta. This surplus is able to treat as external environmental cost which should undergo internalization that is included to account of person causing damage. It changed also position of enterprise economic optimum which should be treated as economic-ecological optimum. Grasslands in farms keeping cattle growing are simultaneously source of external benefits. Beyond-production significance of grasslands results from landscape, protective, hydrological, climatic meaning and other ecological benefits. Beyond-production functions should be appraised and included to economic-ecological valuation of farms.