921. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Babuchowska K., Marks-Bielska R. Wsparcie dochodów rolników w formie dopłat bezpośrednich
Autor | Karolina Babuchowska, Renata Marks-Bielska |
Tytuł | Wsparcie dochodów rolników w formie dopłat bezpośrednich |
Title | Farmers’ income support in the form of direct subsidies |
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Abstract | The paper is devoted to the application one of the Common Agricultural Policy instruments – the direct subsidies. The considerations were based on the available data of Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture, other authors’ and own empirical studies conducted in Warmia and Mazury voivodeship among 4095 users of agricultural farms. According to the declarations of farmers covered the majority of them use the funds obtained from direct subsidies for purchase of the means of production (64,66% in 2004, 68,30% in 2005) and current expenditures (51,72% in 2004, 55,97% in 2005). The positive fact is that an increasing number of individuals invest in development of farms (24,08% in 2004, 26,01% in 2005) and allocate awarded funds to purchase of land (4,93% in 2004, 7,40% in 2005), which is an important symptom of development oriented behavior of farmers. It indicates the intentions of continued farming supported in numerous cases by financial potential and adequate education. |
Cytowanie | Babuchowska K., Marks-Bielska R. (2009) Wsparcie dochodów rolników w formie dopłat bezpośrednich.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 75: 135-148 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n75_s135.pdf |
922. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Miś T. Specyficzne uwarunkowania prowadzenia gospodarstw przez młodych rolników
Autor | Teresa Miś |
Tytuł | Specyficzne uwarunkowania prowadzenia gospodarstw przez młodych rolników |
Title | Specifi c Conditions for Farm Management by Young Farmers |
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Abstract | The project aimed at studying basic functional conditions for farms managed by young farmers. It showed that young farmers have been active and susceptible to changes, with consequential farm modernization. In their own opinions, the most important internal barriers in farm development are the shortage of own financial means, too small farm area and poor farm outfit with fixed assets. The most often indicated major factors dominating among external, farm-independent barriers were: too high prices of essential farm-production necessities, inflow of food products from abroad and problems experienced in sales of farm products and services. For an effective farm modernization process, young farmers need support from the institutional environment, including that by advisory and financial institutions, payment agencies, non-governmental organizations and local self-governments |
Cytowanie | Miś T. (2009) Specyficzne uwarunkowania prowadzenia gospodarstw przez młodych rolników.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 75: 149-160 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n75_s149.pdf |
923. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Paliszkiewicz J. Liczba szkół wyższych a rozwój województw
Autor | Joanna Paliszkiewicz |
Tytuł | Liczba szkół wyższych a rozwój województw |
Title | The number of higher education institutions and the development of provinces |
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Abstract | In our times the human capital is one of basic development factors. Investments in human capital is the first step of going the way of the long-lasting growth in the economy. The level of education of the human capital is deciding on the ability of the given society to the adaptation of the financial capital and changing it into goods and service. The purpose of the article is checking the relation between the number of higher education institutions (also of students and graduates) with the economic activity, the amount of enterprises, the amount of the remuneration, the amount of the expenditure on investment and B+R and the unemployment rate in individual provinces |
Cytowanie | Paliszkiewicz J. (2009) Liczba szkół wyższych a rozwój województw.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 75: 161-170 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n75_s161.pdf |
924. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Ratajczak M. Sytuacja finansowa małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce w latach 2002–2007
Autor | Marcin Ratajczak |
Tytuł | Sytuacja finansowa małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce w latach 2002–2007 |
Title | Financial situation of small and medium enterprises in Poland in 2002–2007 |
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Abstract | The purpose of the presented article is a presentation of analysis results concerning largeness of income in small and medium enterprises, with particular taking into consideration the yield of gross and net return in analyzed economic subjects. In the first part of article showed a meaning of enterprise and coherent in relation to economic development. Furthermore, the second part was devoted to the financial status of small and medium enterprises functioning on Polish market. The researched conducted in elaboration based on data from Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and include 2002–2007. |
Cytowanie | Ratajczak M. (2009) Sytuacja finansowa małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce w latach 2002–2007.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 76: 147-155 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n76_s147.pdf |
925. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Grzywacz J. Ryzyko kredytowania małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce
Autor | Jacek Grzywacz |
Tytuł | Ryzyko kredytowania małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce |
Title | The credit risk in fi nancing small and medium enterprises in Poland |
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Abstract | The SME sector is a main stimulus of the economic development in Poland. The valid problems in this sector concern both aspects as leading the current business activity as well as a trouble keeping of the financial liquidity. Therefore the access to credit is conditioning the real opportunities of functioning on the market and its development today. However the cost of a bank loan in Poland effectively is still suppressing the investment enthusiasm of entrepreneurs. This cost, from bank point of view, is an outcome of the rigorous evaluation of the credit risk in activity of the small and medium enterprise sector. |
Cytowanie | Grzywacz J. (2009) Ryzyko kredytowania małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 77: 5-17 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n77_s5.pdf |
926. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Brzozowska K. Współpraca aniołów biznesu z funduszami venture capital w Polsce
Autor | Krystyna Brzozowska |
Tytuł | Współpraca aniołów biznesu z funduszami venture capital w Polsce |
Title | The cooperation of business angels with venture capital funds in Poland |
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Abstract | A level of innovations in economy has determined a growth of venture capital market. In well developed countries venture capital market plays a significant role in funding innovative projects, but in Poland, so far, a share of venture capital investors is still rather slight. After access of Poland to European Union, directed into increase of innovations in economy of member states, venture capital market has been accelerated, both in informal (business angels) and formal (venture capital funds) markets. There are some interactions between these groups of venture capital investors, like as cooperation, co-financing, and mainly keeping certain turn of funding – in early stages of project development– business angels, and further – venture capital funds. It should be underlined, that in Poland venture capital market has been developing in quite different way, not very similar to scheme worked out in other countries. It can be a result of relatively low level of venture capital market development and structural changes of overall environment |
Cytowanie | Brzozowska K. (2009) Współpraca aniołów biznesu z funduszami venture capital w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 77: 105-114 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n77_s105.pdf |
927. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Sobczyk A. Finansowanie rozwoju gminy z dochodów własnych
Autor | Andrzej Sobczyk |
Tytuł | Finansowanie rozwoju gminy z dochodów własnych |
Title | Financing development of the commune based on individual incomes |
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Abstract | The revenues from taxes are a main budget’s source of the commune individual income. Increase of the commune share in paid tax from natural and legal person benefits in financing the development. In that article discussed the possibility of the economical information usage which refers to economical potential of the local society in the scale of commune development together with an attempt to evaluate the future tax incomes from natural and legal person, and with demographic prediction. |
Cytowanie | Sobczyk A. (2009) Finansowanie rozwoju gminy z dochodów własnych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 77: 137-149 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n77_s137.pdf |
928. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Błażejowska M. Finansowe wsparcie rozwoju lokalnego w ramach partnerstwa publiczno--prywatnego w opinii władz samorządowych
Autor | Małgorzata Błażejowska |
Tytuł | Finansowe wsparcie rozwoju lokalnego w ramach partnerstwa publiczno--prywatnego w opinii władz samorządowych |
Title | Financial support for the local development in the private-public partnership of the local authority’s opinions |
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Abstract | The paper presents research results of the local authority’s opinions about the Private-Public Partnership in the rural areas of the West-Pomeranian voivodeship. The greatest benefits of cooperation were tested by the supplement of public funds in relation to private equity increase investment opportunities and increased absorption of EU funds. As a main reason in preventing the implementation of the PPP formula proved: a mental barriers – lack of skilled personnel in the local rural communities, low awareness – insufficient knowledge of the partnership of two different entities and the lack of information flow about the possibility of establishing cooperation |
Cytowanie | Błażejowska M. (2009) Finansowe wsparcie rozwoju lokalnego w ramach partnerstwa publiczno--prywatnego w opinii władz samorządowych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 77: 163-173 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n77_s163.pdf |
929. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Dworniak J. Fundusze własne a sytuacja finansowa spółdzielni mleczarskich
Autor | Jan Dworniak |
Tytuł | Fundusze własne a sytuacja finansowa spółdzielni mleczarskich |
Title | Financial situation of dairy cooperatives in relation to equity funds |
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Abstract | The elaboration presents chosen results of conducted research in cooperative dairy in the 2000–2005 in aspect of possessed equity and shareholders funds on financial results ground. It could be ascertained that together with increasing value of equity and shareholders fund noticed higher level of average price of milk, being paid to farmers. It evidenced the increased progression of improvements in cooperatives profitability. The strongest influence of these ratios was noticed in dairies which had had the highest equity and shareholders funds. Furthermore in these group noted also weaker relation between these funds and financial liquidity, whereas this financial indicator recorded stability and favourable level comparing to remain groups. The cooperative dairies which noticed higher profits and equity capital, decided to enlarge shareholders funds. It had resulted in secure of further development conducted activity. The applications of net profit in cooperatives was useful in effectiveness’ of financial situation assessment |
Cytowanie | Dworniak J. (2009) Fundusze własne a sytuacja finansowa spółdzielni mleczarskich.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 78: 21-32 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n78_s21.pdf |
930. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Kowalczyk A. Banki spółdzielcze w czasach kryzysu
Autor | Artur Kowalczyk |
Tytuł | Banki spółdzielcze w czasach kryzysu |
Title | The cooperatives bank in times of financial crisis |
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Abstract | The paper deals with the analysis of the cooperatives bank sector performance in Poland and was surveyed in 30.06.2008–30.06.2009. The research sample covered 60% participation of this sector in Poland and was based on Cooperative Bank Association data. During the research period recorded growing tendency of dynamic development of cooperative banks activity, measured by the level of the balance sum. The profitable relation between deposit and credit value allow to continue financial services, mainly for the credit activity development. The application of conservatism activity in cooperatives bank and strategy of avoiding involvement in risky instruments on capital market, assured high level of security performance |
Cytowanie | Kowalczyk A. (2009) Banki spółdzielcze w czasach kryzysu.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 78: 33-45 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n78_s33.pdf |
931. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Juszczyk S., Nagórka A. Finansowanie typu mezzanine jako rozwiązanie pośrednie między emisją akcji a kredytem bankowym
Autor | Sławomir Juszczyk, Artur Nagórka |
Tytuł | Finansowanie typu mezzanine jako rozwiązanie pośrednie między emisją akcji a kredytem bankowym |
Title | Mezzanine fi nance as the type of fi nancing placed between the shares issue and the bank credit |
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Abstract | Company in order to grow needs financing. The classic way is to acquire a credit from the bank. This is directly linked with the question of collateral what in case of the company is not the obvious choice. Another classic way of fi nuancing the company is the share issue. This solution is however linked with the question of ownership that is unavoidably diluted with every issue. Sometimes the company is on a excellent path of growth, does not want to disperse ownership, has already used all available asset for a collateral and still needs some capital because of the scale of the project. In this case the solution might be any of private capital sources. The possibility known since the 80’s is “mezzanine finance”. This is financing that combines some features of credit with some features of share issue and comes from the private investors. Because of its collateral, investment time range and the ways of running the company it is perceived to be appropriate for several years large projects generating sizeable and stable cash flows. This is as well a good path of development for the family run businesses where there is no evident heir and the management wishes to take over the company but lacks sufficient capital. Particularly in the times of crisis when the banks impose tight rules on credit policy and the stock exchange investors are reluctant to take any risks the mezzanine finance may be an answer for companies capital needs. |
Cytowanie | Juszczyk S., Nagórka A. (2009) Finansowanie typu mezzanine jako rozwiązanie pośrednie między emisją akcji a kredytem bankowym.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 78: 47-58 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n78_s47.pdf |
932. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Wague M. Międzynarodowe kryzysy gospodarcze i ich konsekwencje
Autor | Mamadou Wague |
Tytuł | Międzynarodowe kryzysy gospodarcze i ich konsekwencje |
Title | International economic crises and their consequences |
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Abstract | To rapid economic deterioration in the world economy affected the majority of developing countries by the crisis. It is felt globally by inhibiting investment, limiting access to credit, bankruptcy publishing companies, the increase in unemployment, the destruction of part of the banking sector, the slowdown of international exchange, reducing revenue to the budgets of rich countries, which may lead to a slowdown in the pace of development assistance to developing countries. The concept of economic crisis, it also serves to draw attention to the following fact: the economy depends to a large extent on the possibility of predicting phenomena, which depends to a large extent on the beliefs of people about the state of the economy, and their future. In contrast, the prospect of troubled times or negative expectations may lead to an economic crisis or the speed of its results. According to the researchers the crisis may be different from the previous financial crises for a number of reasons, namely: in the current global economy and lower inflation is better controlled and is an important factor in easing the crisis |
Cytowanie | Wague M. (2009) Międzynarodowe kryzysy gospodarcze i ich konsekwencje.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 78: 81-94 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n78_s81.pdf |
933. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Mossakowska E., Zawojska A. Rozwój gospodarczy a kapitał ludzki na terenach wiejskich w Polsce
Autor | Ewa Mossakowska, Aldona Zawojska |
Tytuł | Rozwój gospodarczy a kapitał ludzki na terenach wiejskich w Polsce |
Title | Economic development and rural human capital in Poland |
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Abstract | The main aim of this paper was to assess the level of human capital in rural areas of Poland and to make its cross-regional comparison. There was proposed the human resource development index or human capital index having six essential elements (education, enterpreunarship, economic activity, employment, health, and migration). In 2007, the opolskie, slaskie and malopolskie provinces were characterised by the highest levels of the human capital in rural areas.The paper provides also the investigation of the link between rural human capital and economic development in Polish regions concluding that in the slaskie, mazowieckie and wielkopolskie provinces high level of rural human capital was accompanied by high level of regional economic development as measured by GDP per capita. The results of human capital study at the individual level (questionnaire study in the sample of 120 farm owners from Mazovia and Podlasie regions, 2009) show that the education is the main determinant of farmer’s human capital improvement. |
Cytowanie | Mossakowska E., Zawojska A. (2009) Rozwój gospodarczy a kapitał ludzki na terenach wiejskich w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 5-21 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s5.pdf |
934. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Łącka I. Nauka a sektor rolno-spożywczy wobec wyzwań gospodarki opartej na wiedzy
Autor | Irena Łącka |
Tytuł | Nauka a sektor rolno-spożywczy wobec wyzwań gospodarki opartej na wiedzy |
Title | Science as well as agricultural and food sector in view of Knowledge-Based Economy’s challenges |
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Abstract | The article presents the role of science in a process of building the Knowledge- Based Economy as well as creating competitive, innovative agricultural and food sector. The introductory part includes characteristic of essence of the Knowledge-Based Economy and its pillars. Then the authoress presents the state of innovation of Polish economy and the level of advance in building knowledge based economy in our country. The elaboration underline the activities of Polish R&D sector in the aspect of new economy model. The authoress formulates the directions of necessary changes in Polish science (operating for food economy, too), which the science could support the development of modern, innovative economy. |
Cytowanie | Łącka I. (2009) Nauka a sektor rolno-spożywczy wobec wyzwań gospodarki opartej na wiedzy.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 49-62 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s49.pdf |
935. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Stańko A. Przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik rozwoju obszarów wiejskich
Autor | Aneta Stańko |
Tytuł | Przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik rozwoju obszarów wiejskich |
Title | Entrepreneurship as a factor of development of rural areas |
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Abstract | The problem of balanced development is closely connected to the process of multi-functional development of rural areas. Lowering role of agricultural activity as source of maintenance rural population requires implementing of non-agricultural economic activities into rural areas. The goal of the paper was to identify most important factors that have influence on the development of entrepreneurship what leads to improvement of life status in rural areas. Social and economic transformation of Polish rural areas is still in progress. Low level of technical and social infrastructure, the characteristic feature of Polis countryside does not attract investors. Therefore the entrepreneurship level can develop proper only if supported by local and state authorities. |
Cytowanie | Stańko A. (2009) Przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik rozwoju obszarów wiejskich.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 99-109 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s99.pdf |
936. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Chądrzyński M. Wybrane przesłanki funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce
Autor | Mariusz Chądrzyński |
Tytuł | Wybrane przesłanki funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce |
Title | The selected circumstances of functioning and the development of small and medium size enterprises in rural areas in Poland |
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Abstract | The paper character is reviewed and it’s concerning problems according to premises and possibilities of development small and medium size enterprises. These enterprises are worked in rural areas. In this paper was taught following issues (points): 1)selected premises developing of entrepreneurship in rural areas, 2)possibilities of trend working and developing small and medium size enterprises in agribusiness. |
Cytowanie | Chądrzyński M. (2009) Wybrane przesłanki funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 125-135 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s125.pdf |
937. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Pisarska A., Wasilewski M. Zarządzanie środkami trwałymi w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach z regionu świętokrzyskiego
Autor | Aleksandra Pisarska, Mirosław Wasilewski |
Tytuł | Zarządzanie środkami trwałymi w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach z regionu świętokrzyskiego |
Title | The fixed assets management in small and medium size enterprises in Świętokrzyski region |
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Abstract | The elaboration estimates the managers opinion from small and medium size enterprises in Świętokrzyski region take into account management and investments in fixed assets. Most of the enterprises noted increasing productive potential as well as development. The research period were characterized by significant increase of equipment and machine participation in assets structure of these enterprises. This is positive trend reflected in profitable tendency increase companies operation potential by fixed assets. The main source of financing the fixed assets was the equity capital. The managers have been guided by the level of cash during a selection of financial resources. The enterprises managers were planning enhancing the level of fixed assets equipment, through equity capital involvement, which is simply safer. |
Cytowanie | Pisarska A., Wasilewski M. (2009) Zarządzanie środkami trwałymi w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach z regionu świętokrzyskiego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 137-148 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s137.pdf |
938. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Kołyska J. Wielkość i struktura finansowego wsparcia rolnictwa w Polsce i krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Justyna Kołyska |
Tytuł | Wielkość i struktura finansowego wsparcia rolnictwa w Polsce i krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej |
Title | The size and structure of fi nancial support for agriculture in Poland and UE member states |
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Abstract | The special role of state policy on agricultural development, results from the features, characteristics and developments of agriculture as well as changes taking place in global and European agribusiness. The role of agricultural policy is still increasing and thus, expenditure on agriculture and rural areas is raising. The aim of the paper is to define the size and structure of financial support for agricultural in Poland in compared to other countries and especially European Union members, based on the indicators used by OECD. Changes in the level and structure of support for producers and consumers of agricultural products in Poland and other countries were analyzed paying attention to the effectiveness of different support instrument. |
Cytowanie | Kołyska J. (2009) Wielkość i struktura finansowego wsparcia rolnictwa w Polsce i krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 80: 19-33 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n80_s19.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Kwiatkowska E. Wybrane uwarunkowania demograficzne korzystania z usług gastronomicznych (na przykładzie aglomeracji warszawskiej)
Autor | Edyta Kwiatkowska |
Tytuł | Wybrane uwarunkowania demograficzne korzystania z usług gastronomicznych (na przykładzie aglomeracji warszawskiej) |
Title | Demographic determinants of dining out (on the example of the Warsovian agglomeration) |
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Abstract | In the last few years, a dynamic development of the service sector has been observed in Poland. An increase in the importance of services is a result of a civilisation development, and it is getting more and more meaningful due to an increasing number of employees and the value of provided services. The main aim of this study was to analyze the preferences of consumers from big cities (on the example of Warsaw) on choosing the place and the frequency of dining in restaurants. I have tried to find the relations between the chosen demographic indicators (age, sex, place of stay) and dining habits. It was noticed that dining in restaurants, for almost all taking part in the survey, is rather occasional than common. However, for some of the respondents, it is an everyday (or almost everyday) way of dining. It was also noticed that dining out is common for young people at the ages between 25 and 29. |
Cytowanie | Kwiatkowska E. (2009) Wybrane uwarunkowania demograficzne korzystania z usług gastronomicznych (na przykładzie aglomeracji warszawskiej).Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 80: 61-68 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n80_s61.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009 |
Główka G. Finansowanie inwestycji jednostek samorządu terytorialnego kredytem bankowym
Autor | Gabriel Główka |
Tytuł | Finansowanie inwestycji jednostek samorządu terytorialnego kredytem bankowym |
Title | Bank credit in fi nancing of local government investments |
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Abstract | The aim of the paper is the evaluation of the scope, tendencies and terms of financing by bank credits the investments which are undertaken by local governments. The analyses showed that dynamics of bank debt of local governments is high. The structure of debt indicates that local government entities take mainly investment credits. They can borrow from international financial institutions like World Bank or European Bank of Development and Reconstruction or domestic banks: universal and mortgage banks. The universal banks dominate on investment credit market. However, the growth of activity of mortgage banks is observed The rate of growth of self governments entities debt in mortgage banks is high, although, their share in total debt is stable and one digital. |
Cytowanie | Główka G. (2009) Finansowanie inwestycji jednostek samorządu terytorialnego kredytem bankowym.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 80: 83-95 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n80_s83.pdf |