Tendencies in meat production in the Republic of Belarus

Marija Pestis, Dmitry Rudenko, Elena Rudenko

Pestis, Marija
Rudenko, Dmitry
Rudenko, Elena
Tendencies in meat production in the Republic of Belarus
Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 2006, vol.14, nr , s. 74-84

Key words

meat production meat products stockbreeding efficiency pig breeding pork farms Belarus


Stockbreeding is a fast growing branch of agriculture. But in modern economic conditions Republic of Belarus has many problems with it. On the contrary the countries of Europe achieved big results in meat production. In most of them branch is export oriented. The authors analyze situation in meat production in the Republic of Belarus and give their opinion thereupon. The present conditions are unfavourable and the volume of meat production is falling. It is necessary for the government to assist meat producers.