41. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Olipra J. Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price
Autor | Jakub Olipra |
Tytuł | Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price |
Title | Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price |
Słowa kluczowe | farmgate milk price, seasonality, forecasting, globalization, panel regressions |
Key words | farmgate milk price, seasonality, forecasting, globalization, panel regressions |
Abstrakt | Since 2007 farmgate milk prices in EU have become much more volatile and their seasonal pattern has stopped being so explicit. The purpose of this research is to test the hypothesis that seasonality still plays an important role in shaping farmgate milk prices in EU while its amplitude decreases together with the growing integration of the EU milk market with the global market. The aforementioned issues are investigated using Census X-12 procedure of price decomposition and panel random effects model. The results indicate that after 2007 the role of seasonality in determining EU farmgate milk prices has significantly decreased which partially results from the higher integration of the EU milk market with the global market. Nevertheless, seasonality remains an important factor determining the farmgate milk prices in EU. It can be expected that with the further globalization of the milk market, the significance of seasonality in determining farmgate milk prices in EU will be diminishing. |
Abstract | Since 2007 farmgate milk prices in EU have become much more volatile and their seasonal pattern has stopped being so explicit. The purpose of this research is to test the hypothesis that seasonality still plays an important role in shaping farmgate milk prices in EU while its amplitude decreases together with the growing integration of the EU milk market with the global market. The aforementioned issues are investigated using Census X-12 procedure of price decomposition and panel random effects model. The results indicate that after 2007 the role of seasonality in determining EU farmgate milk prices has significantly decreased which partially results from the higher integration of the EU milk market with the global market. Nevertheless, seasonality remains an important factor determining the farmgate milk prices in EU. It can be expected that with the further globalization of the milk market, the significance of seasonality in determining farmgate milk prices in EU will be diminishing. |
Cytowanie | Olipra J. (2019) Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 75-84 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s75.pdf |
42. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Tkachuk V., Vitriak O. Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village
Autor | Vadym Tkachuk, Oksana Vitriak |
Tytuł | Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village |
Title | Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village |
Słowa kluczowe | agriculture, small farming forms, agricultural production |
Key words | agriculture, small farming forms, agricultural production |
Abstrakt | The article substantiates the prospects for the development and increase of the functioning efficiency of small farming forms in the countryside. Particular attention is paid to the study of factors that have a negative impact on the farms and households functioning. Based on the analysis of statistical indicators, it has been established that the most significant factors that have a negative impact on the functioning of small farming forms in the countryside are the difficulty of manufactured products realization, insufficiently effective state support, lack of developed infrastructure, low education level of households' heads. In order to minimize the negative impact of the identified range of problems, it is proposed to introduce preventive measures in the following areas: the state support system improvement, infrastructure development, the production base and resource support improvement, integration relations development. |
Abstract | The article substantiates the prospects for the development and increase of the functioning efficiency of small farming forms in the countryside. Particular attention is paid to the study of factors that have a negative impact on the farms and households functioning. Based on the analysis of statistical indicators, it has been established that the most significant factors that have a negative impact on the functioning of small farming forms in the countryside are the difficulty of manufactured products realization, insufficiently effective state support, lack of developed infrastructure, low education level of households' heads. In order to minimize the negative impact of the identified range of problems, it is proposed to introduce preventive measures in the following areas: the state support system improvement, infrastructure development, the production base and resource support improvement, integration relations development. |
Cytowanie | Tkachuk V., Vitriak O. (2019) Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 108-115 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s108.pdf |
43. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2019 |
Autor | Agnieszka Biernat-Jarka |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | Common Agricultural Policy, public goods, greening, environmental protection, Poland, European Union |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article discusses the concept of providing environmental public goods through agriculture. The theoretical goal of the discussion was to present the concept of greening under the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. This concept was developed on the basis of available literature and from EU and Polish documents. The concrete goal is to assess greening instruments in terms of their implementation and compliance by farmers. A review of the available literature on the subject allows the assumption that the greening instrument implemented under the CAP has contributed to an intensification of activities by farmers in the field of environmental protection. The article was prepared based on source materials, monographs and scientific articles as well as Eurostat data. The article also presents the results of Eurobarometer surveys that show the expectations of EU citizens towards the European Union's CAP in the field of environmental and climate protection. Results of surveys have shown that on the one hand, the European Union should be responsible for ensuring healthy and safe food products for consumers, while on the other hand the goal of the Common Agricultural Policy should be to ensure an appropriate standard of living for farmers. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Biernat-Jarka A. (2019) ASSESSMENT OF GREENING IN THE CONTEXT OF PROVIDING ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC GOODS IN AGRICULTURE.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 22(71): 18-27 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2019_n71_s18.pdf |
44. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2019 |
Sadłowski A. Skutki stosowania płatności redystrybucyjnej w zależności od wariantu wdrożeniowego na przykładzie Polski
Autor | Adrian Sadłowski |
Tytuł | Skutki stosowania płatności redystrybucyjnej w zależności od wariantu wdrożeniowego na przykładzie Polski |
Słowa kluczowe | Wspólna Polityka Rolna, płatności bezpośrednie, płatność redystrybucyjna, Polska |
Key words | Common Agricultural Policy, direct payments, redistributive payment, Poland |
Abstrakt | W niniejszym opracowaniu, w ramach badań diagnostycznych, dokonano pomiaru aktualnego stopnia koncentracji pomocy dystrybuowanej w ramach systemu wsparcia bezpośredniego dla rolników w Polsce oraz przedstawiono jego zróżnicowanie regionalne. Z kolei w ramach badań symulacyjnych dokonano kwantyfikacji skutków redystrybucyjnych stosowania – w różnych wariantach – instrumentu wyrównującego przyznawane kwoty wsparcia między gospodarstwami. Może to stanowić podstawę oceny ex ante alternatywnych opcji wdrożeniowych płatności redystrybucyjnej. Badania doprowadziły m.in. do wyznaczenia przedziałów obszarowych gospodarstw korzystających na stosowaniu płatności redystrybucyjnej – w obecnym kształcie oraz w przykładowych wariantach alternatywnych. W części końcowej artykułu sformułowano kilka rekomendacji w zakresie projektowania płatności redystrybucyjnej na poziomie krajowym w zależności od celów, które mają być osiągane za pomocą tego instrumentu. |
Abstract | The article describes a diagnostic study measuring the degree of concentration of the aid which is currently distributed under the direct support system for farmers in Poland; it also presents the regional differentiation in aid concentration. The author conducted a simulation test quantifying the redistributive effects of applying various variants of an instrument equalising the amounts of support granted to farms. This can make the basis for an ex-ante assessment of alternative options of the implementation of redistributive payment. The research enabled the identification of ranges of the areas of farms which benefit from the current shape of redistributive payment and which may benefit from alternative variants given as examples. The final part of the article contains several recommendations on how to design redistributive payment at a national level, depending on the goals to be achieved with this instrument. |
Cytowanie | Sadłowski A. (2019) Skutki stosowania płatności redystrybucyjnej w zależności od wariantu wdrożeniowego na przykładzie Polski.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 22(71): 170-183 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2019_n71_s170.pdf |
45. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Babalski M., Ciępka A., Dostatny D., Podyma W. Obecne użytkowanie dawnych gatunków pszenic
Autor | Mieczysław Babalski, Aleksander Ciępka, Denise Dostatny, Wiesław Podyma |
Tytuł | Obecne użytkowanie dawnych gatunków pszenic |
Title | Current Use of Ancient Wheats |
Słowa kluczowe | samopsza, płaskurka, uprawa |
Key words | einkorn, emmer, cultivation |
Abstrakt | Spośród uprawianych przez człowieka roślin, ze względów ekonomicznych i rolniczych zboża są najważniejszą grupą roślin uprawnych. Zboża, a zwłaszcza wyrabiany z nich chleb, są głównym i podstawowym produktem spożywczym na świecie. Pradawne gatunki oplewionych pszenic samopszy (Triticum monococcum) i płaskurki (Triticum dicoccum), od momentu ich udomowienia, stanowiły przez tysiąclecia podstawę diety człowieka. Było tak do momentu upowszechnienia się pszenicy zwyczajnej. W niektórych regionach świata są uprawiane do dzisiaj, a ze względu na rosnącą popularność zdrowej żywności rośnie ponowne zainteresowanie tymi dawnymi zbożami. Wiąże się to z dostosowaniem technik ich uprawy do warunków współczesnego rolnictwa konwencjonalnego i ekologicznego. W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione wyniki badań nad agrotechniką ekologicznej uprawy dawnych gatunków pszenic: samopszy i płaskurki. Pszenice oplewione są odporne na różne czynniki stresu biotycznego i abiotycznego i mogą być uprawiane w słabych warunkach glebowych, co zapewnia rolnikowi przewagę nad innymi uprawami. Daje to również producentom możliwość zagospodarowania niewykorzystanych nisz na rynku. |
Abstract | Within plants grown by human being, in economical and agronomical point of view, cereals are the most important group of crops. Cereals, especially bread made of them, are major staple food in the world. For thousands years, from the moment of their domestication, ancient species of hulled wheats, like einkorn (Triticum monococcum) and emmer (Triticum dicoccum), were basic part of people diet. It was so until modern wheats (Triticum aestivum) became popular. In some world regions ancient wheats are cultivated nowadays. Adapting their farming techniques to modern agriculture and organic farming is related with increasing popularity of healthy eating. Results of organic farming techniques and cultivation research of einkorn and emmer are being presented in this article. Hulled wheats are tolerant to various biotic as well as abiotic stress conditions and can be grown in poor soil condition providing the farmer an advantage to take the crop. This also opens opportunities for manufacturers to seek the untapped market. |
Cytowanie | Babalski M., Ciępka A., Dostatny D., Podyma W. (2019) Obecne użytkowanie dawnych gatunków pszenic.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 4: 31-46 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n4_s31.pdf |
46. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Kiełbasa B., Popa D., Sargo A., Trojak M. New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries
Autor | Barbara Kiełbasa, Daniela Popa, Aliona Sargo, Mariusz Trojak |
Tytuł | New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries |
Title | New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | agro-sector, European Union, correlation and regression, financial efficiency, food product, financial economy, productivity & profitability, resource efficiency |
Key words | agro-sector, European Union, correlation and regression, financial efficiency, food product, financial economy, productivity & profitability, resource efficiency |
Abstrakt | Economic literature pays a great deal of attention to economic and financial efficiency, expressed in terms of competition, concentration, productivity and profitability. This paper provides an all-embracing framework for the various existing theories in this area and illustrates these theories with practical applications. Currently, changing the size of the production potential in agricultural units in the Republic of Moldova depends to a great extent on the influence of different trends in the modification of production resources: the reduction of labor resources and agricultural land, quantitative and qualitative changes in fixed assets, and in current assets, etc.The notion of resource potential means the totality of the volume of all resources (natural, labor, material, intellectual, information, etc.) on specific enterprises, territories, branches, regions. Evaluating a broad field of research, the paper describes profit maximizing food products and demonstrates how several widely-used products can be fit into this framework. The authors also present an overview of the current major trends in the food sector and relate them to the assumptions for food products, thereby displaying their relevance and timeliness. The results include a set of recommendations for future research on this topic.The design, methodology and approach of this research is to explain why efficiency can help obtain a profit surplus, and to measure this efficiency. For quality of methodology we apply a range of statistical methods, as well as the strategic capability of organisations – made up of resources and competences. One way to approach the stategic capability of an organisation is to consider its strengths and weaknesses (for example, where it has a competitive advantage, profit, efficiency or disadvantage). Based on our research and results, we sought to understand the concepts of financial effciency and to apply these concepts to practical situations. At the start of each analysis entrepreneurship plays an important role. Most organisations have to innovate constantly to obtain profit and efficiency for food products. They need to be first into a market, or simply a follower of customers in developing new products and services. Original studies in Moldova and Poland regarding farm concentration in terms of Gini Coefficient, Gini Index and Concentration Index of the utilized agricultural area. Original calculus formula to determine the Concentration Index of the UAA for the top 10% largest farms in Moldova and UK. |
Abstract | Economic literature pays a great deal of attention to economic and financial efficiency, expressed in terms of competition, concentration, productivity and profitability. This paper provides an all-embracing framework for the various existing theories in this area and illustrates these theories with practical applications. Currently, changing the size of the production potential in agricultural units in the Republic of Moldova depends to a great extent on the influence of different trends in the modification of production resources: the reduction of labor resources and agricultural land, quantitative and qualitative changes in fixed assets, and in current assets, etc.The notion of resource potential means the totality of the volume of all resources (natural, labor, material, intellectual, information, etc.) on specific enterprises, territories, branches, regions. Evaluating a broad field of research, the paper describes profit maximizing food products and demonstrates how several widely-used products can be fit into this framework. The authors also present an overview of the current major trends in the food sector and relate them to the assumptions for food products, thereby displaying their relevance and timeliness. The results include a set of recommendations for future research on this topic.The design, methodology and approach of this research is to explain why efficiency can help obtain a profit surplus, and to measure this efficiency. For quality of methodology we apply a range of statistical methods, as well as the strategic capability of organisations – made up of resources and competences. One way to approach the stategic capability of an organisation is to consider its strengths and weaknesses (for example, where it has a competitive advantage, profit, efficiency or disadvantage). Based on our research and results, we sought to understand the concepts of financial effciency and to apply these concepts to practical situations. At the start of each analysis entrepreneurship plays an important role. Most organisations have to innovate constantly to obtain profit and efficiency for food products. They need to be first into a market, or simply a follower of customers in developing new products and services. Original studies in Moldova and Poland regarding farm concentration in terms of Gini Coefficient, Gini Index and Concentration Index of the utilized agricultural area. Original calculus formula to determine the Concentration Index of the UAA for the top 10% largest farms in Moldova and UK. |
Cytowanie | Kiełbasa B., Popa D., Sargo A., Trojak M. (2019) New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 4: 103-112 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n4_s103.pdf |
47. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Zawadzka D. Wybrane aspekty rynku prosiąt w Polsce, Niemczech i Danii
Autor | Danuta Zawadzka |
Tytuł | Wybrane aspekty rynku prosiąt w Polsce, Niemczech i Danii |
Title | Selected Aspects of the Piglet Market in Poland, Germany and Denmark |
Słowa kluczowe | rynek prosiąt, import, ceny, Polska, Niemcy, Dania |
Key words | piglet market, import, prices, Poland, Germany, Denmark |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest analiza wybranych aspektów rynku prosiąt w Polsce, Niemczech i Danii. Kraje te wyodrębniono na podstawie wielkości importu i eksportu żywej trzody na wspólnotowym rynku. Szeroko pojęty rynek prosiąt jest stosunkowo słabo rozpoznany, choć prosięta stanowią ważną fazę produkcji trzody. Trudność analizy tego rynku polega głównie na braku odpowiedniej statystyki. W niniejszym opracowaniu o produkcji prosiąt i podstawowych jej cechach (rozproszenie) wnioskowano na podstawie danych dotyczących natężenia chowu loch w gospodarstwach. Chów loch nie odzwierciedla jednak krajowej podaży prosiąt, która korygowana jest poprzez obroty handlu zagranicznego. Wyrazem dostosowania popytu do podaży są ceny. |
Abstract | The aim of the article is to analyze selected aspects of the piglet market in Poland, Germany and Denmark. These countries were distinguished on the basis of the volume of imports and exports of live pigs on the Community market. The broadly understood piglet market is relatively poorly recognized, although piglets are an important phase of pig production. The difficulty of analyzing this market is mainly due to the lack of appropriate statistics. Piglet production and its basic characteristics (dispersion) were inferred on the basis of data on sow farming in farms. However, sow farming does not reflect domestic piglet supply, which is adjusted by foreign trade turnover. Prices are an expression of adjusting demand to supply. |
Cytowanie | Zawadzka D. (2019) Wybrane aspekty rynku prosiąt w Polsce, Niemczech i Danii.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 4: 113-125 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n4_s113.pdf |
48. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Tetiana Balanovska, Natalia Drahnieva, Alina Troian |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | anti-crisis management, agricultural enterprise, quality, products, fuzzy logic, fuzzy modelling |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article systematizes the different views of scientists in relation to the anti-crisis management of enterprisesand emphasizes the importance of its use in enterprises. There was noted the necessity to introducethe perspective directions of economic activity of the enterprise, forming its image, ensuring competitiveness,profitability, and development. In order to make effective management decisions under uncertaindynamic environment, it is suggested to use fuzzy modelling for the prevention of the crisis occurrence.In order to present the possibility of using such an approach in the practical activity of agricultural enterprises,in particular which are engaged in dairy farming, we proposed an informational and logical modelfor determining the forecast average price of milk, taking into account the indicators of its quality, thatis based on the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. In the context of anti-crisis management, there wassubstantiated the possibility of using the proposed model, as a basic one, in any agricultural enterprise inorder to improve its activities. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Balanovska T., Drahnieva N., Troian A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s22.pdf |
49. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Elżbieta Brągiel, Teresa Miś |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | organic processing, organic farming, processing industries |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The processing of organic products in Poland develops, the number of organic entities increases and there arechanges in the structure in individual industries. The aim of this article was to evaluate the trends and the degreeof changes that have occurred in the number of processing plants and the structure of organic processing industriesin Poland in the years 2004–2017. The analysis covered eight industries of processing organic products.Over thirteen years, there has been a steady increase in the number of organic processing plants, despite thelow amount of organic production and the lack of developed and sustainable forms of cooperation at variouslevels – from the producer to the consumer. The low consumption of organic products (compared to Europeancountries) also shows down and shapes changes that occur in the structure in particular processing sectors. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Brągiel E., Miś T. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s52.pdf |
50. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Oleg Dannikov, Inna Ivasko |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | tax regulation, special tax regimes, land rent, agrarian sector, agriculture, foreign experience |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article discusses the shortcomings of tax policy in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine, whichhas created non-competitive conditions for small farms. Large agricultural enterprises in Ukraine use theexisting special tax regime as an optimization of tax liabilities. This has led to such negative economic,social and environmental consequences as the development of landlands, the deterioration of agriculturallandscapes, the increase in export-oriented production, the growth of unemployment in the village and themigration of the rural population. While small farms, without state support, provide the population with basicfoodstuffs. The purpose of the article is evidence of the use of a special tax regime only for small farms, basedon an analysis of the special tax treatment regime in Polish agriculture and an analysis of the differential rentmethodology laid down in the basis of a special tax regime, as well as the development of practical recommendationsfor Ukraine. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Dannikov O., Ivasko I. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s60.pdf |
51. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Tadeusz Filipiak, Mariusz Maciejczak |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | work productivity, wine farms, FADN, European Union |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | In the European Union, one of the industries which is of great economic and market importance and accordinglyis to a large extent dependent on quantity and quality of labour resources is viticulture and wine production.The main objective of the research was to determine the productivity of work in wine farms in selectedEU countries in the years 2004–2017. It was found that there was an increase in labour productivity in winefarms in almost all countries selected for research. The largest increase was recorded for Czech, Portugueseand Bulgarian farms. Nevertheless, the highest productivity of work was characteristic for French, German,Austrian and Italian farms. Additionally together with the increase in the economic size of wine farms, theproductivity of work increased too. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Filipiak T., Maciejczak M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s76.pdf |
52. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Stanisław Krasowicz, Mariusz Matyka |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economics, evaluation, role, agricultural research, major problems |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | On the example of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Puławy, thescope and importance of economic assessment in agricultural research are presented.As sources of information, IUNG-PIB reports and reports as well as selected publications were used. It wasfound that economic assessment enables and facilitates the selection of solutions offered in agricultural practice.Its scope is constantly expanding. It also plays an important role in decision-making processes related tothe selection of the management system and a specific variant of production technology on the farm. It alsoallows explaining many changes and tendencies in agriculture under the influence of the Common AgriculturalPolicy. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Krasowicz S., Matyka M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s84.pdf |
53. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Wawrzyniec Czubak, Krzysztof Pawłowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | common agricultural policy, central and eastern europe, pro-investment mechanisms |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of this paper is to identify the role and importance of pro-investment mechanisms within the CommonAgricultural Policy in the reproduction of farm assets in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Theexperimental material comprised unpublished microdata of farms originating from the FADN database of theEuropean Commission (data source: EU-FADN – DG AGRI). The time frame covered the years 2004–2015.Among all the farms selected for analyses only those ensuring data continuity throughout the entire investigatedperiod were used in the study. In each of the studied countries farms were divided into two groups: thegroup of beneficiaries of CAP pro-investment funds and the control group. For each farm the value of fixedassets was determined (excluding the value of land) and next the mean value for each group was calculatedin an individual country. The study showed that in most investigated countries both farms being and thosenot being beneficiaries of CAP pro-investment mechanisms are capable of reproducing their fixed assets;nevertheless, it is the farms receiving financial support for their investments that show a capacity to increasethe value of their fixed assets. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Czubak W., Pawłowski K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s103.pdf |
54. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Konrad Rojek |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | organic farming, organic food, agricultural production |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The world sees one of the many agricultural production opportunities in organic farming. There are manychallenges facing ecological producers, which on the one hand affect the income sphere of farmers, becausethey concern the provision of a fair existence, and on the other, farmers and organic producers must respectlegal regulations and meet growing social expectations in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity.The aim of this article was to analyse data on organic farming production in Europe. Presented in it thenumber of organic European agricultural producers, the biggest producers, the number of organic crop area inEurope and the countries with the largest agricultural area in Europe. The article focuses on plant and animalorganic production. Animal production divided into organic production of livestock of animals and organicproduction of animal products (excluding eggs). |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Rojek K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s118.pdf |
55. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Arkadiusz Sadowski, Jagoda Zmyślona |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | overinvestment, polish agriculture, fadn |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The purpose of this paper was to assess the level of overinvestment in Polish farms grouped by economicsize. As the volume of investments clearly continues to grow, the authors noticed the need to address thatproblem. Using FADN data, they developed their own method for measuring overinvestment, and identifiedits size and extent. Indeed, overinvestment proves to be widespread in Polish agriculture. The reasons probablyinclude inadequate subsidies allocated under European Union aid schemes, and improper farm managementpractices. In the future, this could give rise to dysfunctions, ultimately resulting in farm bankruptcies. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Sadowski A., Zmyślona J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s145.pdf |
56. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019 |
Szalaty N. Południowo-zachodni obszar funkcjonalny województwa wielkopolskiegojako obszar intensywnego rozwoju rolnictwa
Autor | Norbert Szalaty |
Tytuł | Południowo-zachodni obszar funkcjonalny województwa wielkopolskiegojako obszar intensywnego rozwoju rolnictwa |
Title | The South-West functional area of Wielkopolska voivodship as an area of intensive development of agriculture |
Słowa kluczowe | rolnictwo, obszar funkcjonalny, Południowo-Zachodni Obszar Funkcjonalny, rozwój rolnictwa |
Key words | agriculture, functional area, Southwest Functional Area, agricultural development |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania jest przybliżenie rolnictwa w Południowo-zachodnim obszarze funkcjonalnym województwa wielkopolskiego jako regionu uznanego za najlepiej rozwinięty rolniczo. W pracy wykorzystano źródła pierwotne oraz wtórne. Źródła wtórne stanowiła literatura naukowa z zakresu rozwoju lokalnego i rozwoju rolnictwa. Źródła pierwotne to wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w okresie od grudnia 2018 roku do lipca 2019 roku dotyczących m.in. inwestycji przeprowadzonych i planowanych, źródeł finansowania, czynników rozwojowych czy kierunku produkcji rolników. Na podstawie uzyskanych z badań wyników można stwierdzić, że rolnicy badanego obszaru skutecznie wykorzystali możliwości wynikające z mechanizmów wspólnej polityki rolnej (WPR). Akcesja Polski do Unii Europejskiej miała bardzo pozytywny wpływ na rozwój regionu, o czym świadczą rezultaty inwestycyjne osiągnięte w badanych podmiotach oraz pozytywne oceny integracji europejskiej formułowane przez rolników. |
Abstract | The aim of the study is to familiarize agriculture in the Southwestern Functional Area of the Wielkopolskie Voivodship as a region recognized as the best developed for agriculture. Primary and secondary were used in the work. Secondary sources were scientific literature in the field of local development and agricultural development. Primary sources are the results of research conducted in the period from December 2018 to July 2019 regarding, among others investments carried out and planned, sources of financing, development factors or direction of farmers’ production. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that farmers in the area under investigation have effectively used the opportunities arising from CAP mechanisms. Poland’s accession to the European Union had a very positive impact on the development of the region, as evidenced by the investment results achieved in the surveyed entities and positive assessments of European integration formulated by farmers. |
Cytowanie | Szalaty N. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2019_n11_s117.pdf |
57. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019 |
Wojcieszak-Zbierska M., Zawadka J. Działania przedsiębiorcze kobiet na wsi na przykładzie KGW w powieciegnieźnieńskim
Autor | Monika Wojcieszak-Zbierska, Jan Zawadka |
Tytuł | Działania przedsiębiorcze kobiet na wsi na przykładzie KGW w powieciegnieźnieńskim |
Title | Entrepreneurial activities of women in the countryside on the example of the FWA in the Gniezno poviat |
Słowa kluczowe | koła gospodyń wiejskich, kobiety na wsi, Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2014–2020, przedsiębiorczość, obszary wiejskie |
Key words | farmers’ wives’ association, women in the countryside, Rural Development Program 2014–2020, entrepreneurship, rural areas |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania jest przybliżenie genezy, istoty oraz celów funkcjonowania kół gospodyń wiejskich, zaprezentowanie ich aktywności w zakresie pozyskiwania środków z funduszy UE, a także rozpoznanie i ukazanie celów inwestycji przez nie prowadzonych. Opracowanie wzbogacono studium przypadku Koła Gospodyń Wiejskich (KGW) w Modliszewku. W pracy wykorzystano pierwotne oraz wtórne źródła materiału badawczego. Źródła wtórne to literatura naukowa z zakresu rozwoju lokalnego, przedsiębiorczości, w tym inicjatyw podejmowanych przez kobiety na obszarach wiejskich, rozporządzenia oraz dane Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa dotyczące dofinansowania KGW środkami z Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich (PROW) 2014–2020. Źródła pierwotne natomiast to wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w kwietniu 2019 roku dotyczących wykorzystywania pozyskanych przez KGW środków finansowych. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że pozyskane przez KGW fundusze pozwoliły na realizacje wielu działań, które przyczyniły się do rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Członkinie badanych kół wykazywały się przedsiębiorczością i budowały dobry wizerunek swojego regionu. Otrzymane fundusze w głównej mierze przeznaczały na unowocześnienie posiadanego wyposażenia, a także promocję koła, regionu oraz lokalnej kuchni. |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to present the genesis, essence and objectives of the functioning of farmers’ wives’ association (FWA), to present their activity in the area of obtaining funds from EU funds, as well as to identify and show the objectives of investments carried out by them. The study was enriched by a case study of the Farmers’ Wives’ Association in Modliszewko. Primary and secondary sources of research material were used in the work. Secondary sources are scientific literature in the field of local development, entrepreneurship, including initiatives undertaken by women in rural areas, regulations and data of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture regarding co-financing of FWA with funds from Rural Development Program (RDP) 2014–2020. Primary sources are the results of research carried out in April 2019 regarding the use of funds obtained by FWA. Based on the results of the conducted research, it can be stated that the funds obtained by FWA enabled the implementation of many activities that contributed to the development of rural areas. Members of the surveyed organizations showed entrepreneurship and built a good image of their region. The funds received were mainly dedicated to the modernization of equipment, as well as the promotion of the organization, region and local cuisine. |
Cytowanie | Wojcieszak-Zbierska M., Zawadka J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2019_n11_s127.pdf |
58. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019 |
Goryńska-Goldmann E. Ewolucja rozwoju żywności lokalnej w kontekście ideizrównoważonej konsumpcji
Autor | Elżbieta Goryńska-Goldmann |
Tytuł | Ewolucja rozwoju żywności lokalnej w kontekście ideizrównoważonej konsumpcji |
Title | Evolution of local food development in the context of the idea of sustainable consumption |
Słowa kluczowe | rynek rolny, rynek lokalny, żywność lokalna, zrównoważona konsumpcja |
Key words | agricultural market, local market, local food, sustainable consumption |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu była charakterystyka pojęcia i genezy żywności lokalnej oraz dyskusja nad jej znaczeniem w kontekście zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Wskazano, iż rozwinięcie rynku żywności lokalnej oparte jest na tradycji wytwarzania i spożywania produktów pochodzących z własnego gospodarstwa, stanowi efekt rozwoju metod produkcji, przechowalnictwa, transportu, dystrybucji i współpracy środowisk lokalnych. Zaprezentowano dane dotyczące rynku żywności lokalnej oraz przeprowadzono dyskusję na temat definicji żywności lokalnej. Przedstawiono producentów żywności lokalnej, jako autentycznych „strażników” systemów jej produkcji, mogących wnieść istotny wkład w popularyzację modelu zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Potwierdzono tezę o istotnym znaczeniu produktów lokalnych w realizacji idei zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Stwierdzono, że rynek żywności lokalnej stanowi szerokie pole działań i wymaga dalszych prac, następnie zasygnalizowane przyszłe kierunki badań. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, a prowadząc analizę, dokonano analizy danych wtórnych, w tym także własnych badań naukowych w tym zakresie. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper was to characterize the concept and origin of local food and to discuss its meaning in the context of the sustainable consumption idea. The paper points that the development of the local food market is based on the tradition of production and consumption of food products that come from private farms and is the result of the development of production methods, as well as methods of storage, transport, distribution and cooperation between local market subjects. The paper presents data concerning the local food market and discusses the definition of local food. It shows local food producers as authentic “guardians” of local food production systems who can significantly contribute to the popularization of the sustainable consumption model. Moreover, it confirms the thesis about the importance of local products in the implementation of the idea of sustainable consumption. The local food market turns out to be a wide field of activity and requires further scientific work. The paper proposes some future research directions. It is a review that includes analysis on the basis of some secondary data, including also the author’s own scientific research in this field. |
Cytowanie | Goryńska-Goldmann E. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2019_n12_s43.pdf |
59. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019 |
Wojcieszak-Zbierska M. Koszty działań marketingowych gospodarstw agroturystycznych i możliwości ich finansowania
Autor | Monika Wojcieszak-Zbierska |
Tytuł | Koszty działań marketingowych gospodarstw agroturystycznych i możliwości ich finansowania |
Title | The costs of marketing activities of agritourism farms and the possibilities of financing them |
Słowa kluczowe | marketing, agroturystyka, Wielkopolska, promocja, przedsiębiorczość |
Key words | agritourism, marketing, Wielkopolska region, costs, financing possibilities |
Abstrakt | Jednym z cenionych i znanych agroturystycznych regionów Polski jest województwo wielkopolskie. Warunki przyrodnicze, bogata tradycja i kultura oraz obyczaje ludowe funkcjonujące na tym terenie powodują, że świadczenie usług agroturystycznych jest popularne wśród właścicieli gospodarstw. Chcąc być konkurencyjnym na rynku, usługodawcy korzystają z nowoczesnych technologii w zakresie promowania swojej oferty. Stosowanie działań marketingowych przy prowadzeniu gospodarstw agroturystycznych to bardzo ważny temat, gdyż świadczy on po pierwsze o przedsiębiorczości właścicieli, a po drugie stanowi doskonałą promocję gospodarstwa czy regionu. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości finansowania działań marketingowych oraz kosztów poniesionych przez właścicieli gospodarstw agroturystycznych z tytułu wykorzystywanych narzędzi marketingowych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania można stwierdzić, że gospodarstwa korzystają z narzędzi marketingowych, jednakże właściciele deklarują, że przeznaczają niewielką kwotę na tego typu działanie. |
Abstract | Agritourism is one of the most popular forms of rural tourism. The Wielkopolskie region is a valued and well known agritourism region of Poland. Natural conditions, rich tradition and culture as well as folk customs functioning in this area make the provision of agritourism services popular among farm owners. In order to be competitive on the market, hosts use modern technologies to promote their products and services. The application of marketing activities while running agritourism farms is a very important subject, as it proves, first of all, the entrepreneurship of the owners and, secondly, it is an excellent promotion of the farm or the region. The aim of this article is to indicate the possibility of financing marketing activities and costs incurred by the owners of agritourism farms due to the marketing tools used. The article attempts to present the financing of marketing activities in agritourism and the costs incurred by the owner of the used marketing tools in Poland. The research was carried out among agritourism farms located in the Wielkopolskie region. On the basis of the conducted research it can be stated that the farms use marketing tools, however, the owners declare that they allocate a small amount of money to this type of activity. |
Cytowanie | Wojcieszak-Zbierska M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2019_n12_s129.pdf |
60. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2019 |
Kozak S., Weremczuk A. Evaluation of the crop insurance system in Poland
Autor | Sylwester Kozak, Arkadiusz Weremczuk |
Tytuł | Evaluation of the crop insurance system in Poland |
Title | Ewaluacja systemu ubezpieczenia upraw w Polsce |
Słowa kluczowe | crop insurance, farms, budget subsidies |
Key words | ubezpieczenie upraw, gospodarstwa rolne, dotacje budżetowe |
Abstrakt | Crop insurance is one way to reduce the risk in agricultural production. The subsidy system used since 2006 aims to increase the area of crops insured against the risk of weather anomalies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the functioning of the crop insurance system subsidized by the State Treasury. The results indicate that this system is not effective. Up to 2018, insurance covered about 3 million ha of crops, compared to about 7 million ha required by law. The sum of payments in the years 2008–2018 amounted to PLN 1.7 billion. The risks most often insured by farmers include: frosts and negative effects of wintering and periodically hail. The attractiveness of subsidized crop insurance is to be increased by increasing the subsidies for 2019 and 2020 to PLN 1.2 and 1.4 billion, respectively. The insufficient area of currently insured crops means that the premiums obtained by insurance companies are smaller than the claims paid, which means that the insurance contracts become deficit and can be withdrawn from the insurers’ offer. |
Abstract | Ubezpieczenia upraw są jednym ze sposobów ograniczenia ryzyka występującego w produkcji rolnej. System dopłat stosowany od 2006 roku ma na celu zwiększenie obszaru upraw ubezpieczonych od ryzyka związanego z anomaliami pogodowymi. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ocena funkcjonowania systemu ubezpieczenia upraw dotowanych przez Skarb Państwa. Wyniki badania wskazują, że system ten nie jest efektywny. Do 2018 roku ubezpieczeniem obejmowano około 3 mln ha upraw, w porównaniu do około 7 mln ha ustawowo wymaganych. Suma dopłat w latach 2008–2018 wyniosła 1,7 mld zł. Do najczęściej ubezpieczanych przez rolników rodzajów ryzyka należą przymrozki i ujemne skutki przezimowania oraz okresowo grad. Zwiększeniu atrakcyjności dotowanych ubezpieczeń upraw ma służyć zwiększenie dotacji na lata 2019 i 2020 do odpowiednio 1,2 i 1,4 mld zł. Niewystarczająca powierzchnia aktualnie ubezpieczonych upraw sprawia, że pozyskiwane przez zakłady ubezpieczeń składki są mniejsze od wypłacanych odszkodowań, co powoduje, że ubezpieczenia te stają się deficytowe i mogą zostać wycofywane z oferty ubezpieczycieli. |
Cytowanie | Kozak S., Weremczuk A. (2019) Evaluation of the crop insurance system in Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 126: 41-52 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2019_n126_s41.pdf |