Rozliczenia bezgotówkowe msp z sektora agrobiznesu

Renata Matysik-Pejas, Monika Szafrańska

Matysik-Pejas, Renata
Szafrańska, Monika; ORCID: 0000-0002-4948-7636
Rozliczenia bezgotówkowe msp z sektora agrobiznesu
Non-cash settlements of SMEs from the agri-business sector
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 85, s. 117-126


The aim of the paper is characteristics and assessment of financial behaviours of micro, small and medium sized enterprises in the agribusiness sector on the non-cash settlements market. As results from the investigations the analyzed enterprises are characterized by a high degree of non-cash settlement forms utilization. However, the discussed agribusiness enterprises use only the basic settlement instruments for handling payments with dominant transfer order. On average, each made 20 money transfers per month. Most of the realized transfers (60%) were electronic funds transfers. Pay cards are also an important settlement instrument (48%). The results of the investigations suggest that both the fact of possessing a business bank card by the entrepreneurs and the frequency of its use depend on the place where the entity operates and kind of bank in which the fi rm has its current account. Pay card is more popular in the client group of commercial banks and among the businessmen who operate in the urbanized areas. Apart from the funds transfer in paper or electronic form and cards, the other non-cash payment instruments (checks, letters of credit, and order to pay or collection) were not used by the analyzed group of enterprises owing to the fact that they were operating on domestic markets.