Koszty żywienia krów mlecznych a wyniki ekonomiczne gospodarstw

Ewa Kołoszycz

Kołoszycz, Ewa
Koszty żywienia krów mlecznych a wyniki ekonomiczne gospodarstw
Costs of feeding dairy cows and economic results of dairy farms
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 84, s. 57-62


The paper presents results of studies on costs and profitability of milk production in various diets of dairy cows. For the three farms specialized in milk production, were developed two variants of feeding cows on the basis of hay silage produced on the farm. One scenario assumes maintenance of current milk yield of dairy cows and use of concentrates. The second eliminated concentrates from the feed and assumes a reduction of milk yield of cows. The analysis included the costs and profitability of milk production in farms.