Zróżnicowanie regionalne potencjału produkcyjnego oraz dochodowości indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce z uwzględnieniem wybranych typów rolniczych (na podstawie FADN)

Joanna Kaczmarek

Kaczmarek, Joanna
Zróżnicowanie regionalne potencjału produkcyjnego oraz dochodowości indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce z uwzględnieniem wybranych typów rolniczych (na podstawie FADN)
Regional diversification of production potential and production and economic results for family farms in Poland with respect to selected types of farming (on the basis of FADN)
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2006, vol.15, nr , s. 26-35

Key words

production potential economic results family farms


The aim of this paper was to analyze the regional diversification of the production potential and production and economic results for family farms included in the Polish FADN in 2004. Selected types of farming have been taken into consideration. The most favorable conditions for agricultural production were found in Pomorze i Mazury and „Wielkopolska i Śląsk” regions. The total utilized agricultural area of an average holding, value of assets, and production and economic results attained the highest level in these regions. The most profitable type of farming found was Granivorous.