Kierunki zmian w środkach trwałych rolnictwa po wejściu do UE

Jan Zwolak

Zwolak, Jan
Kierunki zmian w środkach trwałych rolnictwa po wejściu do UE
Directions of changes in fi xed assets in agriculture after entering the UE
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 85, s. 69-80


Measurements of descriptive statistics were used to examine changes in fixed assets and their sets of groups in agriculture in the period 2004–2008. Studies confirmed an increased rate of renewal of fixed assets, especially mobile sets of groups of these assets in agriculture after entering the UE. Technical progress expressed as an increase of the share of the gross value of the set of group of machines, technical devices and tools and the set of group of means of transport in the total gross value of fixed assets increased only by 2 per cent. Moreover, one could notice changes in the directions of reproduction of particular sets of groups of fixed assets.