201. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Zenon Pokojski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | open innovations, business model, cooperation platform, foundation |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Open innovation requires skills to manage various processes of knowledge development, such as the ability to acquire knowledge, its commercialization, development and protection of intellectual property, shaping the relationship between the company and its surroundings. Many companies declare openness to innovations, at the same time the organizational structure, existing procedures, management culture, incentive systems are not ready to seek and transfer knowledge. The biggest challenge for managers is to carry out a transformation process from closed organization to an origination that is open to innovation. The article analyses the possibility of building an organizational and legal structure with the so-called ‘permeable borders’, open to innovation. After reviewing the literature, analysing the cases of chemical companies, conducting interviews with members of the Grupa Azoty Puławy consortium, I propose a cooperation platform for various organizations operating for the agricultural market which is open to acquiring and implementing innovations, but also for outsourcing. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Pokojski Z. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s237.pdf |
202. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Grzybek M., Szopiński W. Znaczenie reklamy w postrzeganiu i kształtowaniu decyzji zakupowych konsumentów z gmin wiejskich województwa podkarpackiego
Autor | Maria Grzybek, Wiesław Szopiński |
Tytuł | Znaczenie reklamy w postrzeganiu i kształtowaniu decyzji zakupowych konsumentów z gmin wiejskich województwa podkarpackiego |
Title | The Importance of Advertising in the Perception and Shaping of Purchasing Decisions of Consumers from Rural Communes of the Podkarpackie Province |
Słowa kluczowe | konsumenci, reklama, gminy wiejskie |
Key words | consumers, advertising, rural communities, purchasing decisions |
Abstrakt | W artykule scharakteryzowano upodobania konsumentów z gmin wiejskich woj. podkarpackiego, dotyczące rodzaju i odbioru reklam, a także ich wpływ na realizację zakupu towarów. W interpretacji empirycznych wyników badania, przeprowadzonego wśród 500 konsumentów, wykazano zainteresowanie rodzajami form i elementów reklam, najskuteczniejsze przekazy reklamowe decydujące o zakupie towarów, rodzaj dóbr i usług nabywanych pod wpływem reklam, jak również stosunek do reklamowanych nowych produktów wchodzących na rynek. W kontekście przeprowadzonej analizy należy stwierdzić, że najważniejsze znaczenie dla mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich woj. podkarpackiego miały reklamy telewizyjne i internetowe, reklamy cechujące się oryginalnością oraz walorami estetycznymi, w tym zwłaszcza muzyką. W podejmowaniu decyzji zakupu towarów reklamy miały wpływ w przypadku 46% badanych. Bardziej pozytywne nastawienie do reklam i podatne na nie były kobiety. |
Abstract | The article describes the preferences of consumers from rural communities of the Podkarpackie Province, regarding the type and reception of advertisements, as well as their impact on the purchase of goods. In the empirical interpretation of research results, conducted among 500 consumers, interest in various types and elements of advertising was pointed out, along with the most effective advertising messages determining the purchase of goods, type of goods and services purchased under the influence of advertising, as well as the approach to advertised new products being launched in the market. In the context of the analysis, it should be stated that the most important for the inhabitants of rural areas of the Podkarpackie Province were TV and internet advertisements, and advertisements characterized by originality and aesthetic values, especially music. The decisions to buy goods were influenced by advertisements according to 46% of respondents. Women were more positively-oriented towards advertisements and more susceptible to ads. |
Cytowanie | Grzybek M., Szopiński W. (2018) Znaczenie reklamy w postrzeganiu i kształtowaniu decyzji zakupowych konsumentów z gmin wiejskich województwa podkarpackiego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 134-143 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s134.pdf |
203. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Bieńkowski J., Dąbrowicz R., Holka M., Jankowiak J. Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region
Autor | Jerzy Bieńkowski, Radosław Dąbrowicz, Małgorzata Holka, Janusz Jankowiak |
Tytuł | Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region |
Title | Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region |
Słowa kluczowe | carbon footprint, beef production, emission of greenhouse gases, life cycle assessment, agriculture |
Key words | carbon footprint, beef production, emission of greenhouse gases, life cycle assessment, agriculture |
Abstrakt | Animal production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of the major challenges in sustainable management is to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing GHG emissions. The diversity of animal production systems and accompanying diversification of technological processes, mean that specific production effects can be obtained at different levels of GHG emissions. The aim of the study was to determine the carbon footprint (CF) of beef cattle grown in a conventional system (i.e. indoor confinement). The research was carried out on the beef cattle farm belonging to a large-area enterprise, Długie Stare Ltd. The beef cattle production system consisted of the following subsystems: a basic breeding herd (consisting of suckler cows, replacement heifers and calves up to 6.5 months), breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls. The method of life cycle analysis (LCA) in the stages from "cradle-to-farmgate" was used to assess the GHG emissions associated with the production of beef cattle. The average CF in the entire beef cattle production system was 25.43 kg of CO2 kg-1 of live weight of marketed cattle, while in the individual subsystems of basic breeding herd, breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls, the CF (after GHG allocation) was: 11.0 kg CO2 eq., 34.30 kg CO2 eq., 27.32 and 25.40 kg CO2 eq., respectively. GHG emissions associated with young calves staying in the cow-calf pairs until weaning (in the period from 0-6.5 months), had a decisive influence on the final CF in each of the subsystems of beef cattle production. The second important factor directly affecting the CF was GHG emissions related to methane (CH4) enteric fermentation and manure management. Knowledge of factors affecting the CF structure allows better identification of critical areas in production processes with high GHG emission potential. Information on the CF of beef cattle and beef meat responds to a wider societal demand for the ecological characteristics of market products, which ultimately contributes to improving their market competitiveness. |
Abstract | Animal production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of the major challenges in sustainable management is to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing GHG emissions. The diversity of animal production systems and accompanying diversification of technological processes, mean that specific production effects can be obtained at different levels of GHG emissions. The aim of the study was to determine the carbon footprint (CF) of beef cattle grown in a conventional system (i.e. indoor confinement). The research was carried out on the beef cattle farm belonging to a large-area enterprise, Długie Stare Ltd. The beef cattle production system consisted of the following subsystems: a basic breeding herd (consisting of suckler cows, replacement heifers and calves up to 6.5 months), breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls. The method of life cycle analysis (LCA) in the stages from "cradle-to-farmgate" was used to assess the GHG emissions associated with the production of beef cattle. The average CF in the entire beef cattle production system was 25.43 kg of CO2 kg-1 of live weight of marketed cattle, while in the individual subsystems of basic breeding herd, breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls, the CF (after GHG allocation) was: 11.0 kg CO2 eq., 34.30 kg CO2 eq., 27.32 and 25.40 kg CO2 eq., respectively. GHG emissions associated with young calves staying in the cow-calf pairs until weaning (in the period from 0-6.5 months), had a decisive influence on the final CF in each of the subsystems of beef cattle production. The second important factor directly affecting the CF was GHG emissions related to methane (CH4) enteric fermentation and manure management. Knowledge of factors affecting the CF structure allows better identification of critical areas in production processes with high GHG emission potential. Information on the CF of beef cattle and beef meat responds to a wider societal demand for the ecological characteristics of market products, which ultimately contributes to improving their market competitiveness. |
Cytowanie | Bieńkowski J., Dąbrowicz R., Holka M., Jankowiak J. (2018) Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 23-35 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s23.pdf |
204. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Pasińska D. Handel zagraniczny produktami kurzymi w latach 2012-2017
Autor | Dorota Pasińska |
Tytuł | Handel zagraniczny produktami kurzymi w latach 2012-2017 |
Title | Polish Foreign Trade in Chicken Products from 2012 2017 |
Słowa kluczowe | polski rynek żywca kurzego, tuszka, handel zagraniczny, pogłowie kur, produkcja żywca kurzego, cena |
Key words | Polish chicken market, carcass, foreign trade, chicken stock, chicken production, price |
Abstrakt | Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie polskiego rynku kurzego w latach 2012-2017 w kontekście zmian w handlu zagranicznym produktami kurzymi. W celu weryfikacji hipotezy wykorzystano metody statystyki opisowej (analizę porównawczą w czasie, analizę struktury, liniową funkcję trendu). W badanym okresie obserwuje się tendencję do powiększania się dodatniego salda obrotów handlowych mięsem, podrobami i przetworami kurzymi, natomiast saldo drobiem żywym było ujemne. W latach 2012-2017 przy znacznym wzroście pogłowia kur (oprócz niosek), wystąpił ponad 58% wzrost ich ubojów oraz ponad dwukrotnie zwiększył się eksport produktów kurzych (drób kurzy żywy, mięso, podroby i przetwory). W eksporcie i w spożyciu dominują produkty kurze, a na drugim miejscu są produkty indycze. Produkcja żywca kurzego jest bardzo skoncentrowana. |
Abstract | The main goal of the article is to present the Polish chicken market in 2012-2017 in the context of changes in foreign trade in chicken products. In order to achieve the goal, the methods of descriptive statistics (comparative analysis over time, structure analysis, linear trend function) were used. In the analyzed period, there is a tendency to increase the positive balance of trade in meat, offal and chicken preserves, while the balance of live poultry was negative. In the years 2012-2017, with a significant increase in the stock of chickens (except laying hens), there was over 58% increase in their slaughter, and the export of chicken products (live hens, meat, offal, preserves) increased more than twice. In export and consumption, chicken products dominate, followed by turkey products. The production of live chicken is very concentrated. |
Cytowanie | Pasińska D. (2018) Handel zagraniczny produktami kurzymi w latach 2012-2017.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 38-49 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s38.pdf |
205. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Krawczak M. Wartość dodana na wybranych gałęziach polskiego rynku żywnościowego
Autor | Marcin Krawczak |
Tytuł | Wartość dodana na wybranych gałęziach polskiego rynku żywnościowego |
Title | Value Added on Selected Branches of the Polish Food Market |
Słowa kluczowe | wartość dodana, przemysł spożywczy, łańcuch marketingowy żywności, rachunek zysków i strat |
Key words | value added, food industry, food marketing chain, income statement |
Abstrakt | Pojęcie wartości dodanej nie jest jednolite. W literaturze można znaleźć kilka odmiennych od siebie definicji. Część z nich zostały przedstawione w niniejszym artykule artykułu wraz z różnymi metodami jej obliczania. Analizie poddano dynamikę wartości dodanej, gdzie stwierdzono, że z badanych gałęzi przemysłu spożywczego najlepiej rozwija się „Produkcja wyrobów z mięsa, włączając wyroby z mięsa drobiowego”. Następnie określono udział wartości dodanej w wielkości sprzedaży, udział poszczególnych składników w samej wartości dodanej oraz obliczono i zinterpretowano współczynniki zmienności tych składników. Ponadto zbadano wydajność w wytwarzaniu wartości dodanej na jednego pracownika, gdzie nie tylko najlepszą wydajnością, ale także najszybciej poprawiającą się wydajnością w analizowanym okresie stwierdzono w gałęzi przemysłu „Wytwarzanie produktów przemiału zbóż”. |
Abstract | The notion of added value is not uniform. Several definitions can be found in the literature. Some of them are presented in this article, along with various methods of its calculation. The analysis of the added-value dynamics was analyzed, where it was found that the most studied branches of the food industry were under the category of "Production of meat products, including products from poultry meat". Next, the share of value added in the sales volume, the share of individual components in the added value itself was determined and the coefficients of variation of these components were calculated and interpreted. In addition, the efficiency in the production of added value per employee was examined, where not only the best performance, but also the fastest improving efficiency in the analyzed period was found in the industry category "Manufacture of grain mill products". |
Cytowanie | Krawczak M. (2018) Wartość dodana na wybranych gałęziach polskiego rynku żywnościowego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 187-195 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s187.pdf |
206. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Nowacki R., Wasilik K. Cooperation of Enterprises of the Sector of Food Processing Industry with the Entities Rendering Business Services
Autor | Robert Nowacki, Katarzyna Wasilik |
Tytuł | Cooperation of Enterprises of the Sector of Food Processing Industry with the Entities Rendering Business Services |
Title | Cooperation of Enterprises of the Sector of Food Processing Industry with the Entities Rendering Business Services |
Słowa kluczowe | food processing industry, business services, cooperation of enterprises, business relations |
Key words | food processing industry, business services, cooperation of enterprises, business relations |
Abstrakt | An intensive competition in the sector of food processing industry sets forth the requirement of improving the processes of operating in the market. One of them is cooperation with the entities rendering business services. The aim of the paper is to analyse the level of making use of business services by the enterprises operating in the food processing industry as well as to assess the cooperation between the companies rendering such services. The authors used for this purpose the results of quantitative research carried out among the enterprises operating in the polish market. In result of thereof they have ascertained that, in general, along with the growth of the size of an enterprise there grows the scale of the use of business services, and it must be said that greater propensity to use business services is displayed by the enterprises with the share of foreign capital. At the same time, the assessment of cooperation with the companies rendering business services is not determined either by the size of an enterprise or by the share of foreign capital. |
Abstract | An intensive competition in the sector of food processing industry sets forth the requirement of improving the processes of operating in the market. One of them is cooperation with the entities rendering business services. The aim of the paper is to analyse the level of making use of business services by the enterprises operating in the food processing industry as well as to assess the cooperation between the companies rendering such services. The authors used for this purpose the results of quantitative research carried out among the enterprises operating in the polish market. In result of thereof they have ascertained that, in general, along with the growth of the size of an enterprise there grows the scale of the use of business services, and it must be said that greater propensity to use business services is displayed by the enterprises with the share of foreign capital. At the same time, the assessment of cooperation with the companies rendering business services is not determined either by the size of an enterprise or by the share of foreign capital. |
Cytowanie | Nowacki R., Wasilik K. (2018) Cooperation of Enterprises of the Sector of Food Processing Industry with the Entities Rendering Business Services.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 359-369 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s359.pdf |
207. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2018 |
Autor | Ana Kapaj, Etleva Muca, Ledia Thoma |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | exportation, fruit and vegetable producer, distribution channel |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Albania has considerable potential for growth in the fruit and vegetable market. Its climate-arable conditions are very adequate for the successful growth of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Albania has an interior market in development and a non structured exporting market. The study is aimed at estimating and identifying export growth opportunities and constraints for fruit and vegetable exporters. The paper investigates the opinions of producers and exporters in south-west Albania. A face-to-face interview survey method was conducted. Database elaboration was made through the SPSS program. An ordinary probit regression was used to evaluate the constraints of fruit and vegetable producers in Albania. We conclude that there are several problems that hamper exportation growth in Albania. Albanian producers are usually not able to penetrate into foreign markets because they are not part of consolidated marketing distribution channels. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kapaj A., Muca E., Thoma L. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n1_s65.pdf |
208. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Włodzimierz Kołodziejczak |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | natural unemployment, labour flows, rural population |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of the paper is to present a decomposition of unemployment in the rural population into the structural and cyclical components in groups distinguished based on their main source of household income. This study was conducted using the method estimating the level of natural unemployment (equilibrium unemployment) proposed by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (1995). The analysis was based on individual, unweighted, quarterly raw data provided by the Polish LFS (BAEL) from the years 2002–2009 and 2016. The professional situation of the rural population in the analysed period improved, which was manifested in an increase in the employment rate and a reduction of the actual unemployment rate. Between the periods of 2002–2005 and 2006–2009 actual unemployment ‘followed’ the lower values of equilibrium unemployment. In 2016 the actual unemployment rate was lower than in previous periods; however, an adverse change was observed for its relation to the natural unemployment rate. If we assume that it will – as previously – strive to attain the equilibrium level, in the case of a downturn on the market for goods and services the actual unemployment among the rural population may considerably increase, particularly in the group of individuals whose main source of income is provided by unemployment benefits and the family farm. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kołodziejczak W. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s102.pdf |
209. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Kołodziejczak W. Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2016
Autor | Włodzimierz Kołodziejczak |
Tytuł | Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2016 |
Title | Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2017 |
Słowa kluczowe | labour force, rural areas, natural unemployment rate |
Key words | labour force, rural areas, natural unemployment rate |
Abstrakt | The Polish rural population is highly differentiated in terms of occupational situation, mainly because of the rural population’s involvement in individual farming. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the occupational situation of the rural farming and landless population in 2002, 2016 and 2017 in the context of non-farming job opportunities and unemployment risks. The study consists of two parts; the first one analyses the changes to the occupational situation of the rural population in the labour market; the second one identifies the risk of unemployment in selected groups of rural population. Aggregated weighted data and non-aggregated, non-published non-weighted BAEL (Polish LFS) data was used as source material. The study period witnessed a considerable improvement of the rural population’s occupational situation. However, if there is a slowdown in economic growth, the occupational situation of the rural population may deteriorate. In the short and medium term, people involved in individual farming and landless woman, i.e. the group where the real unemployment rate is much lower than equilibrium unemployment, will be particularly severely affected. In the longer term, the adverse impact of business cycles may also deteriorate the situation of landless men if their equilibrium unemployment level “follows” the real unemployment rate. |
Abstract | The Polish rural population is highly differentiated in terms of occupational situation, mainly because of the rural population’s involvement in individual farming. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the occupational situation of the rural farming and landless population in 2002, 2016 and 2017 in the context of non-farming job opportunities and unemployment risks. The study consists of two parts; the first one analyses the changes to the occupational situation of the rural population in the labour market; the second one identifies the risk of unemployment in selected groups of rural population. Aggregated weighted data and non-aggregated, non-published non-weighted BAEL (Polish LFS) data was used as source material. The study period witnessed a considerable improvement of the rural population’s occupational situation. However, if there is a slowdown in economic growth, the occupational situation of the rural population may deteriorate. In the short and medium term, people involved in individual farming and landless woman, i.e. the group where the real unemployment rate is much lower than equilibrium unemployment, will be particularly severely affected. In the longer term, the adverse impact of business cycles may also deteriorate the situation of landless men if their equilibrium unemployment level “follows” the real unemployment rate. |
Cytowanie | Kołodziejczak W. (2018) Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2016.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 156-165 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s156.pdf |
210. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2018 |
Rybchak V., Zosymenko T. Opportunities to increase Ukrainian export competitiveness in the European Union market
Autor | Vitalii Rybchak, Tetiana Zosymenko |
Tytuł | Opportunities to increase Ukrainian export competitiveness in the European Union market |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Rybchak V., Zosymenko T. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2018_n10_s117.pdf |
211. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2018 |
Holienčinová M., Holota T. Marketing management as a strategic part of sustainable development in the conditions of rural tourism in Slovakia
Autor | Mária Holienčinová, Tomáš Holota |
Tytuł | Marketing management as a strategic part of sustainable development in the conditions of rural tourism in Slovakia |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Holienčinová M., Holota T. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2018_n9_s13.pdf |
212. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Szalaty N., Wojcieszak M., Wyduba W. Wsparcie rolnictwa zrównoważonego w Polsce w ramach PROW 2014-2020 na przykładzie działania rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznego
Autor | Norbert Szalaty, Monika Wojcieszak, Weronika Wyduba |
Tytuł | Wsparcie rolnictwa zrównoważonego w Polsce w ramach PROW 2014-2020 na przykładzie działania rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznego |
Title | Support for Sustainable Agriculture in Poland under RDP 2014-2020 on the Example of Agri-Environmental-Climate Action |
Słowa kluczowe | rolnictwo zrównoważone, PROW 2014-2020, ARiMR, producenci |
Key words | sustainable agriculture, RDP 2014-2020, ARMA (Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture), producers |
Abstrakt | Producenci rolni chcąc sprostać oczekiwaniom rynku coraz chętniej korzystają z pomocy jaką oferuje Unia Europejka. W artykule podjęto próbę charakterystyki działania rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznego oraz przedstawiono stan wykorzystania środków unijnych w zakresie działania rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznego. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych analiz zauważono, iż analizowane działanie jest ważnym projektem służącym ochronie i zachowaniu naturalnych ekosystemów. Rolnicy chętnie uczestniczą w tym projekcie, gdyż otrzymują płatności w zakresie dwunastu pakietów, które służą ochronie wód, gleb, cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych, klimatu, zagrożonych gatunków ptaków, zwierząt gospodarskich, jak również ochronie różnorodności krajobrazu. |
Abstract | Agricultural producers, wishing to meet the expectations of the market, are increasingly eager to take advantage of the assistance offered by the European Union. The article attempts to characterize the agro-environmental and climatic activity and presents the state of use of the EU funds in the scope of the agro-environmental and climatic activity. As the analyses show, the measure under analysis is an important project aimed at protection and preservation of natural ecosystems. Farmers are keen to participate in this project as they receive payments for twelve packages that protect water, soil, valuable natural habitats, climate, endangered bird species, farm animals and landscape diversity. |
Cytowanie | Szalaty N., Wojcieszak M., Wyduba W. (2018) Wsparcie rolnictwa zrównoważonego w Polsce w ramach PROW 2014-2020 na przykładzie działania rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 332-341 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s332.pdf |
213. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Kłosowicz-Toborek K. Istota protekcjonizmu w dziewiętnastym wieku oraz współcześnie
Autor | Katarzyna Kłosowicz-Toborek |
Tytuł | Istota protekcjonizmu w dziewiętnastym wieku oraz współcześnie |
Title | The Essence of Protectionism in the Nineteenth Century and Nowadays |
Słowa kluczowe | protekcjonizm, niemiecka szkoła historyczna, neoprotekcjonizm, polityka handlowa |
Key words | protectionism, German historical school of economy, neoprotectionism, trade policy |
Abstrakt | Pomimo działalności WTO idea protekcjonizmu jest wciąż aktualna. Większość państw oficjalnie opowiada się za liberalizmem, a przy tym ogranicza wymianę handlową. Działalność ta ulega nasileniu w okresach stagnacji gospodarczej oraz w związku z różnicami rozwojowymi między uczestnikami rynku światowego. To właśnie zacofanie gospodarcze XIX-wiecznych Niemiec wpłynęło na stworzenie wielu oryginalnych myśli, a wśród nich tych, które odnosiły się do sposobu prowadzenia handlu zagranicznego. Warto zatem zbadać i porównać neoprotekcjonizm z protekcjonizmem prezentowanym przez XIX-wiecznych ekonomistów. Analiza współczesnego i XIX-wiecznego protekcjonizmu wskazuje, że istota tych pojęć nie różni się bowiem neoprotekcjonizm i jego XIX wieczny odpowiednik realizują te same cele, aczkolwiek przy wykorzystaniu innych środków. |
Abstract | Despite the buoyant activity of the WTO, the idea of protectionism is still valid. Most countries officially support liberalism while limiting trade. This activity is intensified during periods of economic stagnation and in relation to the developmental differences among the participants in the world market. The economic backwardness of nineteenth-century Germany influenced the development of many original ideas, including those related to foreign trade. Therefore, it is worth examining and comparing neoprotectionism to the protectionism presented by nineteenth-century economists. The analysis of contemporary and nineteenth century protectionism indicates that the essence of these concepts does not differ, because neoprotectionism and its nineteenth-century equivalent fulfill the same aims, but using different measures. |
Cytowanie | Kłosowicz-Toborek K. (2018) Istota protekcjonizmu w dziewiętnastym wieku oraz współcześnie.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 1: 88-99 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n1_s88.pdf |
214. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Paluszak G., Wiśniewska-Paluszak J. Hipoteza efektywnego rynku versus analiza techniczna rynku finansowego
Autor | Grzegorz Paluszak, Joanna Wiśniewska-Paluszak |
Tytuł | Hipoteza efektywnego rynku versus analiza techniczna rynku finansowego |
Słowa kluczowe | hipoteza efektywnego rynku, analiza techniczna, rynek finansowy, rynek akcji, racjonalność |
Key words | The Efficient Market Hypothesis, technical analysis, financial market, stock exchange, rationality |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest porównanie założeń hipotezy efektywnego rynku z efektami analizy technicznej. Problemem badawczym pracy jest: czy hipoteza efektywnego rynku i analiza techniczna mają sprzeczny charakter czy wzajemnie się uzupełniają? Hipoteza efektywnego rynku opiera się na racjonalności inwestora, a analiza techniczna uwzględnia racjonalność i nieracjonalność inwestora. Dlatego, w artykule przedstawiono pojęcie analizy technicznej i jej założenia. W następnej części pracy przedstawiono metodę badań i przedstawiono hipotezę efektywnego rynku finansowego w kontekście założeń i wyników badań z analizy technicznej, porównując je ze sobą. Potem zaprezentowano zakres wykorzystywania analizy technicznej i jej ocenę przez uczestników rynku finansowego. Na końcu przedstawiono wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is a comparison of the assumptions of the efficient market hypothesis with the technical analysis effects. The research problem is a contradictory or complementary nature of the efficient market hypothesis with the technical analysis. The efficient market hypothesis is based on the investor rationality assumption and the technical analysis is taking into account of investor rationality and its irrationalities. Therefore, we show the concept of technical analysis and its assumptions. Then, we assess the efficient market hypothesis in the context the technical analysis. In the latter part of this paper we show the usefulness of the technical analysis for the financial market and its assessment is presented by the financial market participants. Conclusions of the research are presented in the last part of this article. |
Cytowanie | Paluszak G., Wiśniewska-Paluszak J. (2018) Hipoteza efektywnego rynku versus analiza techniczna rynku finansowego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 187-198 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s187.pdf |
215. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Pawłowski M. Modele dyskryminacyjne w ocenie ryzyka upadłości emitentA OBLIGACJI KORPORACYJNYCH
Autor | Maciej Pawłowski |
Tytuł | Modele dyskryminacyjne w ocenie ryzyka upadłości emitentA OBLIGACJI KORPORACYJNYCH |
Title | Discriminatory models as an evaluation method of corporate bond issuers bankruptcy risk |
Słowa kluczowe | modele dyskryminacyjne, upadłość przedsiębiorstw, obligacje korporacyjne. |
Key words | discriminatory models, enterprise bankruptcy, corporate bonds. |
Abstrakt | Przedmiotem opracowania jest weryfikacja przydatności wybranych modeli dyskryminacyjnych w ocenie ryzyka upadłości emitenta obligacji korporacyjnych. W artykule omówiono istotę upadłości przedsiębiorstwa jako przedmiotu badań ekonomicznych oraz dokonano charakterystyki wybranych modeli wczesnego ostrzegania. Na podstawie wyselekcjonowanych modeli przeprowadzono badania empiryczne na grupie pięciu celowo dobranych spółek reprezentujących emitentów obligacji korporacyjnych notowanych na rynku Catalyst. Przeprowadzone analizy skłoniły do wniosku, że największą skutecznością w zakresie identyfikacji ryzyka upadłości emitenta obligacji korporacyjnych charakteryzował się model B. Prusaka. |
Abstract | The subject of the study is a verification of selected discriminatory models in assessing the bankruptcy risk of corporate bond issuers. This article discusses the essence of corporate bankruptcy and characterises a selected discriminatory models. Further more an empirical studies were carried out on a group of 5 companies representing corporate bond issuers listed on the Catalyst Bond Market. The analyze led to the conclusion that the B. Prusak's model was the most effective in identifying the bankruptcy risk of the corporate bond issuer. |
Cytowanie | Pawłowski M. (2018) Modele dyskryminacyjne w ocenie ryzyka upadłości emitentA OBLIGACJI KORPORACYJNYCH.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 211-222 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s211.pdf |
216. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Siemieniuk N., Siemieniuk T., Siemieniuk Ł. Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania teorii chaosu do wspierania decyzji finansowych
Autor | Nina Siemieniuk, Tomasz Siemieniuk, Łukasz Siemieniuk |
Tytuł | Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania teorii chaosu do wspierania decyzji finansowych |
Title | Selected aspects of the use of chaos theory to support financial decisions |
Słowa kluczowe | teoria chaosu, rynki kapitałowe, analiza R/S, wykładnik Hursta, wymiar fraktalny |
Key words | chaos theory, capital markets, R/S analysis, Hurst exponent, fractal dimension |
Abstrakt | Celem publikacji jest omówienie wybranych aspektów teorii chaosu deterministycznego, oraz prezentacja rezultatów badań dotyczących możliwości wykorzystania narzędzi chaosu deterministycznego (wymiaru fraktalnego, wykładnika Hursta) do wspierania decyzji finansowych inwestorów giełdowych na przykładzie wybranych spółek funkcjonujących na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. Decyzje finansowe dotyczące inwestowania na rynku kapitałowym są na całym świecie przedmiotem licznych badań i analiz. Wykorzystuje się w nich różne metody i narzędzia badawcze. W celu prognozowania decyzji finansowych konstruowane są rozmaite modele, które nigdy nie dają pełnej pewności sukcesu i są obarczone, zwykle ryzykiem inwestycyjnym. Jedną z nowszych koncepcji wspomagania decyzji finansowych jest teoria chaosu deterministycznego. Cechy charakterystyczne, stany nierównowagi oraz mechanizm sprzężenia zwrotnego w wymiarze czasowym, znajdują swój wyraz w opisie za pomocą dynamicznych systemów nieliniowych. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is to discuss selected aspects of the deterministic chaos theory and to present the results of research on the possibility of using deterministic chaos tools (fractal dimension, Hurst exponent) to support financial decisions of stock investors on the example of selected companies operating on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Financial decisions on investing in the capital market are the subject of numerous studies and analyzes worldwide. Various methods and research tools are used. In order to forecast financial decisions, various models are constructed that never give full assurance of success and are burdened, usually with investment risk. One of the newer concepts of financial decision support is the theory of deterministic chaos. Characteristics, imbalances and feedback mechanisms in the time dimension find their expression in the description using dynamic non-linear systems. |
Cytowanie | Siemieniuk N., Siemieniuk T., Siemieniuk Ł. (2018) Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania teorii chaosu do wspierania decyzji finansowych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 237-247 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s237.pdf |
217. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Tetyana Bilyk, Volodymyr Ivanyshyn, Oleg Kucher |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | marketing strategies, organic production, organic product sales, government support |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article examines the state and prospects of organic production by agricultural enterprises in the Ukraine. Existing natural, climatic and soil potential for the production of organic agricultural products as well as their export and consumption in the domestic market are characterized. It was noted that the development of organic production is one of the main priorities of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy. State support for the development of this type of production is being implemented, as reflected in ‘3 + 5’ as a strategy for the development of the agrarian sector of the economy for the period until 2020. Attention is drawn to the instability of the environment, insufficient development of demand and limitations of financial resources, which hinder the realization of Ukraine’s potential in this segment of the agrarian sector. The conclusion on the necessity of applying marketing strategies for promoting and marketing organic products on domestic and foreign markets is drawn. The model of forming a marketing strategy of organic production development in the Ukraine is offered. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Bilyk T., Ivanyshyn V., Kucher O. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s34.pdf |
218. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Konrad Turkowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | aquaculture, adaptation, sustainability |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | In the late 1980s, inland aquaculture in Poland produced about 20 and 4 thousand tonnes of carp and trout, respectively. In 2016, the total volume of the sector’s production increased to over 35 thousand tonnes, including 18 and 16 thousand tonnes of the two species and above 1 thousand tonnes of another fish. This constitutes 94% of total catches of inland fish and about 15% including sea fishing. Globally, roughly 50% of seafood supply is produced by aquaculture, and farmed fish production exceeds that of farmed beef. The EU’s Blue Growth Strategy identifies aquaculture as a sector which could boost economic growth across Europe. The key challenges in the Polish aquaculture sector is significant production growth to 49 thousand tonnes by 2020 and increasing its competitiveness by using resources more effectively, supporting the market by building distribution chains, improving the quality of products and marketing, as well as increasing contribution to environmental protection. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Turkowski K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s92.pdf |
219. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Alicja Baranowska, Stanisław Kondracki, Daniel Rogoznicki |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | rural areas, Common Agricultural Policy, direct payments |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The impact assessment of the Common Agricultural Policy on transformation process of Polish agriculture following Poland’s accession to European Union has been carried out. The analysis took into account the changes of the Common Agricultural Policy in terms of goals and the directions of its evolution. In the paper the alterations in land, labour and capital resources of Polish agriculture were also analysed. It has been established that funds coming from the Community budget allowed Polish agriculture to adjust to the requirement of new environment. Integration into the European Union has created good conditions to dynamic development of the agri-food sector as a whole. Acceleration of the modernization and restructuring processes of Polish farms has taken place. These developments have resulted in a reduction in the total number of farms (by 52%) at the simultaneous rise in their average area (by 78%). Union financial measures have also influenced on generational renewal amongst farms managers. The funds considerably enhanced farmers’ incomes, which increased by 156%, thus promoting expenditure on investments. As a result the improvement of technical utilities of farms has been achieved. Consequently, labour productivity growth in Polish agriculture has also been recorded. A wide range of measures within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy enables to overcome many obstacles of the rural areas in Poland. It also creates possibilities to take advantage of naturally occurring assets in order to effectively compete on the external market. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Baranowska A., Kondracki S., Rogoznicki D. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s168.pdf |
220. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Oleksandra Mandych, Arkadii Mykytas, Liliia Prokopchuk |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | solar power, electricity, household electric energy, solar panels, bioeconomics |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | In recent decades considerable attention has been paid to alternative and renewable energy. Among the alternative sources, the sun’s energy is most appealing. Therefore, the development of solar energy, in the long run, is one of the top priorities. In practice, there are numerous barriers to the growth of the solar energy market. First of all, economic: fairly high prices for solar systems and payback period; the absence of working capital from manufacturing enterprises, the absence of specific mechanisms for stimulating production in the form of subsidies, tax exemptions, preferential tariff policies, etc. Therefore, research into the development of solar energy, as a real tool for a comprehensive solution to economic and environmental problems, is becoming increasingly relevant. The paper considers the energy policy of the use of renewable energy sources in rural areas. The theoretically feasible and technically achievable potential of solar energy in the territory of Ukraine was characterized. It was noted that the sun is the most affordable supplier of energy on earth today. The use of solar radiation is expedient for the development of thermal and electric energy and is possible throughout the territory of Ukraine. The dynamics of the commissioning of solar power plants by private households was analysed. The attention is focused on the application of the ‘green’ tariff, which stimulates the increase in the number of solar projects implemented in households. A financial model of private households of choosing a solar power plant option was proposed. The problems were identified and the possibilities of using solar energy for ensuring energy independence of households and profit generation were assessed. The forecast for the development of solar energy of the period up to 2020 was made. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Mandych O., Mykytas A., Prokopchuk L. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s231.pdf |