Jaska, Ewa; ORCID: 0000-0002-3874-1985 (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW)
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019, vol., nr 3, s. 153-158
Słowa kluczowe
marketing chatbot communication
JEL Classification
The e-commerce industry is constantly growing and becoming a strong competition for stationary outlets.More and more e-stores are deciding to use new communication solutions. Many of them use so-called bots.The article presents the possibilities of using virtual assistants, the analysis of the literature on the subject andthe results of conducted surveys on the use and familiarity of chatbots among recipients and managers.In the application of virtual assistants, managers see a chance to increase the possibility of effective communicationwith simultaneous reduction of the costs of carrying out this process. The benefits of this solutionsupport the intensive and versatile use of it. At the same time, customers opt for direct contact with a consultant.That is why the perfect combination is to have both a chatbot and a real consultant.
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