Ocena ekonomiczno-rynkowych efektów wsparcia finansowego rolnictwa ekologicznego w Polsce na podstawie studiów przypadku z województwa mazowieckiego

Paweł Grzelak

Grzelak, Paweł
Ocena ekonomiczno-rynkowych efektów wsparcia finansowego rolnictwa ekologicznego w Polsce na podstawie studiów przypadku z województwa mazowieckiego
Assessment of economic and market impact of the financial support of organic farming in Poland on the basis of a case study from Mazovia voivodship
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2011, vol., nr 87, s. 95-119


The significance of organic farming in the World is increasing constantly. Especially in the European Union, partially through the more environmentally orientated reforms of the CAP. Moreover it combines economic, social and environmental objectives. Implementation of financial support made the growth of the number of organic farms in Poland possible. Unfortunately this process didn’t influence the development of the organic market. This research paper confirms the negative impacts of enforcement of organic financial support in Poland. In the future, this could result in the change in the target group for the subsidies towards organic farms that produce goods mainly for the organic market. But it will also reduce support for small family farms which future, in this case, brings into question.